
A New 21 Year Old Her

~ON HOLD~ Please support my new book "Love You Until Rebirth" Free in the meantime! Young, beautiful and talented, Lu Shengyi appears to have it all, even to the extent of inheriting a fortune from an anonymous stranger. But behind the wiles of this seductress who never ceases to amaze all who beheld her, Shengyi appears to have a secret that she cannot tell: her tale of transmigration, and the deal behind it. Enter Shan Hanyu, the new intern at Shengyi Corporation, who seems to know a little something about the heiress. But what happens one night when the cold and eccentric CEO from the rival company, Cullen Fu appears at her bedside, telling her "It's time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain"? Suddenly, she finds the man's tone oddly familiar, but cannot remember where she has heard it before. "Here, let me remind you who I am." Exploring her dainty mouth with his icy tongue, Cullen shows her what it means to give her soul and her love in her deal... with the devil. ------ hit me up on discord at lingchenxi#4127 if you do have any enquiries! GOLD TIER winner for WPC#155: New Beginnings! update schedule: HIATUS

lingchenxi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

:: An Immortal Desire ::

Slowly, Cullen pulls away and clamps his arms possessively around my shoulders. His sharp chin nudges my cheek as his cold breath impales me. His voice penetrates the small space we are in, still within the force field he has created. When he speaks, I realise the difference.

"Ah, you are ready… my angel?" he mutters, this time a little more sensually than normal.

I blush at the way he calls me 'his angel', but in spite of his change in temperament, there is still a cold gust of air about him. Up close, his lips look irresistible, goading me to fall deeper down this bottomless pit of desire and longing for more.

Whether it is love or lust, it does not bother me. I am a strong woman and the knowledge of this sexy devil-demon is my fate to have, gives me the reassurance he completes me. I admit I have been stubborn while accepting my sensuality, but today is a definite game-changer to see that he too can be a hot-blooded sensual male with a desire as passionate as ever.

He wants me... He wants me, I tell myself. I quell my frustration with the fact that he has meant what he said and that he does harbour feelings for me. I can't be hurt the second time around. I need him to stay strong to the words he has told me. And even if I have to go all out to repel the other females I will, in a civilised manner. My strong will tells me I am capable of keeping him only interested in me. But in no way am I making this easy for him.

"I know how you can be jealous, my angel," he winks at me deviously. "But in time, you will know my feelings for you are true." 

I have been stuck with him for no less than three weeks and he has distracted me long enough that I had lost all track of time with him. Although he angers me at times, he is still the object of my desire. 

"Cullen, I can't take this anymore." I tremble as his cold touch appears to perforate my layers of human skin and render me helpless against his torment. I am seduced wholly by this sexy 'god' of lust. I can barely explain the series of obscene images I now see appearing in my mind.

Stop, stop! I don't want to reprimand myself about how I desperately wanted to be taken by Cullen, after numerous times of it 'not happening' because once, Cullen said I was not ready and another time, because he was teasing.

"It seems the angel is serious about being defiled by her devil," he blasts me with a cold tasteless remark. One part of me wanted to burst at him and battle him, but deep down, I know he is right. After failing numerous times in debating with the demon himself, I fathom that it will just end up a fruitless argument, so I nod. I concede defeat. 

"Cullen, make me yours right now," I declare. "I don't want to wait until we are back to our respective lives, being Cullen Fu and Lu Shengyi. While we are away from our world, I want to enjoy this special time with you."

He smiles, introducing a wee bit of warmth in his nonetheless pale and icy visage. "Ah, you came to your senses, Miss Lu? Finally decided what was right for you?"

Need he be so sarcastic? I scowled, ignoring the dampness of my few layers of clothing and the neediness of my body. My body was craving something that I did not even know how the feeling was like. The desire sweeping through me was indescribable.

'You are ready.' His words repeated themselves in my mind. He had read through me so well to derive that I have come to a conclusion that the best decision was to surrender myself wholly to him. Simply put, a tug of war between the demon and myself would end up futile. Plus, he could read every single of my thoughts. What would benefit me more than the union Cullen had promised me?

"Yes, Cullen," I faced him tenderly. His hands shifted from securing me by my shoulders to cup my cheeks. 

"Something is different today, my dear. I don't know if it is the atmosphere, the food or just you. I need you, Shengyi."

