
A New Challenge (Naruto)

I was okay with going on another adventure. I like the challenge, especially considering how bonkers this place was already. Crazy magic, er, chakra? Fine. Aliens? Okay. Fighting another champion of the gods? Hell yes! But tell me why Fate decided to completely blind me in exchange for my original abilities and OP peepers that an entire clan already had. Okay, Fate, bring it!

Raat_Ki_Rani · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


AUTHOR'S NOTES; DOUBLE UPDATE WHOOOO. Dang I've been cranking these out. It might not seem like it since it's been so long in between updates, but considering how many other works I post for updates for and how long each chapter is, I'm doing pretty great. Remember, I never stop weitting or discontinue, just that I post in order of place in the series. 

Anyhow, how y'all been? Good? Good. I…. Don't really have much to say? Hmm. Well, as always, thx so much for the crazy support, both here and the series as a total. Each work can be read together or independently as the MC continues on her Journey through the cycle of reincarnation. Please, please let me know how you liked it. I'm getting to hear from you guys it's both the best inspiration and the greatest feeling. If there's something in particular you want to see, let me know! See ya in like a day or two.


The kami hate me.

I'm not sure what I could have possibly done in this life, or a previous one, but it must have been unforgivable. First, I was born to two struggling immigrants, an outcast in all ways, too strange and smart for others to accept me. And then, my parents, the only people to ever really love me were stolen away by the shinigami, and I swear, sometimes I hear his laughter in my dreams when I can't remember what they looked or sounded like. 

Then, for a while, things got better.

I became a genin and I had sensei and Tsunade and, yes, even that idiot, Jiraya. At first, I thought they would be like the others, disdainful and mistrustful eyes hidden behind strained smiles for the orphan freak, but I was wrong. Tsunade, princess of Konoha was harsh and wild, blunt with her words and actions, desperately trying to make a name for herself beyond her clan or gender. but she still found moments between it all to brush my hair or paint my nails like it wasn't something strange or wrong, amber eyes melting into warm sunlight and honey.

Sensei took my voracious appetite for knowledge and honed it, pushing me to seek more when others had scoffed and mocked me as impudent and greedy and foolish, their narrow minds unable to consider the possibilities I could see. Under the tutelage of the Professor, I could reach for the stars, and he would just smile kindly and correct my aim. I wasn't some overly ambitious, deluded orphan, but a genius, a diamond in the rough to be polished.

I was worth something.

And finally, there was jiraiya. In the begining he wasn't someone I could acknowledge. Loud and weak, he was dead last yet desperately fighting for the acknowledgment of all. An orphan, just like me, and he wore it proudly. He was all the worst parts of myself and I couldn't fucking stamd it.

But, slowly, slowly, he became something else. First an annoyance, then a rival, then team, and then …family. Jiraiya was the first to call me creepy and arrogant, but he was also the first to stand at my defence, be it from the scornful words of the villagers (who had only become worse with my changed appearance after signing the contract with the snakes), or the sharp blades of konoha's enemies.

Somewhere along the way, I'd learned to love Konoha even if it wasn't home, and that was fine, because Tsunade, sensei, and Jiraiya were.

And then things started falling apart again. Sensei did his best, but we saw him less when he became Hokage. I still had the others, but war took its toll on us. Tsunade… just broke. Her lover and her brother and every Senju, one by one, she lost them all. She changed, the light in her eyes gone and the softness and affection going with it. And then, she was gone too, unable to handle the expectations and memories and the constant fighting.

I could understand her, but it didn't hurt less. Then jiraiya, always nipping at her heels, left too, without thought or word, off to handle his own grief and to defend Konoha from the outside.

And here I was again, alone once more.They had done the one thing I thought they never would. They abandoned me. That was something I could understand, but not forgive.

Or …perhaps it's my fault. Maybe I wasn't enough to make them stay.

When Danzo came offering me distraction I took it, letting myself fall into my darker inclinations assuming Sarutobi-sensei would let me know if I was going too far. I tortured who they asked, dissected the enemies of Konoha, experimented with the bloodlines of the other villages. Eventually, Danzo brought me DNA to create a child, and I did it without question, not realizing the DNA was Senju. Now there is a tiny child growing in a ROOT lab, one related to Tsuna, and even if I could tell her, I don't think she'd ever forgive me for it.

