
A New Beginning [Currently Rewriting]

Saito Fumiya just wants to be free. His whole life, Fumiya had to deal with his parent's expectations, never being able to experience a normal teenage life. After falling asleep, Fumiya wakes up to find he is in another world! But wait a second, it looks strangely familiar...

IchiZeroSan · Video Games
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10 Chs

SS- Sayori: The Boy I Love

Ring! Ring! Ring! The alarm clock rang, telling me to get up.

Smack! With my palm, I turned off the alarm.

"Sigh." I'm awake, but I don't feel like getting up. Is there any reason to? Oh, right, school.

It takes me ten minutes to get out of bed. I have no reason to hurry up anyway, it's not like anyone is waiting for me…

"Ah! Fumiya-kun!" I started to hurry up as soon as I remembered the boy's name.

Saito Fumiya. A boy who I have been friends with ever since I was little. He is also the boy I have a crush on. Even when he was little, he always helped me out, talked to me, and paid attention to me.

We were inseparable in elementary school. We shared classes every year. We used to have so much fun together. I still fondly remember a memory of us pretending to be a married couple.

"Ehehe~" I let out a giggle as I thought about it.

I quickly grabbed something to eat and went out. Usually, Fumiya-kun would walk by my house around this time, but he was nowhere to be found. I was getting worried; this never happens to him.

I decided to go to his house. It was less than a minute away from mine.

"Fumiya-kun!" I shouted, but he didn't hear me. He was mumbling something.

"Fumiya-kun!" I shouted again. He stood still with a pensive look.

"Fumiya-kun! We're going to be late!" That seemed to do it. He turned around to look at me.

Aw! He looks so good with his messy black hair!

"Geez. You're usually the one to tell me how I shouldn't be late to school, but here you are, just standing about in front of your house." I let out a small sigh. Sometimes he comes to my house to wake me up; it makes me really happy. Why is he out here, though? Unless…

"Wait, don't tell me you were out here waiting for me!" Ehehe~ He was just a bit shy to wait in front of my house; that's cute.

"Aww, that's sweet of you!" I told him. "Well, let's get going! We don't want to be late!"

"H-Hold up! W-Who are you and how do you know me?" He yelled.



It was so sad! Fumiya has amnesia! He didn't even remember me! What's weird, though, is that he remembers my friend, Monika. There is some good news, though…I can call him by his first name now! It makes me feel fuzzy! After that, I convinced him to join the literature club! Yay!


Uuuu! I'm so embarrassed! Fumiya was there when I was dreaming. I really hope I didn't mutter anything embarrassing…

But I didn't want him to worry about me. I don't want to make him feel responsible for me.

"You didn't have to wait for me, you know?" I told him as we were walking to school.

"Huh? Why not?" Fumiya asked.

"Well, I don't want you to be late because of me. I don't want to be a burden on you." I didn't mean to say that; it just slipped out. But it was true. It was how I felt.

"Sayori…Don't ever think of yourself as a burden. You're not."


"No buts." Fumiya pulled something out of his bag. Is that…a bento?

"Here," He handed me the small box. "I was going to surprise you, but I made you a bento."

"Huh?" He made me something? Why? Why go through the effort when I…

"You're my precious childhood friend. Don't forget that, okay?" He gave me a sincere smile. That's right, we are childhood friends, and we take care of each other.

"Come on,. Let's get going!" He is so kind, even now…

"I'll fall for you even more if you keep acting like this." I murmured to myself. But…do I deserve to feel this way?


"Hey, Fumiya? Want to walk home together?"



Today in club time, we introduced ourselves. Monika and Fumiya told us to introduce ourselves as if we had just met. It was super fun! Fumiya was a bit shy, but it was really cute! But I wondered something…



"Are you having fun?"

"Fun? Of course I have." He looked at me as if I was crazy. "Just being included is enough to distract me from my problems." Wait, what?

"Problems?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. Besides the whole amnesia thing, I've got my own personal problems." He had a solemn look on his face.

"I see…" Was Fumiya going through something? I don't want to think about that. It hurts my heart to think that he might be suffering.

"Hey, Sayori?"

"Y-Yeah?" His voice surprised me. I was stuck in my thoughts.

"How about we hang out this weekend?" Really?


"Of course, besides, we haven't hung out in a while, right?" He was right. It had been years since we'd last hanged out.


"My house or yours?"

"Yours!" I immediately answered. "I haven't been to your house in a while. I want to see your room!" Ehehe~ I can't wait to see his room!

"Is this Sunday fine?"

"Yep! I can't wait!~"


"Gasp! Don't tell me…you don't want to be friends anymore?"

It was lunchtime, and we were eating each other's lunches. I woke up super early to make it! It did take a lot of tries to make it good, though…

Fumiya had asked me how to make male friends. Why? Did he not want to be with me anymore?

"What?! N-No, of course not. I like you!" W-W-What is he saying!?

"W-Wait, not like that! I mean that I like our friendship! Wait that doesn't sound right either! You get what I mean, right?"

I"m so embarrassed right now! What has gotten into him? But…

"A-Ah, well, I like you too" Oh no! I didn't mean to say that!


"A-Ah! I-I'll see you later, F-Fumiya!" I got up and left in a hurry. My face was so red!


"Ehehe~ This is so funny."

