
A NEET's Bizarre Adventure: Standmaku Crusaders

Evil is brewing. After the awakening of a powerful vampire, superhuman abilities known as STANDMAKU are awakening in people all across the globe. One such person is 17 year old Kaguya Houraisan, a shut in and NEET since the day her parents were killed in a plane crash. She is forcibly thrust into a battle of good vs. evil when the vampire PADIO threatens to enslave the mortal races with an army of Standmaku users.

ptaneshima · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Fujiyama Volcano

The sun was shining brightly, casting its brilliant rays out onto the Sea of Okhotsk on a Friday morning. Today, only a lone ship sailed out over the frigid waters. A small unmarked fishing boat gently bobbed over the calm relatively calm sea as the sound of a mechanical grinding broke the silence.

"Alright, just a little more. Careful not to damage it or it'll be off with your heads!" A tall muscular man shouted. His underlings heaved as they worked the winch at the back of the boat, slowly bringing up something heavy from the bottom of the ocean.

"I can see it, we've almost go it up to the surface." One of the sailors said, grinning. The men had been after this particular object for sometime now. Rumors of the ornate box near the coast of Gensokyo had sent some into a rush to find it. Tales of ornate treasure, gold and other things fit for a pirate's treasure. At least, that is what most people had imagined such a chest would contain.

"Quickly men, we have no time to waste. Open it up!"

"Aye, aye, captain." All four men said in unison. The item itself was a large and heavily rusted. It was covered in barnacles and and seaweed. Engraved on the heavy lock which sealed were engraved an ornate rose.

"It's locked!" The captain captain grumbled. Not that it mattered now. He was gonna be rich now that he had found the supposed treasure.

"Come on men, hurry it up while the sun's still up! Let's get this damn thing open and go home." The leader of the men said as they carefully pried the huge chest open. With a heavy thud, the lid of the chest hit the deck as the group peered carefully inside.

Months after this discovery, a ship had been found out at sea. No one was on board. Everything on board remained untouched. No sign of a struggle, equipment in perfect working order, but the crew had vanished. Not a single trace of human life except for a few mugs of coffee and a large chest out on the deck. It had been opened with a blowtorch and was completely empty. What happened to the crew? What about the treasure? Rumor has it, that the chest contained the Scarlet family's most prized treasures. Decadent ornate items that were of immense value... but after a few months, the whole incident was forgotten. Chalked up as just another urban legend and creepy-pasta. A modern day reenactment of the Mary Celeste mystery.

* * *

"Mokou, over here!" Eirin waved as a tall, white haired woman stepped off the train.

"Eirin?" She smiled, walking over. Fujiwara no Mokou, eldest daughter of Gensokyo's most notable family; the Fujiwara clan. Well-known and influential, they had roots all across Gensokyo and Japan. Fujiwara no Mokou smiled as she embraced Eirin.

"Thank you for coming." Eirin said. The past few hours were hectic, but finally she could relax a little. The sight of her old friend certainly had put her to ease.

"I'm happy to help you out. When I received your call, I jumped on the first train from Mayohiga Town straight here." Mokou smiled, hands stuffed into her red overalls.

"How are things at the school?"

"Keine was... hesitant to let me go. I told her you needed me urgently, so I'm sure she understands. I didn't mention the whole evil spirit thing to her because she'd just worry. She's always worrying about me." Mokou laughed it off. "She's taking a few days off and will be here tomorrow to join us."

"It's a relief that Keine is OK with you being away from the school. Here, let me carry your suitcase." Eirin said as they walked away from the now bustling train station.

Gensokyo was a more or less rural place, and people who weren't locals rarely came here. The train station was their link to the outside world and the rest of Japan. Here, things were slowly becoming modern but a lot of the old still remained. Ningen no Sato was the oldest village in Gensokyo and things were more or less unchanged in this place, unlike Mayohiga Town, which had seen and unprecedented modernization over the past few decades with its rows of modern Western-style houses and conveniences, all funded by the booming economy and the nation's export of high-quality agricultural products.

"Recently, some of the youkai have been acting up. Random murders, rise in violence even in densely populated areas... I can't help but wonder if this is connected?" Mokou said.

"Ever since Reimu died, things have changed, and not all for the better. That spirit... I caught a glimpse of it... some kind of ghostly arm! I've never seen anything like it! The policeman wasn't able to see it though, which makes it even stranger." Eirin continued as the two made their way onto the main road.

"You could see it but nobody else could?" Mokou started walking at a much brisker pace, a light bulb seemingly going off in her head.

Mokou was incredibly knowledgeable in such matters, especially the occult, astrology and the ancient arcane sciences. Things have never been the same in Gensokyo since the death of Reimu. That was over 50 years ago, and seems like things were about to get a lot stranger.

* * *

Inside Kaguya's cell, dozens of new items had appeared, all brought forth by her 'spirit'. Mostly manga, but other things too. A Polystation Portable, a computer tablet, snacks and soft drinks and other odds and ends. A remote-control car and even a radio.

"More stuff appeared... how the hell did this get here?" The officer on duty had left for 5 minutes and suddenly a wave of new items was already inside the locked cell.

"I'm here to collect my granddaughter." It was Eirin again, this time, her voice was firm and resolute.

"Listen lady, you sure this is safe? Maybe we should call an exorcist or something..." The officer said nervously.

"Kaguya..." It was Mokou. Her voice was one that rung out with authority, like that of an older sister. Kaguya wasn't on the best of terms with her, any they often argued and fought bitterly since the former was a child, but the two had a kind of mutual respect for one another. "We're here to help you. Just come on out of there."

Rising up from the sofa that her spirit had brought in, she walked up to the bars where Mokou was standing.

"Damn it, woman. You really brought Mokou here?" Kaguya's eyes blazed, glaring at Mokou with contempt.

"We're getting you out of there whether you like it or not." Mokou's gaze was cold as steel.

"Look, it sucks my old lady dragged you here from your pencil pushing in Mayohiga, but I'm telling you there isn't a thing you can do." Kaguya was unflinching.

"Wha..." Mokou's eyes shot wide open and her serious look was changed to that of utter surprise. In the blink of an eye, a purple blur lashed out and pulled a button from her shirt.

"I can't believe it!" Mokou cried out as Kaguya held the shiny gold button between her fingertips.

"Stay the hell back, I'm warning you." Kaguya flicked the button back to her, her bored facial expression giving off the sense that she really didn't see Mokou as a threat at all.

"I see how it is." Mokou regained her cool just as suddenly as she had lost it, stuffing the button into her pockets. Just from this brief encounter, she already knew what she was dealing with.

"It seems I'll have to force her out of there." Mokou said, turning to face Eirin. "That fine with you?"

"Force? Are you going to fight me?" Kaguya walked up to the bars, her eyes locked onto Mokou. "I don't think you know what you're dealing with here!"

"You'll be begging to be let out when I'm done." Mokou was back in her serious mode. Her eyes scanning Kaguya from head to toe.

"That's alright." Eirin nodded. "Give it your all."

"Wait hold on a minute, don't you dare cause a mess in here!" The police officer protested.

"Shut the hell up!" Mokou glared at him, causing him to take a few steps back. Mokou was a fearsome woman if you dared to get in her way.

"Alright..." the officer slowly backed down. "I... I... I'll be out in the lobby..."

Sweat dripped from Mokou's forehead as she began to give off a glowing red aura. From behind Mokou a fiery figure burst out. It had the upper torso of a human and the head of a mythical phoenix. Its sharp, intimidating beak was its most prominent feature, along with the crimson read feathers on its head and legs. It was both beautiful and terrifying to behold.

"What the..." Kaguya took a few steps backwards, blasted by the incredible heat.

"Take a good look, Kaguya! I have an evil spirit of my own. Fujiyama Volcano is what I cal lit, and it does as I command!" The fearsome creature stood at a towering at 6 feet tall.

Kaguya began to sweat. The heat was like standing near an open furnace.

"Mokou, look!" Eirin pointed as Kaguya's own spirit began to finally manifest itself in full. It had long, wavy, black hair which was similar to Kaguya's own, held in place by a metallic headband. It also wore a small mushroom on the side of its head. Its shoulders had what looked to be armored plates, with a wavy line running down from each arm to the front of its torso. Besides the black, finger-less, studded gloves it wore, the only other article of clothing was a loincloth and knee high black boots.

"So, it finally showed itself." Eirin said as the Kaguya's spirit began to glow full of energy.