Maybe if I was Hokage, maybe if I was safe from the seal on my tongue and the scorn of those around me, maybe if I could bring them back… but now Hatake-senpai has taken the position, something not unreasonable considering his seniority to the sanin and overall power and status. Somehow, though, I know it means sensei has abandoned me too.

I'm going mad.

I can feel it clawing at my lungs, in the beat of my heart, and the glimmer of snake eyes in the mirror. I feel it in my bones and under my skin like a monster ready to burst free.

My home is gone. 

It's Konoha's fault. 

I hate it.

The urge to give in, to burn it all down, to destroy, is becoming overwhelming. I swallow my drink harshly, watching the shadows around me sneer and whisper. If I cut out their tongues, would they fall silent? If I ripped off their legs would they kneel and learn to be grateful to one who has worked for the good of the village all their lives. If I dissected their eyes, would they see clearer?

Dimly, I note the way the shinobi and civilians start to tremble and shake, and the observation makes me realize that I've started leaking killing intent. With a sigh, I take another sip of my drink , watching in amusement as a man wets himself under my gaze. The bells on the bar door ring as the door opens, the only noise in the terrified silence.

Curious, I turn and the sight startles me into stillness, killing intent receding although still present.

It was… a doll? No, a baby. A small one who casually strides into the bar, and head cocked, begins to approach. For a second, I wonder if the girl has a mental issue keeping her from perceiving danger, but then I notice the cloth over her eyes and the clan crest on her clothes and I realize where I saw that silver striped hair before.

Akari Uchiha, "Star" of her clan, indeed. So young yet already being hailed a genius. I wonder if the title will treat her better than it did me. Silently, I watch her totter over, oddly precise in her footing despite her short, pudgy legs. Dragging out the bar stool, she climbs up next to me, nearly smacking her head on the underside of the bar counter, before settling with a huff, head turned like she was watching me despite her obvious blindness.

"Kid-" someone managed to stutter out, a nobody shinobi still frozen, but the girl just raises her hand for silence, and to my amusement, the brat gets it.

"Oh?" I hiss, leaning into her space, bemused by the oddity of this whole situation. Precocious little thing, isn't she? Letting my smile turn cruel, I start to amp up my killing intent again, interested to see what happens.

Admittedly, I wasn't expecting her to reach out and tap my nose with an utterly serious frown. I hear someone choke behind us as I stare at her with incredulity. "Stop that. It's rude."

I'd never do something as undignified as gaping, but it's a close thing. Not only is she unaffected by my killing intent, no small feat in itself, but her speed, although paltry to my own, is still incredible for her age and size, meaning it could only be a result of immense chakra control.

Before I can formulate a suitably terrifying response, the girl taps a leg pouch, and with a poof, she unseals a flower crown and casually sets it on my head. I could have stopped her by ripping her little arms off, but decide it's probably not worth the backlash of maiming the Uchiha princess. So, in the end, I end up with a garland on my head.

"Why?" I ask bluntly, not sure if I'm adressing her about the flower crown or the kami about the reason they like seeing me suffer in such ridiculous situations.

The girl shrugs. "I thought you were pretty."

"You're blind," I point out, not sure if I should be offended. "And I'm a man."

"I have other ways of seeing, and men can be pretty. Bye bye." And with that she begin to slide off the too tall stool on her belly, her too tiny legs wiggling in the air to find purchase.

Snatching her by the collar, I toss her through the air towards the door. But, rather than crashing, the child easily twists midair to land like a cat on her feet, waving a farewell without turning back as she slips out the door just as suddenly as she'd come.

"What the fuck?" I murmur, bemused.


After that, I seemed to have gained two shadows, and for once they weren't demons of my own making. Kakashi Hateke and Akari Uchiha, the geniuses of their generation, were stalking me. Whether I was eating or training or even hiding, the little shits somehow managed to track me down everytime.

