
A Natural Magician

In a fantasy world of magic and swords, I, an ordinary person, soar freely, taming powerful magical beasts, conquering top-tier beauties, and leaving behind the name "Demon God King" that resonates throughout the ages.

llllliumuyan · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: The Demon Princess' Divine Weapon

Although I didn't know what she intended to do, seeing that she didn't seem to have any malice, I allowed her to proceed and observe what she would do.

Suddenly, the princess shoved my index finger into her rosy lips, and a sharp pain pierced through my fingertip, as if she had bitten it hard with her jade-like teeth.

Instinctively, I tried to withdraw my finger, but the princess' delicate hand grasped it tightly, and bright red blood dripped from the corner of her lips, her icy skin contrasting sharply with the blood.

I grunted and was about to use magic, but the princess' clear eyes did not give me any sense of hostility, so I endured the pain in my fingertip and watched the beautiful woman's every move.

The princess took my finger out of her mouth and pressed it against her white forehead, chanting, "Oh, Great Dark Demon God, I, Princess AyeXiaLucifer of the Demon Realm, hereby establish a contract. The person before me shall be my master. With the master's blood as the medium, if there is disobedience, one shall perish."

A dark light emanated from her body, and the blood from my finger on her forehead transformed into a strange symbol under the glow of the dark light.

Although I didn't recognize this symbol, common sense told me that it was a mark of the contract's establishment. Combined with the princess' chant just now, it meant...

I was startled and quickly withdrew my finger. This time, the princess didn't stop me and let go, allowing me to retract it. She gazed at me deeply with her expressive eyes.

I asked sternly, "Princess, what have you done?"

The princess' gaze remained fixed on me, and she said, "Among the females of the royal family of the Demon Realm, there is a rule. If a woman is defeated by a man and saved by him at the same time, she must consider that man her master. Just now, I used your blood to complete the 'Blood Oath' chant. You live, I live; you die, I die. You are now the master of Princess AyeXiaLucifer, the First Princess of the Demon Realm."

Ah? Such a good thing? I looked at the beautiful woman in front of me with astonishment and joy, confirming, "Are you truly my servant? Obedient to all my commands?"

The Princess Aye nodded firmly.

This was fantastic, like a dream come true. I quickly suppressed the saliva that was about to spill out of my mouth and smirked lecherously, "Then take off all your clothes and let me have a good look."

Instantly, Princess Aye's beautiful face turned ashen. She couldn't believe that this powerful mage, who could easily cast even a water-based forbidden spell, would issue such a command to her. She had never been touched by a man before. What kind of master had she chosen?

I watched Aye with both anticipation and nervousness, fearing that she might go berserk. However, she suddenly seemed to make a decision, gritted her teeth, and with a wave of her delicate hand, the thin black robe on her body fell to the ground. A perfectly beautiful female body, resembling a divine creature, suddenly appeared in front of me.

I was deeply shocked. For a moment, my lustful thoughts vanished, and I admired her as if she were a superb work of art.

Aye was originally embarrassed, angry, and helpless. Bound by the oath and contract, she had to obey my command, and her heart was filled with shame and indignation. However, when she met my clear and transparent gaze, her agitated heart suddenly calmed down, and she proudly showed me her beautiful body.

I was overwhelmed by the purity and beauty of this sight, and my lustful thoughts dissipated. I averted my gaze and said, "Aye, put on your clothes."

Aye remained motionless and asked, "Master, don't you want Aye?"

My face reddened slightly, and I said awkwardly, "If you don't put on your clothes, I really will take you. But don't get too excited too soon. I just don't want you to give yourself to a man you just met. Wait for a while..."

Aye flashed a beautiful smile, probably because she could see that I was a man with a guilty conscience but without guts. She bent down to pick up and put on her clothes, saying, "Master, Aye has had all the self-awareness and has been waiting for you. Now, let me show you something pretty."

Suddenly, her delicate body made a graceful whirl, and dark light flashed. Her human form was lost in the shimmering darkness. When the darkness dispersed, Aye had disappeared. Instead, a long, narrow, and black translucent sword was stuck in the ground.

What... what was happening?

As I was bewildered, Aye's voice rang in my heart, "Master, once a female of our demon royal family performs the 'Blood Oath,' she gains the ability to transform into a weapon. I am the sword, and the sword is me. I can help you dominate the world and be undefeatable."

I was both surprised and delighted. I never expected Aye to have such a power. I stepped forward and grasped the sword's handle, feeling a strange sensation flowing through my arm to my heart. It was as if I was holding a part of my own body. I could sense Aye's heart, transformed into a sword, awaiting my command.

Although I didn't know much about swordsmanship, I had learned a few moves from watching Livia practice. After pondering and swinging the sword a few times, I realized it had little power. I knew I wasn't cut out for swordsmanship; even with a legendary sword in hand, it wouldn't help.

Truth be told, I wasn't talented in magic as well. But because I possessed boundless magic power, even the most difficult spells became trifles for me.

Aye's voice sounded in my heart again, "Master, I see you're not very skilled in swordsmanship (so honest). When I transform into a sword, I can amplify your magic power by three times. You might want to try a magic swordsman's technique, channeling offensive magic into me, and then let it out through me after amplification. I think it would be very powerful."

I gave it a try, chanting, "'Thunderbolt,'" while raising the "Aye" sword high into the sky. Instantly, a bolt of lightning struck the sword, making the long, dark blade sparkle with electricity, dazzling to behold.

'Thunderbolt' was only a basic lightning magic spell that any magician could perform. Its power wasn't particularly strong (similar to 'Fireball').

I swung the sword through the air, and a beam of light flew out from the blade, surrounded by swirling electricity. Within a radius of tens of meters, lightning exploded, creating countless craters in an instant. The power was comparable to an intermediate-level magic spell.

I was ecstatic. Before I could try a stronger spell, "Aye" chirped. I sensed her intention and threw her into the air. With a flash of darkness, the beautiful Princess Aye materialized and landed on the ground.

I embraced the gorgeous princess in my arms and said, "Aye, you're amazing. Huh, if your demon race has such abilities, why did you lose to the gods?"

Aye, like a docile bird, nestled in my arms, devoid of her initial coldness and majesty. She said in a gentle voice, "You think it's easy to transform into a weapon? There are few females in our demon royal family. If there are, they are usually powerful warriors. It's rare for someone to escape from their hands, let alone defeat them and save them. So, since the existence of our demon realm, including me, only three people have had this ability. One is my father's concubine, and the other... alas... However, their powers are inferior to mine, so they couldn't defeat the gods."

I understood only half of what she said, but I didn't care to understand it all. The important thing was that I had such a noble princess from a rare breed who had sworn to follow and obey me. Regarding the conflict between the gods and demons, hmm, what did it matter to me?