
A Naughty CEO's Love

A mystery man who pretends to be poor to find true love meets with a famous woman who betrayed by her ex-boyfriend " I rather be with a man who is ugly, poor, and imported but can give me true love and respect" ...... " Wife I want you" " What!!? don't you import?" " Wife I buy a big house for you" " What the hell are you!?" .....

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Am your husband

Warning. R rated

"Boss, madam we are here" said the driver as he opened the door for them. Arya was surprised to find herself at the Seven Star hotel. She looked at Jason for a while, then at the hotel.

"Why have we come to such a big hotel?" she asked, staring at Jason. Not long after, the hotel manager came and received them with great respect. He led them to their prepared room. Jason took Arya's hand and walked with her into the hotel without saying a word.

Arya was so scared that her heartbeat started to beat loudly, making her feel more ashamed. When they reached the door of the room, the manager said goodbye and left. Jason took out the card and opened the door.

"What, do you want me to carry you inside?" asked Jason as he smiled and looked at Arya, who was shaking with fear.

"Jason, I don't think it's right ....Ahhh," before she finished speaking, Jason lifted her and put her on his shoulder. Then he went inside and closed the door.

"Jason, you can't do this to me, this is not fair!" Arya complained after being set down by Jason. "Can you please bear with it? I'm not ready,!" said Arya as she turned back, but Jason didn't seem to be listening to what she was saying. He continued to approach her while unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

After going back for a long time, Arya found herself reaching the end, and at the same time, Jason pushed her against the wall.

"I'm your husband, it's my right to do this with you. You don't need to prepare because I'm the one preparing you," said Jason. Without wasting time, he kissed Aryawas momentary stunned and made Jason to have a chance to push his tongue inside her mouth and devour her complete.

After kissing her for a long time, Jason let go of Arya, who was panting heavily with a blush face, her lips was wet and open which made Jason licked his lips while looking at her with full of lust.

"Mm sweet," he said, then he started to kiss her neck and licked her while his hands moved on Arya's body and made her tremble with excitement.

'Oh what happens to me? Why do I feel this way?' Arya thought, but before she could make up her mind, Jason's hand had already reached her back and unzipped her gown.

"Jason, wait..."

"Shhh, don't worry. I won't hurt you," said Jason as he finished unzipping Arya's dress and made it fall to her feet. Jason found himself exploring Arya's body which was so breath taking and made him want to eat her right away but restrained himself because he knew it was her first time. He slowly carried her and laid her on the bed, then he came on top of her and started kissing her lips, neck, temper until he reached her breasts. Jason started sucking one of Arya's nipples and rubbing the other with his left hand, making Arya cry with pleasure.

"Ah," her beautiful voice made Jason more harden, he took off his shirt and lifted Arya's legs and started kissing her thighs slowly moving towards where Arya's honey mouth is. After finding out what Jason wanted to do, Arya tried to close her legs but Jason held her so tightly that she couldn't do what she wanted.

"N...no Jason is n-ot there," said Arya as she was having a hard time due to the excitement she was getting but the feeling of being kissed there made her feel shy and her face turn red

"Why?" Jason asked as he began to remove Arya's underwear.

"It's dirty," said Arya while covering her face in shame. Jason laughed a little. Then he threw Arya's underwear aside and said

"Oh well, let me check for myself if it's dirty or not," he said then he dipped his head between Arya's thighs and slowly began to lick Arya's honey mouth and play her clit by his thumb

"Ahh ooh nggg oh my God ahh Jason pl..ease," Arya close her eyes in pressure and her hands hold Jason hair tight, she couldn't think properly at that time because the pleasure was overwhelming her resistance Jason stop licking her as he slowly inserted his finger and made Arya startle and feeling pain and pressure at the same time, she moans louder and made Jason grown between her thighs...

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