Sometimes they would aproach, voices respectful and calm, often bringing gifts in the form of sweets, snacks, flowers, or even once, a pretty pair of snake earings with fucking storage seals hidden in them. Other times, they would just observe from the shadows until I threw kunai at them, having the audacity to use it like some kind of training. Subconsciously, though, I started making it harder, laying traps or hiding my chakra and erasing my scent, but even after a month and what was likely several trips to the hospital, they still hadn't given up

"Enough," I hiss after a particularly brutal mission, shushining over to the pair and grabbing them by their collars. "What do you want?"

My killing intent blasts the clearing as I hold them at eye level, teeth bared. The white haired brat begins to tremble under a force far higher than I normally used on them, but the Uchiha runt just huffs in exasperation, completely unbothered, her hand clasping her partner's, and instantly, he relaxes as she begins to envelope him in positive intent, the counter of killing intent.

The chakra control… no, focus!

"Isn't it obvious? We want you to teach us," Kakashi states, voice only quaking slightly.

"No," I state dropping them, eyes wide. I don't want the responsibility. I don't want the chance that I would start to care. And I definitely don't want another team. I saw what all that got me and I refuse to be thrown away again. "No. Stay away."

I shushin away.


The brats are persistent, I'll give them that. Even after a full week, they're still on me like Tsunade on sake. They are good, too. I have no clue how they keep managing to find me. Hell, the gremlins even managed to find their way into my apartment, twice, undeterred when I literally tossed them out the window and increased the traps.

The third time, I tied them up and hung them upside from my ceiling for three hours before deciding to remove their gags and guestion them. 

"I gotta pee," Akari mutters, annoyed and still somehow looking bored with the situation.

"Sully my rugs and I really will kill you," I growl, utterly at my limit. These damn children were beginning to draw attention, and even I wouldn't wish Danzo on them. "Why the hell should I take you on? Why shouldn't I just slit you open and use you for my next experiment?"

Akari tilts her head, and with a snap, breaks her bindings, Kakashi doing the same. Both flip, landing in a crouch on my floor, dusting themselves off in an infuriatingly nonchalant manner.

They are so utterly unafraid that it challenges my understanding of everything. I don't understand! Everyone is afraid of me! Even sensei sometimes gets this look in his eyes like he can't trust me! Why?!

"Train us, and I'll tell you something you want to know," the girl says easily, plopping herself on my couch.

"And what, pray tell, could a baby like you know that I, a fucking sanin, do not?" I roar, furious at the thought of this little girl questioning my endless pursuit in knowledge, my life's work so casually.

Today had been a rough day. The Senju fetus is starting to develope facial features. I think it might have Tsunade's eye shape. The madness is winning. I'll kill them, I'll rip their fool tongues out of their head, I'll feed them to Manda-

"Uchiha Clan secrets." I freeze, locking my eyes on the girl. "More specifically, what happens when a person dies."

My heart stops. The Uchiha Clan's kekkei genkai, particularly the evolved Sharingan that everyone knows to run from, is infamous for its mysterious and unique abilities, different for each weirder. It's not unreasonable that one of them would have an ability that could find out such things…

"Maybe I should just torture it out of you and be done with it," I purr, licking my lips to disguise the pounding of my heart.

"You could try, assuming we have all of it, earning the animosity of all of Konoha, particularly Yondaime-sama," Kakashi drawls, tipping over to rest his head in his accomplice's lap. "Or you could just train us, and in our gratitude and loyalty for our sensei, we might let all sorts of things slip."

"Maybe you'll find the information on your own, but this little deal will sure save you a lot of time," Akari, the little devil, sing songs,

Making some quick calculations, I begrudgingly acknowledge the validity of that. Exhausted and desperate for any bit of light in the hell I am living, I toss caution to the wind. "Fine. 630 tomorrow at trading ground 44. Get out."

"Deal, but I'm using your bathroom," Akari states. "Do you know how small my bladder is? You're very lucky, sensei, that my will power is what it is."

I wonder why the new title makes my chest ache.


