
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Patron.com/AStoryForOne Discord -- https://discord.gg/JbwkdNDt7F

AStoryForOne · Anime & Comics
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557 Chs

Chapter 83

The more I think about it, the more confused I am about how this even came about.

But, honestly, I wasn't complaining.

"Alright, now pick anyone you want." I held out a stack of cards.

"Mm, this one." Kunou pulled one out of the deck.

"Alright, make sure you remember it." I shuffled the deck of cards. "Now, show your mother, but absolutely don't let me see it."

"Mom." Kunou called out to Yasaka who was sitting nearby, watching with a small smile on her face.

"I see it, sweetie."

"Okay, now remember, don't tell me what it is, okay?"

"Okay." She nodded.

"What card is it?"

"It's –"

"Don't tell me." I teased her with a little boop her on the forehead. "Now, put it back in the deck." I turned away. "Okay, you remember what is was, right?"

"Yes." She nodded.

After shuffling for a moment I held the deck up.

"Now!" I wiggled my fingers. "Abra Cadabra!" I exclaimed pulled the card off the top. "Is this your card!?"

"…no." Kunou looked confused.

"Oops, my mistake." I shook my head, drawing another card. "It's this one!" I exclaimed again, showing the next card.


"Hmm, this one?"


"What about this one?"

"Nu huh."

I started going through each and every card until there was only one left. "Okay, then this one must be your card." I pulled out the last card and waived it around.

"That's not it." Kunou pouted.

I scratched my head as all the cards from the deck were now in a messy pile on the ground. "Huh, you know what? I think you mom might have your card." I looked over to her, and she just blinked in confusion then looked down at the table she was sitting at to see a card face down next to her.

Kunou ran over and picked it up for both her and Yasaka to see.

"This is it!" She shouted excitedly.

"How?" Yasaka looked at me with eyes widened.

I cheated, but it's fine as long as Kunou is happy. And I got to get one over on Yasaka.

Ha! Curse me, will you?

"A magician doesn't reveal their secrets." I took my hat off and bowed. Standing straight, I held my hat out and all the cards flew off the ground into my little storage space.

"Hmph, I'll get your secrets eventually~" Yasaka gave me a look that promised she would get her way.

"Mom, don't ruin the magic!" Kunou pulled on her mom's sleeve.

"Yeah, don't ruin the magic." I held back a laugh.

"Oh, being ganged up on by both my daughter and her father, woe is me."

"Moom!" Kunou whined again. It seems like that still embarrasses her.

She's so cute, I can't even.

"Lady Yasaka." A Tengu dropped down from the sky, kneeling before the Youkai leader. He bowed his head and presented a letter.

She unfolded it, reading it intently as her expression turned into a scowl. "Wilhelm, would you please watch Kunou for a little bit? I have something that requires my undivided attention."

"No problem." I nodded. The amount of trust I managed to garner that she would willingly leave her daughter in my hands. Though I guess it was unlikely I would do anything form her perspective, having brought her daughter back in the first place.

"Be a good girl for your daddy." Yasaka gave a kiss on Kunou's forehead, much to the little girl's chagrin. "I'll be back in a little bit." She flashed me a smile and disappeared away with the Tengu.

"Well, now that your mom is gone, I can show you my super secret magic trick." I winked at the little kitsune who looked a tiny bit hesitant with her mom no longer there.

"Super secret?"

I held my hat upside down. "You ready?" I smiled as I reached inside and pulled out Sir Wiggles.

Kunou practically squealed as she pounced on the rabbit. "He's so cute!"

Sir Wiggles took it in stride, allowing himself to be picked up by the unknown girl and his fur stroked.

"What's his name?"

"He is Sir Wigglesbottom fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, crown prince of the Emerald Kingdom. Duke of Carrot Island."

[Oh god dammit.]


"Or, Sir Wiggles for short."

She squeed, pushing her face into his fur.

If only for this singular moment, making Sir Wiggles my familiar was worth it. It makes me not want to leave after this….but I suppose having something to come back to is nice as well.

Seeing her play around with Sir Wiggles, it gave me something I didn't know I needed before now.

Izzy, Kunou….I guess I have some important people bonding me to this world, I can't very well abandon it now, even if I wanted to before.

My intent was just to take a passive approach, deal with threats to the world as they popped up the sort of curve my karmic debt here…..but that doesn't really seem like an option anymore. I don't want to allow anything to exist that could threaten them.

I couldn't help but sigh, even as a smile never faded from my face. This was supposed to be a vacation….but I seemed to have found something amazing.

"Princess." A few Youkai walked out into the courtyard, calling out towards Kunou. "Your mother requests you."

Hmm, was it that time already? I looked up at the sky and the Sun was already setting.

Time really does fly….

