
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

The Key In 10 Years · Games
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Rheagar's Sisters

Translator: Lonelytree

Zeller warned Matthew cautiously,

" Letting an arsonist make the Blazing Glue might be risky."

Matthew was full of confidence.

"As long as they enter my cemetery, they will never have the thought of committing a crime.

" I'll let the ghosts absorb a part of their energy and make them depressed. Then, I'll let the skeletons and zombies supervise them and warn them of the consequences if they dare to rebel.

"In fact, if they really rebel, wouldn't it be good news for Rolling Stone Town? At the very least, I will have a legitimate opportunity to kill them, and I will have another batch of undead to serve me!"

Matthew was so confident.

Zeller didn't say anything and said that he would transfer the prisoner to Matthew's cemetery by this afternoon.

Matthew got a batch of free labour as he wished and leaned back on the sofa in satisfaction.

"Is there any news in Rolling Stone Town recently?" he asked casually.