"Damn, I thought we might really die this time. Also, why do all your plans involve threats of bodily harm," Kakashi murmurs as we leave Orochimaru's house, Katsuki and Chiaki, our perpetually babysitters, melting in from the shadows around us.

"Shinobi," I shrug. It is honestly a fair explanation. Threats and violence were how we operate after all. 

"And are we just pretending to get close to him so we can contain a threat or ar we really making friends?" Kakashi asks, another fair question.

 I pause, turning to Kakashi and pulling him to a stop, his hands in mine. "Orochimaru is an injured soul, a shinobi of Konoha who has lost the Will of Fire and lived in pain for a long time. If we can help people like that, and protect our village while we do it, we should. We're shinobi, but we should still offer kindness whenever possible, especially to our comrades."

Kakashi considers this, and eventually nods, brow furrowed. My friend was still young, but one day, I think he'll understand. "Come one, let's go. Otou-sama will be home for dinner."


"Welcome home, pups," Sakumo calls as we slip into the house, tugging off our shoes. Tonight, we were staying at the Hatake compound. With both our parents busy between missions, the police force, and Hokage-dom, they had developed a sort of co parenting system in which Kashi and I were passed between them like hot potatoes. Hell, I have a room and wardrobe here.

"Oji-sama," I greet, hugging him with Kashi when he kneels.

"How was your day?" Kashi asks, nuzzling his father before dragging me to the table.

"It was good. I even finished early with the help of my clones," Sakumo smirks. "And you two? What mischief were you up to?"

I shrug, patting Chiaki when she slumps against my side, hissing at Katsuki when the dark wolf walks to close. The cat summons and dog summons were actually not as antagonistic as you would think. Most of their snipping was an act from what I could tell of their chakra, and the mutual respect was there. On the other hand, the disdain for the three "Great Summons", the toads, snakes, and slugs, is very real. The idea of the great summons was actually a relatively new one that was mostly developed when all three of those summoning clans managed to produce at least a partial sage at the same time in the Sanin during their famous exploits in the SecondWar. In reality, while all three clans where respected for their abilities, they weren't inherently stronger, although the toads are among the oldest. There is also some kind of misconception that only those three clans have a connection to senjutsu, something the other summoning clans are noticeably displeased with, and apparently, the bragging wasn't helping.

In reality, summons were actually relatively rare, so there is plenty of misinformation about them. For starters, shinobi could hold more than a single contract assuming his summons were fine with it. For example, the Hatake actually had both the dogs and the wolves, something I had only recently realized. Additionally, summoning was extremely useful, but only if you had the chakra for it. Otherwise, you were just as likely to kill yourself as the enemy was. Summons of the huge variety are actually relatively common among the clans, size often indicating their age, power, and standing in the clan, meaning the bigger you are, the higher up im the hierarchy you'd be. The reason why it is so rare to see summons like Manda or Giant Katsuya is simply because most Shinobi lack the chakra to bring them forth.

"Oh, we found a teacher. Orochimaru-sama is taking us on," Kashi says lazily but the buzz of his chakra is all wicked amusement. I cover my grin, amused by my own influence on him, our friendship having loosened him up. The future copy ninja is not so inclined to cling to the rules for a sense of control, but rather, had found the joy of trolling people much earlier than canon.

In response, Oji-sama promptly breaks a plate. "Oro- pardon, cub, but did you just say Orochimaru? Why?! No, more importantly, how?!" the Yondaime sputters.

"Hn," I tell him ambiguously.

Sakumo sighs. "Are you sure?" I unseal some paper tags with privacy seals on it, all taught by Minato and Kushina, and he sets them around the kitchen, blocking the ears of the hovering ANBU, (and ROOT), currently guarding the Hokage. Once the barrier goes up, like cotton in my ears, Sakumo returns,cupping my face between large, calloused palms, concerned. "What is it?"

"Orochimaru needs our help, Akari says he's alone, so we should see if we can help. Otherwise, bad things will happen," Kakashi informs grimly.

I nod, and Sakumo seems to soften, pulling both, of us closer. "Like me. I see."