"Huh? Why?"

"I was just thinking how weird is is to have a friend who does these kinds of things."

Fumiya was right in front of me. He was trying to button up my blazer.

"Friends help each other out, right?" Dummy.

"S-Sure, but I'm happy we're like this." Ehehe~ It feels like I'm his girlfriend!

"This one won't even close!"


"And why are you smiling at that?" He asked me. It could only mean one thing…

"It means my boobs got bigger again!"

"Y-You k-know what? Y-You can keep it unbuttoned." Fumiya backed away from me. Was he embarrassed?

"Really? Yaay~!"

"Phew! This is so much better~!" I felt more free, so much so that I twirled around.

"I guess we really are better at taking care of each other than we are at taking care of ourselves."


"So maybe you should come wake up in the mornings from now on!" I said it as a joke, but I really did want him to come by in the mornings. It makes me really happy when he does that.

"F-Fine, I'll come by in the mornings."

"Really? I was joking."

"Y-Yeah…I don't mind…"

"Yaay!~" Things just keep getting better!


"Ready to walk home, Fumiya?"



Today we all shared our poems. I didn't know that Fumiya could write! It was so good! I didn't quite understand what his poem meant, but that's fine. I could feel his feelings from it!

"You know, Fumiya…" A thought crossed my mind. "It's nice that I get to spend time with you in the club. But I think seeing you get along with everyone is what makes me the happiest."

I really did. Before this, Fumiya was always by himself and always went straight home, so seeing him hang out with me and become friends with the club made me very happy.

"And I think everyone really likes you, too!" I told him.

"Ehehe~ Everyday is going to be so much fun!"

"I hope so…" I wish that every day could be like this…


Knock! Knock! Knock!

It was Sunday. The day when we finally hang out! I was outside his house, knocking. It's embarrassing, but I woke up early to come over, ehehe…

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Fumiya! Are you awake?" I knocked again, but he didn't answer. Was he still asleep? I was about to knock again when I heard him coming down.

"Y-Yo." He greeted me. There was something wrong, though…he still had his school clothes on!

"Eh? Um…Fumiya?"


"We don't have school today, you know, right?"

"What? B-But it's Saturday after school, I took a nap, and—oh." Fumiya finally realized what was happening.

"I slept through the whole night, didn't I?"

"Ehehe~ You can be cute sometimes too!" His hair was so messy! Well, more messy than before, but he kind of looks like a puppy! I actually wanna pet him now!

After that, he told me to come inside and wait while he showered and changed. I was sitting there when I remembered that he had said he hadn't eaten breakfast yet. I wanted to make something for him, so I tried to make us some eggs to eat, but something went wrong…the eggs were burned!

"Sayori? Are you cooking?" Oh no!

"Ahh! Don't look!" I tried to cover the eggs up so he couldn't see it, but…

"Oh…" I failed!

"I-I'm sorry!" I apologized. "I tried to cook us some eggs because you hadn't eaten breakfast, but I got distracted!"

"W-Well, at least you didn't almost burn down the house." That was mean! I tried cooking once, and my house almost caught fire! Thankfully, Fumiya was there to help.

"H-Hey! T-That was an accident!" I frantically yelled. "W-What do we do, Fumiya?" I didn't want to make him upset.

"Let's see…Oh! We could try cooking together."

"That's a great idea! Here!" I gave him an apron I found. I think they belong to his parents. Speaking of which, where are they?

"Let's get started." Fumiya gave me a smile as he said that. He doesn't look concerned, so I won't worry about it.


"Ehehe~" I couldn't help but giggle when we finished cooking.

"Hm? Something happened?" Fumiya asked. Hehe…

"We look like a married couple!" I yelled.

"Cough W-Wha Cough are you Cough saying!?" Fumiya was so embarrassed.

"Ehehe~" It was true, though! We were side by side cooking together.

"Don't 'ehehe~' me!" He chopped my head. Ow! But I didn't mind. It was fun!

After eating, we went to his room.

"Wow! That's a lot of books!" Fumiya had a big bookshelf with a ton of books. Most of them were reference books, though.

"Is this how you do it?" After looking at the books, I saw that he had some weights in the corner. Does that mean he has muscles?! N-Not that I want to see! I wouldn't mind if he showed me…

"Sigh. You should stop before you hurt yourself."

"Booo~" I pouted. Come on! I want to have fun!

"Ehehe~ Your bed is so comfortable, Fumiya~ and—" I had jumped onto his bed and sniffed it. "It smells just like you!"

"D-Don't go sniffing my bed!" He yelled. "You wouldn't want me sniffing yours, would you?" Well…

"I wouldn't mind…" I spoke in a low voice so he wouldn't hear me.

"What did you say?" It looks like he heard me saying something. Whoops!

"N-Nothing!" I sat up straight. I was blushing, and looked like he was too! Just barely, though.

After that, we did a lot of fun things! We watched one of my favorite anime and played some video games! I wanted to stay over, but he told me no! Boo! But that was fine. After all, how could I not listen to the boy I love?

Author's Note

First SS!

Here are Sayori's thoughts throughout the chapters!

Next up is Monika, which would end this arc. Yuri and Natsuki will get one in the next arc. Sayori and Monika were the main focus of this arc, so look forward to that.

Thanks for reading!