

A month had passed since the detention. A month in which the Malfoy and Potter groups had gotten to know each other and forged strong friendships, which oddly hadn't surprised many students. Also, a month in which, Ginny kept harassing Ron and especially Harry, wanting to make them understand that Hermione was "just a fool blinded by jealousy", that the Malfoy gang were all assassins deserving death and that she was the only one capable of making Harry, the woman of his life, happy. The golden trio were losing more and more patience with her. Lately, Hermione had been fighting with her.

It was a Monday, the day was drawing to a close. Pansy and Theodore were sitting in Draco's prefect room waiting for Draco and Blaise to join them. As pansy turned the page of the book she was immersed in, the front door was opened letting their two friends in before being violently slammed by draco. Seeming in black anger, he began to throw everything in his path. Blaise having joined the other two on the sofa sighed before ignoring the blonde like his friends, giving him time to calm down. But his anger didn't seem to end. Exasperated, Pansy violently closed her book while shouting stop at Draco before ordering him to sit down. He did so, muttering something that the Malfoys weren't taking orders from anyone. His friends all rolled their eyes. After giving a glass of water to his best friend, Pansy came to sit down in front of him between Blaise and Theodore then spoke

- Now that you're calm down. Can you explain to me what's happening to you?

Draco pouted and kept his mouth shut. Pansy therefore turned to Blaise not without glaring at the blonde.

- I'm listening to you Blaise

- Well, we were with mione, ron and Harry when the redhead came back again. She jumped straight into Harry's arms and kissed him by surprise. He got it out quickly. Then she started to tell her nonsense while clinging to Harry's arm. I can tell you that draco was even more pissed off than usual.

- Of course I was pissed off Draco yelled. She arrives like a flower and allows herself to kiss and touch him. But it's mine that shit guy

Pansy chuckled as Draco realizing his words internally called himself a fool.

- Here, you finally admit that you fall for Harry? Said Theodore with a smirk

- I don't know what you're talking about said Draco swelling his cheeks

- So you don't mind that I introduce a friend of mine who is crushing on him to Harry? Said maliciously pansy

- I forbid you to do that cried Draco. Harry is mine

- Well we agree then said Theodore laughing

While Blaise and Theodore gently laughed at Draco with his rosy cheeks, pansy started to hop

- If you knew from the time that I was waiting for you to admit it. I saw the looks between you. So what do you plan to do to conquer it? She says

- I don't know. With him I don't know how to act. He drives me crazy with a look. Said Draco taking his head in his hands

- Ooh la la, our little draco is really in love, said Blaise smiling

- If you want my opinion honey said Pansy, let your instinct speak and be yourself. Seduce him to Malfoy. With his eyes on you, I don't think he's against it.

- Um, I think it's a good idea but easier said than done said Draco with a sigh

-Courage said Theodore placing a hand on his shoulder.

They spent a while cheering him up and giving him courage before leaving him alone and heading to the Slytherin dormitory. After dinner in the great room, Draco walked around his room before starting his prefect round. He had been patrolling for almost two hours, having caught a few students not respecting the curfew and removed a few points less when, passing near the door that opened onto the forest, he sensed a presence. Paying more attention, he noticed a human shadow near the stairs.

He asked the person to show up, which of course they did not. On the contrary, she began to run to escape him. So began a chase in the corridors and stairs of the castle. He eventually caught up with the shadow and cornered her with no way to escape in the astronomy tower. She had her back to him. He ordered her to turn around before throwing a lumos. Great was her surprise when she saw that it was Harry. He also seemed surprised. Draco spoke

- What are you doing outside your dorm at this hour?

- I wanted to get some fresh air. I was coming home from the forest when you surprised me and made me run around the castle

Harry, exhausted, seated himself against a wall. He was quickly joined by drago

- If I had known it was you, sighed Draco

- Would you let me go?

- I would have cast an immobilization spell on you for a long time and would be happy to denounce you to McGonagall said Draco mischievously sticking his tongue out at him

Harry laughed well aware that Draco was laughing.

-So like that, you needed air? Draco asked

-Yes, a nightmare. I'm doing a few more

- Oh I see

Silence fell over them. Draco took the opportunity to observe Harry from top to bottom. He was not wearing his uniform. A button-down shirt in a hurry that let a glimpse of the tanned skin of his chest, and slim jeans that hinted at its forms. His hair was a mess and he was sweating from their run. As he watched the path of a drop of sweat down the ebony haired young man's chest, he turned to him and their eyes met.

The blond suddenly felt a heat inflamed his lower abdomen and licked his lips as he saw Harry nibble his. Following pansy's advice, he let his instincts guide him and swooped down on the griffindor's lips to kiss her gently. Harry at first shocked, began to respond to the blonde's kiss. Very quickly they let themselves be carried away by passion. Draco began to stroke Harry through his clothes while making him lie down on the floor. Feeling the need to touch the skin of the red and gold, he passed his hands under his shirt continuing his caresses which were also returned by Harry. But as he moved his hands down to Harry's pants, Harry's red with embarrassment pushed him back before running away. Draco took a moment to recover as he cursed Pansy and her advice. Damn instincts.


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