I go to deny that assumption, but find myself pausing. Now that I think about it, the similarities between both shinobi are actually quite numerous, and the realization only cements my desire to help the snake man and it eases something inside of me that's been wondering if it wasn't just better to avoid the problem altogether bye killing him off or setting a trap for others to take him out.

"Fine. Is there anything I can do to help?" My uncle asks, moving back to the stove to start platting our food. I think for a moment before removing my blindfold, letting my eyes shift into their evolved form and visions flicker rapidly across my sight. Ignoring the sudden weariness in my bones, I lean on the table, picking up my chopsticks. "Rotten ROOTS are the most dangerous to the tree. Also, saplings need sunlight to thrive."

Something dark enters Sakumo's aura although his graceful movements don't stutter in the slightest. "Is that so? I should have been told earlier."

I wince. There was Sandaime covering up for his friend once more. Well, unfortunately for them, Sakumo wasn't as willing to forgive shit. Huirzen isn't bad by nature, just oblivious and blinded by love. It was a weakness, an unforgivable one at that, but I couldn't hate him for it. The man had sacrificed everything for Konoha, his only selfishness was for his own people, and he inadvertently gave too much of his power away. I don't think he truly understands the damage Danzo has done, nor how dangerous and psychotic he is, having been gaslighted for years by all the elders, his former teammates. But, unfortunately, it doesn't mean the blood spilled isn't still partially on his hands. He even left Sakumo, his successor, in the dark, a genuinely disastrous move on his part, but alas, what's done is done. There is nothing left to do now but open his eyes.

"Tell me about these saplings, " Sakumo states, his voice uncharacteristically stern and I recognize it as his "commander voice." Of course Sakumo would be most concerned about "saplings". 

"Sapplings that are surrounded by strong trees, ones that bathe in the light for all to see, they cannot be touched by poisonous roots and shadows. But the other saplings, the lone ones, may find themselves ensnared and drained of all good nutrients," I explain, humming at the taste of the eggplant in my bowl. Kakashi watches intently, eyes flicking between us like he was watching a tennis match. He knows enough about ROOT to avoid it, but little beyond that, and I know he's doing his best to absorb all he can from the coded conversation. "That's all for now."

Sakumo frowns, but he doesn't argue, abruptly changing the conversation as he removes the seals. "Alright. Thank you, cub. I'll be working late tomorrow. There are some meetings I have to attend with the civilian council about the winter festival, so you too will be staying at the Uchiha compound."

"Winter festival?" I ask, curious. I knew about a festival this time of year vaguely, but I'm 3. I'd never actually gone due to my weak health, aka chakra sensitivity and my stupid eyes causing me to randomly keel over.

"Yes… you might not know because the Uchiha don't celebrate with the rest of the village," Sakumo states slowly. 

I set my chopsticks down in surprise. "Hn?"

"The Uchiha celebrate a fire festival, a homage to Amaterasu, during the same time. For some reason the winter festival is always scheduled on the same day for the last several years…" Sakumo pauses,wheels turning. "Huh."

My Mangekyo spins to life and I begin to flicker rapidly between scenarios, choices, and changes in the span of only a second before forcibly cutting off the chakra flow and turning my eyes back to normal. It was much easier to do know after having received some lessons from Ryōsuke- Ojiisama. "Our homage to Amaterasu is the same day and can't be moved due to ancient traditions. We have to honor Ameterasu on the solcitice to show that even when the sun is hidden for the longest time of the year, we still praise her gloriousness and seek her guidance. Uchiha take it extremely seriously. The day after is when we usually do the festive things like eating and dancing. Can you push the festival back a day so that the Uchiha can celebrate with the rest of the village. That's how it was done during Shodaime and Nidaime's time."

"I remember that. Let me speak with your parents," Sakumo says thoughtfully. I smile contentedly, picking up my chopsticks again. I'd leave it to Sakumo. I know he'll fairly and sincerely protect my clan. That's who he was after all, someone who never abandoned his comrades.


"We've not been able to participate in decades," Mama-sama states in wonder. My parents, Ryōsuke- Ojiisama, Akane-obachan, Shisui, Kakashi and I were gathered in my living room, comfortably seated at the kotatsu as we drank tea.

