
A NEET's Bizarre Adventure: Standmaku Crusaders

Evil is brewing. After the awakening of a powerful vampire, superhuman abilities known as STANDMAKU are awakening in people all across the globe. One such person is 17 year old Kaguya Houraisan, a shut in and NEET since the day her parents were killed in a plane crash. She is forcibly thrust into a battle of good vs. evil when the vampire PADIO threatens to enslave the mortal races with an army of Standmaku users.

ptaneshima · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


With one swift move Kaguya's evil spirit had grabbed Fujiyama Volcano by the neck. She smiled as Mokou began to grasp at her throat, apparently being affected as well.

"I see... it's very powerful!" Mokou struggled to speak. Though it had not physically laid hands on her, seemingly the act of putting hands on Fujiyama Volcano affected its user as well, as if she was one with her summoned spirit creature.

"Don't test me! I'll snap your neck, Mokou!" Kaguya's eyes burned with rage.

"Eirin... seems like we both underestimated her, huh? She may end up killing me if I don't get serious with her...."

"If you promise to leave and never return, I'll spare your life!"

"If... you still want me to get her out, I'll have to give it all I've got. She may end up in the hospital." Mokou said, seemingly ignoring Kaguya.

"Do whatever it takes, Mokou. Just don't kill her!" Eirin simply gave a thumbs up. She tried to look calm but deep inside she feared things would get out of hand. After all, Kaguya was her only family left.

"Blaze Sign! Phoenix Feathers!" Fujiyama Volcano became engulfed in flames, becoming a blur of red hot heat as its screech echoed.

"Can't... breathe..." Kaguya gasped as the intense heat brought her to her knees, gasping for breath.

"Now that I have your attention..." Mokou said. "Maybe now you'll listen to reason!"

Kaguya was now lying on the floor, gasping for breath. Fujiyama Volcano finally began to power down, giving Kaguya a chance to catch her breath.

"Listen closely, Kaguya. That is no evil spirit. In fact, it is the manifestation of a person's mental energy; their fighting force! We call them STANDMAKU!"(幽弾幕 Ghostly Danmaku)

"Listen Mokou..." Kaguya picked herself off from the ground slowly. "All this Standmaku stuff? It ain't my business. I don't want anything to do with it!" She was on her knees now, sweating profusely but still alive. The edges of her jacket were burnt.

"Then, you'll come on out of there?"

Without warning, Kaguya's Standmaku had reappeared. "You'll die first!" With a swift punch, it busted through the rest of the steel bars of the jail cell, bending them like they were made of rubber. Before she had a chance to attack though, Mokou had already swung around to leave.

"What the hell are you doing? Weren't you trying to fight me?"

"Eirin, as you can see, she's left the cell." Mokou smiled, before turning to face Eirin.

"Fujiawara no Mokou, the stubborn, strong-headed and prideful woman that she is, let me win?" Kaguya asked, perplexed at this decision. The two were often at odds. She had good intentions but she came off as overly preachy, as if her main hobby was to lecture her at any opportunity she got.

"Listen Kaguya, not all things in life need to be settled with violence. Remember that."

"Come on, we can talk at home." Eirin said, tossing a handkerchief over to Kaguya. "For now, let's get out of here."

"Agreed. This way..." Mokou said leading the way. "We need to talk... talk more about these Standmaku. Truth be told, they've been manifesting all across the globe for the past 2 or 3 months."

"I was able to see it because, truth be told, I have one myself." Eirin said.

"Not you too, old geezer?"

Seemingly, her life was changing before her eyes. Kaguya didn't realize it then and there, but seemingly, a chain of events had already been set in motion. One that would change the course of her teenage life forever.

* * *

"Yes, her grandmother came to collect her just half an hour ago. I heard her say 'Standmaku', I'm sure that they know." The police officer spoke in a hushed tone.

"And do you know where they're heading right now?"

"According to the personal files of that girl, Eientei. The estate of the Yagokoro family about 20 minutes outside Ningen no Sato. Just within the Take no Mori National Park area."

"I'll be there. I'll wire you the money as soon as I confirm the kill. Thank you for your cooperation." There was a click, and a beeping sound as the person on the other side of the line hung up.