"Shall I take you back to your mom?" I smiled down at Kunou who didn't look like she wanted to leave.

"That will not be necessary, you are dismissed, human." One of the guards stepped forward.

I paused, then just sighed again. I guess something happened and they don't want an outside here for the time being?

"Well, this is goodbye." I pat Kunou on the head.

"No." She said quietly, hugging Sir Wiggles tighter.

"Hey, I'll be back, okay?" I kneeled down next to her.


"Of course." I held out my pinkie. "Pinkie promise." She giggled slightly as we interlocked them.

She let Sir Wiggles jump out of her hands and into my hat again. The look she gave me was frankly, heartbreaking.

Gods, how did I get attached to this girl so quickly? I just don't understand it.

"This way." One of the guards ushered me, a little annoyance on his face.


Well, whatever.

I stepped out of the courtyard, the guard following close behind me. "Would you pass on my goodbyes to Lady Yasaka, I'm going away for a bit and won't have a chance to speak again for awhile."

He just snorted. "Get moving, human."

I paused, my instinct was flaring that something was wrong. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him. "What exactly is your –"

"NOOOO! DADDY!" A loud scream echoed out across the compound

My head snapped to the direction of the voice. I didn't even look as the 'guard' escorting me drew a weapon, aiming for my neck. It never reached me as his head started rolling on the ground and Mirage flew next to me.

What happened next was sort of a blur.

I Burst back to where I was before, Seeing a Youkai trying to rein in a struggling Kunou with several more standing around.

It only took a moment for her to be in my arms again, and about a dozen bodies falling to the ground.

An explosion erupted not too far away, the shockwave managing to ruffle my hair.

"She's over here!" A shout was heard as a few more people burst into the courtyard.

"Human!, Hand over – "

The others stared at shock as the one speaking fell to the ground, his head bouncing onto the grass, my sword floating next to me with a small trail of blood down the edge of the blade.

"Daddy, where's mom!?" Kunou looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

This could not be healthy for a girl this young who had been through something traumatic not too long ago.

"I'll go get her, okay?" I pat her head.

"No, don't leave me." She cried.

"I'll put you somewhere safe." I whispered gently. "My grandfather can watch over you, and he has a very nice student who is like a sister to me, she'll love to meet you." I opened a portal and quickly ushered her in. She was in shock and I didn't want to make things worse.


[Did you just send her to another world?]

"Yeah." I said quietly, running a hand through my hair, staring at the few remaining Youkai who were watching my warily.

I griped my hand, using Telekinesis to yank one off the building ledge he was standing on, bring him down to the ground with a thump.

I quickly stomped on his back as my swords flashed out and made quick work of his friends. "You have 10 seconds, speak."

He coughed out some blood. "Disgusting human, your time will come."

I sneered, holding out my hand for Mirage to fly back into my grip then slamming the blade down onto his neck.

I turned around as another portal opened up, a very familiar application of the Kaleidoscope. "Artoria?" I blurted out as she walked from the portal.

"Will." She nodded.

"What are you doing here, did gramps send you?"

"You dropped a crying child into the kitchen, do you think we wouldn't be worried?" She raised an eyebrow. "It isn't too hard to make the leap to assume that whatever is happening, was enough that you couldn't guarantee her safety."

"It's not as bad as it looks...I may have panicked and reacted on instinct to one of the only places I could think of that was safe." I admitted. "Is she…?"

Artoria gave a small smile. "Zelretch was quick to calm her down, and Rin is good at distracting her."

"I see." I ran a hand over my face. "Good, that's good."

"Will, what's going on?"

"Someone attacked….uh probably some remnants who are pissed off? I don't know everything, but I think Yasaka may be in danger….or she is the danger, I don't exactly know what's going on. Someone tried to grab Kunou again and….." I paused for a moment thinking everything through rationally. "She was betrayed, no doubt someone close to her was able to pull some strings so she was separated from her daughter." I muttered


Why go after Kunou, again. I mean….it was the easiest target if you wanted to get to Yasaka, but what's so important that you needed that kind of leverage?

"Will, focus."

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Right, right." I clenched my fists. "Well, you're already here…..and it isn't quite what I had in mind for a date, but would you like to take care of some would-be kidnappers with me?"

She steeled her expression, a look on her face that promised pain for whoever was behind this. "I would be delighted."

Someone was going to fucking pay for making my daughter cry.


Wrapping up the DxD arc for now, clearing up some loose ends (Read: Hero faction). So, Artoria and MC going to have words with the Hero faction.....taking all bets?

Anyways, I you didn't see last chapter, got a discord up, come chat, ask me questions, whatever -- https://discord.gg/TRDZTRKfVf

If you want to support me or read 5 chapters ahead, visit my Pat.reon.com/Astoryforone