"We need to preform. You said we had traditional fire dances, right? Teach me. We have some time left. I should be able to learn. Also, Kashi, you're performing with me. A dance in honor of Lady Amaterasu and Lord Susanoo."

"What, why?" Kakashi sputters.

"Politics. A rift has formed between the Uchiha and the rest of the village. Despite us being a founding clan, we're being looked at with wariness in our own home. It's no coincidence we've been unable to participate for so long in a festival that was founded by us and the Senju during the Founding Era."

"Sandaime- sama-" My father starts, brows furrowed.

"-loves us, but he is just one man." I interrupt. "Also, part of the reason for the rift is the police force. Organizations like that always accrue resentment. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if Nidaime was trying to harm us purposefully."

"Tobirama-sama hadn't been the one to change the festival day, but his general dislike of Uchiha was very well known, excluding Kagami Uchiha, of course," Ryōsuke- Ojiisama adds gruffly. Speaking of Kagami, his grandson takes the opportunity to crawl into my arms for some cuddles. Shisui is an absolute angel. At 2, he was already showing signs of being a prodigy and his cat-like eyes, one of the only Uchiha to have them besides our mothers and myself, were always squinted with happiness and mischief.

Sakumo-ojisama was wrong about me holding the title of most affectionate Uchiha. I think I'll have to concede it to Shisui.

"Riri, Kashi," he mumbles, wiggling his way into the space between us, and the older boy just pats his head and tucks him properly beneathe the kotetsu blanket. Akane-obachan and Mama coo, someone snapping a picture.

"So what do you suggest," Ryōsuke- Ojiisama asks, leaning forward on the table, pride and satisfaction in his chakra aura.

"We preform at the festival, we share our traditions and food and art with the rest of the people. We remind them that we are protectors of the leaf, but also people, just like them, that we are capable of more then slaughter. I'll show off the power of the clan heir by participating, and Kakashi, I need your help. Not only are you non Uchiha, showing that we do, in fact, care about more than ourselves, but you're also the Hateke heir and the Hokage's son. You can win glory for yourself and Ojisama as well."

"By dancing?" He says flatly.

I shoot him an exasperated look. "No, you stubborn puppy. By sword dancing. We'll show off our skill, in front of the village and the daimyou."

"Interesting," Papa begins to smirk, leaning back and crossing his arms. "But what would you have us do about the police force?"

I roll my eyes beneath silk. Honestly, did they need me to spell out every little thing? "Open the force up, obviously. Why should our clan be the ones to solely carry the burden. The Inuzuka and Aburame have techniques that would be perfect for it. The Hyuuga branch members would take any opportunity to spend less time under the thumb of their main family. Even non clan shinobi would be great to bulk up the numbers. Then more Uchiha can enter ANBU or even just regular missions where we can interact more with our comrades. The war will be an opportunity for us, unfortunate as it is. People always fear what they don't know or understand, and we've become isolated, too content to remain with our own, and Konoha… doesn't know us anymore, if they ever did." I glance directly at my father and emphasize my words by deliberately running a hand over my blindfold. "That's extremely dangerous"

My parents, grandfather, and Kakashi stiffen, all of which are aware of the ability of my eyes and the implication of my words. Only Akane-obasan and Shisui remain oblivious. My father nods grimly, turning to my mother, "Teach her, Mikoto."

"I'll help," Kakashi agrees as well, his hand gripping mine, and that's that.


AN; How do we like Orochimaru? I checked canon and apparently he only really goes off the rails during the third war and later, so I figure it's ok to be sympathetic to him at this point where he hasn't really done anything yet. I also enjoy his dynamic with the gremlins. It was fun to write lol.

MC and her flower crowns lol which of you homies caught that Easter egg from the rest of the series?

The Uchiha massacre is 14 ish years away, but MC is already making moves. The distance between the clan and the rest of the village started way before Kurama's rampage, so ima being doing world building on that here. Tobirama's feelings towards the Uchiha + the popo are solid reasons for resentment, so I'll be using that.

Anyway, let me know your feelings down bellow. 💙