
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Patron.com/AStoryForOne Discord -- https://discord.gg/JbwkdNDt7F

AStoryForOne · Anime & Comics
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556 Chs

Chapter 74

My home world appeared before my eyes, the familiar magical energy in the air told me exactly where I was.

There was something one learned with traveling to other worlds, each one had it's own 'taste' so to speak. A flavor that was hard to describe unless you actually experienced it for yourself.

I shook my head, that small bit of lightheadedness that appeared for the briefest moments when you jumped from different levels of magical energy.

The familiar walls around me came more into focus and I stepped out of my 'room' at Zelretch's workshop.

I did hear someone, exactly the person I was looking for.

I saw her standing on her tip-toes trying to reach something in a high cabinets.

"Need a hand?" I asked, seeing her head snap towards me, her body reeling back like she was doing something she wasn't supposed.

"Wilhelm." Artoria squeaked out. "I was…..just….." She cleared her throat. "I thought you would be gone for a few more days? Zelretch said you were dealing with something in another world."

"Yeah, something came up and I need help." I sighed, walking close to her. I saw her look rather shy as I inspected what she was trying to grab.

Our eyes met and she looked away with a small blush on her cheeks. I couldn't help but chuckle, reaching up and grabbing the box of cookies down for her.

I think I heard a small 'thank you' out from under her breath.

Gods she's so cute.

She held the box to her chest, I could tell she wanted to get into them right away but she held back. "What did you need help with?"

"Actually…" I scratched the back of my head. "I need your help specifically."

"I would be more than happy to lend you assistance." She smiled at me, a genuine way I could tell she meant it.

"Would it be prying if I asked if you currently possessed Avalon?"

She blinked at me for a moment. "You wish to know if I currently possess my Sheath?" She reiterated. "Am I to assume that someone requires healing?"

"Yeah….a little girl."

Avalon is quite the powerful Noble Phantasm. It provided Artoria with a form of immortality as long as she possessed it, her brain being her only weakness. Rumors were that it could even regrow a heart if it got destroyed, but I don't quite know about that.

"I see." She nodded. "I do indeed have my sheath on me, and it is my duty as a knight to aid those in need."

"Thank you." I let out a long breath. "Honestly, I didn't know what I would do if this didn't work out."

She smiled at me. "I will never turn down the opportunity to save innocent lives. And...I admit I find this part of you trying to help others to be endearing." She added on quietly, turn her eyes away for a moment. "Though I suspect there is more to this if you need the help of my Noble Phantasm."

I winced slightly. "What do you know of Yomi?"

"The realm of the dead in Japan?" She tilted her head, almost speaking to herself. "The realm of Izanami-no-mikoto, goddess of death." She practically recited the words out of her memories.

"So...said goddess, is my friend. She's the one asking me for help." I decided to just be blunt about it.

Artoria just had her eyes widen, staring at me, unable to find the correct words for several moments. "I do not know how to respond to that."

I could only laugh awkwardly at her statement. "Yeah, it kinda just happened. Honestly, I didn't even know she was Izanami when we first met. Kinda revealed herself when this little girl basically got dropped into her lap and the energies of Yomi are invading her body and soul."

"I see." She furrowed her brow. "This is a strange request."

"Well, I can pay you in anyway you want for your service, or if you want something else I'm sure –"

"Will." She interrupted me. "I merely said it was strange, not that I would not do it." She said gently, placing a hand on my arm. "I trust you, I do not think you would lead me into a precarious situation…..without atleast informing me ahead of time."

Oh…..and suddenly I felt much more at ease and my heart was beating slightly faster.

That is true. For both informing her and leading her into precarious situations, she can handle herself, she doesn't need for me to treat her like a damsel in distress.....unless she wants to be.

"And…as your...girlfriend, I wish to meet someone you call a friend." She added, her cheeks a fresh tint of pink.

Huh….I guess we did become boyfriend and girlfriend. I mean, it's obvious, it's jsut we never put a name on it until now.

"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?" She made a small noise in embarrassment. "Time is of the essence here, is it okay to leave immediately or do you need some time to prepare?"

"Rin and the Wizard Marshall are currently working on something…" She looked uncertain. I knew she took her duties to being Rin's 'servant' very seriously.

"I can time it so regardless you'll be back within the next couple hours." I pointed out.

"Oh, then I believe we should make haste."

I held out my hand. "Well then, shall we?"

She took it without any hesitation, that bright smile on her face as I opened a new portal and led her through.


Artoria held my hand much tighter as we stepped through the portal. I think regardless of everything, she was a little bit nervous.

