
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

The Key In 10 Years · Games
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1287 Chs

Soria's Super Magic Set

Translator: Lonelytree

However, he suddenly changed the topic and said,

" Ma 'am, have you ever thought that your father was willing to open the study to you when a distinguished guest came because he installed a surveillance spell in the study?

"Everything you said just now might be known by him."

As soon as he said that.

Ashe's face immediately turned extremely pale.

She immediately stuttered,

"Then just now, we…"

Matthew bluntly distanced himself from the matter and said,

"There is no us, only you.

"I'm just a guest here to find the method to make the Book of Dead Souls.

"From the beginning to the end, you were the one talking to yourself.

"If your father asks you in the future, he will only point the spearhead at you!"

Ashe's face turned even paler. Her legs went weak as she leaned back and sat down on the desk.

Following this action.