I shudder at how he makes himself appear so sexual when he says that he needs me. Cullen has always been cold, but today he is cold-sensual. It triggers my desire for him so badly, that I wanted to just throw myself at his feet, but my dignity disagrees. Yet, this feeling is mutual. I remind myself that there is nothing wrong with doing 'it' with someone I genuinely like. Albeit the fact that I have no knowledge of how it feels or tastes like. 

Cullen has always seemed to be above me in everything. Whether he was sensual or not, I didn't know because he never revealed that part of himself. After all, even in books, demons were the seducers. Whether he had a desire like a human or not, remained a complete mystery to me.

"Cullen, I… I…" I was at an utter loss of words. I was lost for a few long seconds, not knowing what to say or react. I was emotional. From the corner of my eyes, I could feel tears form.

He soothed me by nuzzling me with his nose. It was a very intimate gesture from him. 

"My dear angel, do you consent to the contract I proposed to you a few weeks ago?"

"I… I thought you knew the answer already…"

"When you make a deal with a demon or even give verbal consent, it has to be clear and straight to the point," Cullen whispered, pushing his face closer to mine. I stifled a moan, feeling my temperature rise with the tingle of his cold cheeks brushing against mine. 

"Let yourself go," he said. "Here, there will be only you and me."

I looked around us to absorb that we were not at the parking lot, but in the cavern, which he had first brought us to. I had not realised when he had teleported, or if he had recited any incantation. 

"How… did you do that?" I murmured.

He lifted me up and set me on the stone bed in the cavern. This exact stone bed had been where I had been sleeping while we stayed at the cavern, while he did not seem to need sleep at all. This time, it appeared to have some use to Cullen.

"Demon technology. I'll explain more to you later."

Uhuh. Again, later. But this was not the time for some educational lecture. I am here to savour a very special moment in my life.

So, was he going to do anything or just continue staring at me in his stoic manner?

He smiled, reading my thoughts and lifting my relaxed arms above my head, pinned them so that I was unable to move. 

"I enjoy restraining you in this way, my dear angel."

"Mmmm," I attempted to speak, but his lips closed on mine and restricted me from saying a word. His cold body over mine chilled me like icicles, while the fire in his eyes tempted me. I wanted him to take me so badly, without a care for any possible consequences.

"My angel, you are sinning badly," he stated tauntingly. I couldn't think of anything else but to bite my lower lips in frustration. At this crucial moment, he really has the mood to tease me.

"Don't do that. Have you not read the mortal novel I recommended to you? About Elsa Red and Jerry Phantom, and how the female protagonist's occasional habit of biting her lower lip would turn on the male protagonist?"

Exploring the contents of the book Cullen had mentioned in my head, I began to wonder if my devil was affected in the same way as a mere mortal. Without thinking, I continued to bite my lips innocently.

"Angel, you're pushing it. Fine, if this is what you want, I'll not fall back from it."

With that, he released my arms and surprised me with his cold lips on mine. A kiss without warning was not new to me, but he was biting on my lower lips with much fervour that I was burning. His other hand glided downwards to creep below the spot where my dress ended. He hiked my dress up higher, revealing my petite pale thighs.

I assured myself with the fact that I was wearing safety shorts under the dress along with my underwear, so he wouldn't be staring directly at my southern madame, I hope. Unless of course, if he has X-ray vision. I don't really want to think about that.

He just moves his finger down my body, drawing a horizontal line in the middle, and magically, my clothes fall to the ground, as if he had sliced through them. I had seen him deprive me of my clothing in seconds, but why did he need to do it the hard way? Even if, the hard way was an easy way compared to having to unzip and remove each article of clothing in the way. Demon magic was fascinating.

He admires the sight before him, making me flush deeply, which I can feel from the heat in my cheeks.

"We have all night, my dear."

I pull my eyes shut in anticipation of what comes next, trembling with every single breath. 

"Cullen, I accept. And I agree to be yours."

A long silence ensued, and any words or sounds that came from my mouth was blocked out by the sudden downpour outside the cavern. 

He snaps his fingers so hard to make the bothersome noise of the loud raindrops pattering on the ground stop momentarily and then utters, "Look at me when you say those words. You know it's not sincere to say a promise with your eyes closed."

But when I open my eyes, a most extraordinary sight bedazzles me, and I almost stop breathing for a few long seconds.