I have shared my birth world with her in the past. She knew that divine beings still persisted here, that magic and such was known by a much wider community, but to experience it was a whole different matter.

"Wilhelm." Izzy's voice called out, she stood up from her seat to greet us. "And this is?" She asked, looking at Artoria.

"Greetings, Lady Izanami." Artoria with the expertise she developed in life immediately slipped into her regal persona. Almost as if judging the woman infront of her. "I am Artoria Pendragon, Will's girlfriend."

I was mildly surprised she provided her true name, but I guess it didn't really matter across worlds.

"A member of the Pendragon clan? I only heard the vaguest things about them in the western world." She muttered. "Yes, you do look like the heir I've seen a picture of."

Artoria, to her credit, kept her expression extremely neutral. Merely shooting me a look and I could only convey that I would explain later with my eyes.

Izanami's eyes narrowed, practically drilling into Artoria, like she saw something that interested her. "You are not a living being…..or rather, you are but are not, how strange. A living spirit, is that not a paradox?"

Artoria didn't react. "It is as you say." She merely confirmed Izanami's views without adding anything.

There was a strange…. atmosphere between them. I didn't quite know how to explain it, like both of them were sizing each other up.


"Ladies?" I interjected, their heads snapped to me. "The girl?"

"Yes, of course." Izanami turned away, looking towards the little kitsune on the couch. "I have managed to keep the worst of it away, but still, some enters her body and lingers."

Yeah, I knew exactly what she was talking about. This place was almost like an infection it kept trying to grab me. I could keep it off with ease, but the same couldn't be said about this little unconscious girl.

"I see, and this is the one you wish me to heal?" Artoria walked forward, placing her hand gently on the Youkai's forehead. "She is not human." She said quietly, not any kind of accusation, but more of a mild surprise.

Even with the obvious non human features, I think it was more just the incredulity of it. For her, phantasmal species were something extremely rare, and to see one so blatantly laying about must have been quite the cultural shock.

"Will that be an issue?" Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind.

"It shouldn't be." Artoria shook her head.

"How exactly do you plan on healing her." Izanami crossed her arms, staring at Artoria.

Artoria's lips twitched as she kept herslf even. She pushed against her own chest, a bright light suddenly filled the room, bursting out in every direction. The vicious energies of this realm practically fled away from it. "With this." She replied, and I felt like I could make out the vaguest amount of smugness in her voice.

"What is…." Izanami held her breath, drinking in the holy light. "It is beautiful."

Artoria placed it on the little Kitsune's chest, the holy energies enveloping her, attacking and consuming all deathly and necrotic power that had seeped into her body and soul.

"Avalon, the hallowed scabbard of Excalibur." Artoria said, peeking over at Izanami, like she was gauging her reaction.

I was surprised she was being so forth coming.

"Excalibur's scabbard?" Izanami repeated. "Why is the scabbard so much stronger than that broken sword?" She said in a confused voice.

"Broken?" Artoria's voice raised slightly, an audible reaction on her face.

Ooof, I knew I was forgetting something.

"You sound as if that is something new to you?" Izanami's eyes narrowed. "How could you possibly not know that, are you really one of the Pendragon clan?" Izanami's eyes began to glow. "Now that I take a closer look, you are much older than you appear, and you are not a normal spirit. You are nothing like I have ever seen before, almost reminiscent of those Einherjar that the Norse keep, but even that pales in comparison. What are you?" She slowly raised her hand.

Artoria frowned, I could feel her ready to fight at a moments notice.

"Izzy." I said gently, grabbing her attention.

"I…." She looked at at her hands, they were glowing slightly and she quickly dismissed whatever power she was drawing upon. "I am sorry." She took a step back, looking rather skittish. "I'm…..not used to speaking with others and I believe I overreacted. I shall wait in another room while you finish up." She turned to away but another voice range out.

I just sighed.

"Wait" Artoria called out glancing at me. Izanami halted her steps turning back. "How about we start over?" Artoria also pulled back her battle sense, her combat focus and became almost docile again. "I am Artoria Pendragon, it is a pleasure to meet Will's friend."

Izanami hesitated, clearly unsure. "I am….Izanami. It is nice to meet you, Miss Pendragon."


Could have been worse! And Artoria can be rather 'competitive', even unintentionally. Izanami almost fell back into some old habits, but she doesn't want to do stuff like that anymore. Got the next interlude up and ready in five chapters, POV from Arthur Pendragon in the hero faction. Trying to keep their super arrogance, but also trying to make their stupid plans smart, if that makes sense. Don't want idiot ball clutching for the sake of it.

Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone