An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Discord --
Roman kind of bailed right after I paid my Lien for his 'services'. The skeptical part of me wants to say I was just tricked out of my money, but I also feel like he would be genuinely offended to be associated with such a low-brow scheme.
What an interesting character he is.
He just left and gave me an address to check out in a few hours while he deals with all the logistics. I downed my drink and was about to leave when a strong perfume hit my nostrils.
"Hey there cutie, haven't seen you here before."
"Melanie, do you have to flirt with every new guy that comes in?" Another similar voice flanked me.
I turned to see a set of twins take a seat on either side of me, their dress a bit eye catching, but matching all the same.
"Ladies." I greeted.
"Don't be like that, Miltia, he's your type." The one who spoke seemed to be named Melanie.
"Doesn't mean I'm going to just throw myself at him, you can be such a slut sometimes." The one named Militia rolled her eyes.
"Can I help either of you?" I asked, wondering what they wanted from me.
"You can buy me a drink." Melanie winked.
"What're you doing here?" Miltia demanded.
I just blinked at the sudden comments. "I was talking to Junior and Roman, but they had things to take care of so I was about to leave."
"Junior just left you alone at his bar?" Miltia seemed surprised.
"I guess? I think I may have said something to offend him." I just shrugged.
"Junior doesn't get offended, he gets annoyed." Melanie interjected. "What'd you say to get his panties in a twist?"
"I made a comment about joining the Mistral tournament?"
"Brothers." Melanie rolled her eyes. "He can be such a drama queen about that." She got up and walked around to the bar, pulling out a bottle and started pouring herself a drink. "Boohoo daddy wouldn't let me be a huntsman."
"Melanie." Miltia growled.
"What? He's not the only one who got fucked over, but he mopes around every year when the tournament comes around." She scowled unrepentantly. "Not like it's a big fucking secret."
"Really, are you gonna do this now?" Miltia sighed.
"What? No ones here yet, I'll get into character when more people start showing up." She downed her drink, turning around and disappearing into the back.
"Well….that was something." I commented.
"My sister can be a bitch sometimes." Miltia said with clear annoyance in her voice, she took off her heels, setting them on the counter before rubbing her feet. "Had to walk around Vale all damn morning passing out fliers, and that bitch probably dumped them in the trash somewhere to fuck off for the day."
"Work for Junior then?" I asked. "What's that like?" Well, I didn't have anything to do for the moment, wouldn't mind knowing a bit more about this whole thing.
"It's money." She shrugged. "We basically just play the club scene, get idiot boys to throw around Lien after flashing some leg and if anyone gets too rowdy, we put them down." She put her feet up on another stool. "What about you?"
"First time in Vale, Junior and Roman have been helpful." I said idly, fingering my empty glass. "Not much of a story there, just got my Aura awakened, so that's something I guess."
"Roman and helpful in the same sentence?" She snorted. "How many drinks you in?"
"What, is that unusual? I mean….he can be a bit sarcastic and flippant, but otherwise he wasn't really…." I didn't know quite the right word --- mean?
"I think I only know two people who can put up with Roman, Junior and that midget. He barely goes a single word without insulting someone enough that weapons start coming out."
"Huh…" I just scratched my cheek. "He said I reminded him of himself, maybe that's it." I shrugged.
"Yeah…I can see it." She gave me a once over. "You have that same 'I'm better than you' look, but less punchable."
"Only 'less'.?" I raised an eyebrow.
She shrugged, her lips curling up. "I call it like I see it."
I couldn't help but laugh, I liked her snark even if that's practically a compliment compared to Scathach's sharp tongue. "Well, I like to think I pull of the 'punchable face' look pretty well." I adjusted my hat.
"Mmm, 6/10."
"Well, there goes my self-esteem."
"You hang around Roman, I doubt you had any to begin with."
"Ouch, you really just go for the jugular every time." I clutched my heart dramatically. "By the way, I'm Wilhelm, don't think I introduced myself."
"It's part of my charm." She flashed a smile. "Miltia."
Well, she isn't wrong. "I should be heading out, need to find Roman to make my stay here legal."
"Whatever." She nonchalantly replied. "But if you come back later, maybe I'll have time for a dance."
"Tempting, but I'm spoken for."
"Ugh, of course you are." She groaned.
"I wouldn't mind being a friend though." I offered. I did enjoy her personality.
"Brothers that's so corny." She rolled her eyes.
I just shrugged again; I'm not going to broken up that she didn't want to be friends. "Well see you around." I began to walk away.
"I didn't say no." She said just loud enough for me to hear.
I couldn't help but smile slightly. I had a feeling I would get along with her like a house on fire.
I walked a fair distance away towards the 'industrial' district. It was nice to know that each district was so obviously segregated.
But the fact that I was only given an address and nothing else made me realize, I had no idea where the fuck I was going.
Now that I think about it, he probably did that on purpose.
Roman seems like the kind of person who likes to fuck with people.
"Hands up!"
I blinked, hearing a shout from behind me. I turned around to see a man holding a gun up towards me. My eyes swept the surroundings and no one else was around. He was a bit scraggly, but his clothes weren't unkempt enough for me to assume he's homeless.
"Are you robbing me?" I couldn't help but ask.
"No, I want to know what shampoo you use." His sarcasm clear in his voice. "Of course I am, now, wallet and scroll."
Is this Karma? Is it because I robbed that guy the other day? "Don't wanna."
"What do you mean 'don't wanna?'" He stared at me incredulously, "Empty your pockets or I'll shoot!" He shook his gun for emphasis.
"Nice gun, what kind of bullets it got?"
"Why the hell should I tell you!?" He seemed more and more confused with my manner of speech.
"So not dust bullets, and looks like a run of the mill small arm." I nodded. "Tell me, why did you think it was a good idea to point a shitty gun like that at someone with Aura?"
He paused, realization dawning on him. "Oh."
"'Oh' indeed." I deadpanned.
"Well, this is awkward." He lowered his hand. "Can we pretend this didn't happen?"
You know, I appreciated the balls on this guy. "Tell you what, you help me find this address and I'll walk away without you having to swallow each bullet one by one." I held out my piece of paper.
He took the piece of paper happily and stared at it. "Why do you need to go to Roman's hideout." He looked up at me blinking. "I mean….i've never heard of this place?"
"Wait….are you one of Roman's henchmen?"
"Sweet merciful gods." I sighed. "I...just take me there, I have business with him."
"Yes sir!" He saluted, and I followed him down a few alleys.
It was surprisingly not very far, I probably could have found it if I searched around a little, but whatever. It was pretty nondescript, a warehouse in a sea of warehouses and similar looking buildings.
The idiot led me inside and I was immediately greeted to the familiar sight of a orange-haired thief. "Oh, kid, you made it." He was leaning on a table, smoking a cignar. "And you found one of my minions."
"More like he found me." I said dryly.
Roman sighed. "Red, what did you do?"
"N-nothing, sir. I was just –"
"He tried to rob me at gunpoint." I deadpanned, interrupting the now named 'Red'.
Roman face palmed. "Just…..go back to work."
"Yes sir." Red happily took the chance to run away.
"I hope that isn't the bar for your employees."
Roman actually let out a laugh. "This is the –" He had the face of someone counting in their head. "12th time, he's done something like this."
"Really? And you still keep him around." I was a bit flabbergasted.
"Nono, you don't understand." He chuckled before continuing. "I'm waiting until it blows up in his face, that guy is the luckiest son of a bitch I've ever met in my life. This wasn't even the dumbest stunt he's pulled and so far, there isn't even a whisper of his face being flashed around any police station."
"Let me put it like this." He cleared his throat. "He tried to rob the Deputy Headmistress of Beacon." Roman could barely keep a straight face. "Never arrested, never even handcuffed before. The authorities don't even know his name."
"Have you tried—"
"Using his ridiculous luck to my advantage? Of course." He sighed. "Didn't seem to work. No, his luck only kicks in to save himself. Honestly, the only reason I've kept him on is because the betting pool we have going on. Got a lot of Lien riding on some turnouts and I want my money." He seemed in a genuine good mood. "Anyways, I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about my little minions. You want your papers, right?"
"Well, my money certainly wasn't a donation."
Roman smirked, gesturing for me to follow as he led me furth in towards another room in the warehouse. We walked in and it was like a completely different building. Cubicles everywhere, printers, their version of computers, people walking around like it was an office. "This is where the magic happens. Where all our raiding the Vale Bureaucracy for our illicit gains occurs."
"Question." I raised my finger up. "Why are you showing me this, seems a bit…"
"Stupid? Arrogant?" Roman finished my thought. "Kid, do you really think anything here can lead back to me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Worst case the police come here and shut everything down. Spend a MINIMUM of six months filing through everything to get a few simple charges on my minions who would be out on bail and disappearing under new names before anything could happen."
"Huh, I guess I shouldn't have doubted you there…..but why are you showing ME this." I questioned him again. Seems like a hassle and trusting even if nothing could harm him. It would still cost some money and be a hit if his operation got taken down.
"Alright, alright." He held his hands up. "I was wanting to recruit you, thought maybe showing you the business would be enticing, but maybe I played this wrong."
"Recruit me, really? You hardly know anything about me."
"Well, when I say recruit, I meant build you into someone I could use." He leaded against a nearby desk. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find useful minions?"
"I have met Red." I deadpanned.
"That is true." He nodded. "But, you got a lot of Aura, and you seem like you got a good head on your shoulders. Honestly, that would take you pretty damn far in this city. But you also remind me of a young me, that's priceless right there."
"I think your priorities are a bit skewed." I sighed." So, what….you want someone else to watch your back? I heard you got a partner or something already."
"Watch my back?" He let out a chuckle. "That's a good one, kid. There's only one person I trust with my back, and he's standing right in front of you."
"What about your partner?"
"I trust the Lien I pay her with." He replied.
"So you have no one then?"
"I don't need anyone else, kid. You'll learn someday, the only person you need to care about is yourself." He shook his head like I was naïve. "But I had another reason for wanting you here."
"Well, I'm all ears." I crossed my arms.
"Okay, so how serious were you about the Mistral Tournament?"
"Eh, about half serious. I wouldn't mind going for the prize money, why?"
"I'm glad you asked, my young protégé." He stood up, swinging his cane, hitting a blackboard that spun around showing lots of numbers and several pictures and dates.
"Not your protégé."
"Not with that attitude." He didn't seem phased by my denial. "You see, the Mistral Tournament uses a certain 'system' to randomize the fights –"
"You hacked the system and want to rig the fights, maybe set me up in a position to take advantage of it for some reason?"
He paused, staring at me. "You just have to steal my thunder, don't you?" He raised an eyebrow and a smirk rose up on your face. "Just what I would expect from my protégé." He nodded in approval. "Got it in one, kiddo! I just need a face to plaster everywhere, and yours is decent enough. It helps that I like your style too."
Because it's similar to his.
"I'm flattered." I drolled. "But isn't there the issue of 'winning' the fights?" I'm sure from his perspective I'm a village boy who just got Aura.
"I'm glad you asked." He waived his hand. "You see, there are always a set number of 'Byes' in the tournament every year, up until the top 18 that is."
"Isn't that going to draw a ridiculous amount of attention?"
"That is the plan." He said happily. "You see, I want you to grab all the attention for one moment." He took out a piece of paper, handing it to me. "When all the cameras are on you, I want you to say that then you can forfeit or whatever."
I unfolded the piece of paper. "Go fuck yourself, Lil'Miss Malachite. – Roman Torchwick."
A smile crept up on Roman's face, it was clear he was stopping himself from bursting out laughing.
"Let me get this straight, you are hacking one of the most popular sporting events of the year, just so you can tell someone to go fuck off?" I asked incredulously.
"I know, I know." He raised his hands. "Not to mention she's the crime boss of Mistral's largest gang. I know the concerns you have, like what happens if you—"
"I'm in."
Roman just looked at me in confusion. "What?"
"I'm in." I pocketed the piece of paper.
"She's a very powerful person, someone who would be able to grab you way before you could get out of Mistral, and she isn't someone to be lightly crossed."
"You are going through so much effort just to tell someone to fuck off… could I not be a part of this?" I said in all honesty.
" really are one of a kind." He let out a deep laugh, more genuine than I've heard before. "Seriously, I'll make you my protégé, you're perfect."
"I'd rather be paid."
"Brothers damn it, you're perfect!" He laughed even harder. "Alright, alright. I do have plans in place to get you out. I don't leave my people high and dry like some common vagrant."
"Wait, you only need me to get to the top 16, right?"
"Yeah, literally no work on your part."
"What If I want to win?"
"Kid, I know you're feeling pumped up from getting your Aura – "
I rolled my eyes. "I'll agree to your terms if you don't interfere with my fighting after I say my part for you."
He paused, mulling over my words. "Whatever kid." He shook his head. "I'm not your babysitter, she won't be able to touch you during the tournament, too many cameras, I guess I'll have my people ready for when you get your ass kicked."
"I feel like there are a ton more details to work out….but why are you going through all this trouble?"
"Because, fuck her." He replied.
"Fair." I nodded. "But what's the real reason?" I raised an eyebrow.
The corners of Roman's lips curled up. "Now, why would I go and spoil that?"
"So, I'm basically a distraction." I mused.
"If it makes you feel better, I will very much look forward to your role in this little job."
"That does make me feel better."
"No, lets talk about how much I'm getting paid."
Oh boy, Roman pulled MC in for a job, this will end well. So, i forgot to say this last chapter regarding the 'saying Gods name' thing with him being devil. I totally thought it was a Taboo woven into the devil bloodline, not something the Heaven system in DxD just kind of bopped devils on the head for invoking God's name. Personally, I like the idea of a 'curse' better, and already planned some stuff out because of that so..... Hand waiving that little tidbit.
Anyways, If you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my
Also, we have a discord if you want to come hang out or just ask me questions about the story.