
Chapter 517


Yasaka POV


Even more than the lands before, I did not like it here.

I can say for certain that I possess no kind of sea legs. Even so, I've been on the ocean before, been on ships, and been in the water. While I can't claim to love the sea, I do enjoy the occasional visit to the ocean, even if it's annoying to properly clean the sand and salt from my fur.

But this?

It felt like my instincts were all thrown around, and nothing made sense. I couldn't even tell up from down while the waves rocked gently against the boat.

Though, it was a rather invigorating sight.

Nearly fifty ships sailed side by side, a little under 7,000 combined of my people, along with Artoria's Pendragon family, filled the ships to the brim, but the discomfort was only momentary in the grand scheme of things.

I caught her eye as she held onto the railing at the front of the ship she sailed on along with her own people.

Not everyone on board was going to come with us to secure the next foothold. First, off, as it came into view, we had to stop at the island that the Old Man took over.

I could see the massive Gashadokuro looming at the shores, supporting a rather impressive barrier made of Youjutsu around it.

Seems like the old man was bringing out all the stops. I genuinely didn't think he would bring those old bones with him. They were a bit hard to control sometimes; even among our number, they were rather ruthless.

Well, I suppose we all used to be. But they hadn't really adjusted to the modern flow of the world. If left alone, they would continue to cause chaos and devastation to the human world.

Still, they were wonderful allies when it came to slaughter.

"Jinn Dear." I called for my harem sister.

"I'm here, sis!" She floated down from up in the crow's nest. "Need help with something?"

"I don't want to waste the time boarding and unboarding the thousands we have on this island. Is it possible to teleport people over from this distance?" I can say I don't know much about Magic beyond the basics. I can teleport back home without any minor issues, but beyond knowing it's bad to do here, I don't understand it.

"Sure! I just need a little help... hmm." She raised her hands, and a familiar teleportation circle appeared underneath us, and blinking once, I realized I was standing next to Artoria.

"Should I welcome you aboard?" Artoria said in amusement.

"We need to borrow your magicians." Jinn said with a smile.

"Very well." She looked up. "Le Fay, can you bring your magicians above deck, please?" She called out.

Rather quickly a young girl with blond hair wearing a rather iconic witches hat came trotting up with a few dozen Magicians behind her.

It was Arthur's sister who came to live in my territory while he served his sentence.

Speak of, he also followed up.

"What can we help with, your Majesty?" She bowed her head politely.

"Please assist Jinn with whatever she needs." Artoria handed them off to our mutual sister.

"Le Fay!" Jinn greeted her just as happily, making the other girl smile brightly too. I hadn't paid much attention, but they have apparently interacted much. "We're going to teleport everyone over to the island along with whatever needs to be brought. Let's make sure we coordinate everything real quick."

"B-but!?" The younger girl sputtered in confusion. "We need to calculate it? I hadn't even started running diagnostics on the area…It's all weird, and I'm not confident in being able to even teleport myself, much less thousands of people!"

"Don't worry, I've been running the calculations since we entered!" Jinn said rather nonchalantly.

"You too?" I glanced to the side to see Rin joining us.

She had joined up with Artoria at some point and had been helping on her end.

"Mine aren't complete, but I'm about 60% sure I could at least get myself over there."

"That's impressive." Jinn noted.

Rin snorted. "I don't want to hear that from the Magic Goddess that had been handling real-time calculations on the distorted space-time of this place the moment we entered. How many parallel thoughts are you running right now?"


Rin let out a sigh. "I'm not jealous; I'm not jealous."

"I could teach you, y'know?"

Rin waved her hand. "I have no talent in splitting my thought streams. Even the old man doesn't do that. Apparently one of the aspects of being talented in his field of Magic is that one isn't talented in that one."

"Bwah!?" Le Fay just looked between them, confused as to what was being talked about.

Rin put her hands on her hips. "You should probably teach her, though." She pointed at Le Fay. "She would probably have the talent for it. Regardless, set up the spell circle, and I can finish the rest here. If I could find Ruby, this would be so much easier, but she apparently ran off somewhere." She finished with a huff.

"Okie dokie!" Jinn began to inscribe a large magic circle on the deck of the ship. It only took a couple of minutes before she wiped her brow and let out a breath. "That should do it. I think this one will last for... an hour? At least that is before I have to reverify certain parameters. I can set something more permanent up once we settle down somewhere properly."

"Thank you, Jinn. You're as wonderful as always." And I truly meant it.

She was always so helpful and knowledgeable about anything Magic.

Jinn started floating from ship to ship and casually teleporting a handful of people around to set them up.

Well, except for a couple nearby, which were left alone. I would have questioned it had a teleportation circle not popped up over there with Scáthach leaning over the edge, giving a little wave.

I just blew her a little kiss as she laughed in response.

As expected, Jinn was phenomenal when it came to anything magic, and it was all set up in a matter of minutes. What probably would have taken hours to safely have everyone deboard and carry off supplies to and from the island was now going to be accomplished in minutes.

The teleportation barely finished, and I took one quick glance around the island.

There were a few makeshift buildings and whatnot. But it's clear this place had only been used as a somewhat refuge for a few days at a maximum.

"I want the supplies teleported in immediately. Tents set up and medical staff, you're in charge of coordinating setup!" I started barking orders. "Remember, this isn't our primary medical camp; focus on treating emergencies here only before we can teleport back to our base camp."

They started moving quickly, thousands of people in a single area spread out like little ants following their queen.

"Jinn, Le Fay, you both are in charge of coordinating the Magicians. I want the teleportation circles up and ready within an hour."

"We need the field cleared." Jinn answered back.

"You heard her, ladies and gentlemen. Clear the field and get to work." I clapped my hands, raising my voice.

"I shall assist." Scáthach said softly, going with Jinn.

I nodded, not deeming it needed to answer. "I want shelters up to house our siege weapons; they're coming with the third wave of teleportations!" I looked around. "You—" I pointed at one of the Gashadokuro. "—There are some heavy supplies that weren't teleported from the ships; go retrieve them."

It looked at me, its teeth chattering.

"Don't throw those flimsy excuses at me. I know darn well that the barrier can hold with only three of you supporting it. Get to work." I narrowed my eyes.

These ones in particular needed to be ordered with a firm hand.

It sounded annoyed but dropped its arms and began walking out towards the ship; its size let it easily stand up in the depths of the water as it began to grab the supplies off the ship that were too heavy and awkward to teleport over with everyone.

"Who's in charge of the Dust?" I look around.

"I am, Lady Yasaka." One of my generals knelt in front of me. "What are your commands?"

"The Realm of Winter is obviously going to be rather cold, detrimentally so." The name there should have obvious insinuations. "I want half our Fire Dust brought with the vanguard." I paused for a moment. "Lightning Dust too."

"Your will be done." He went to work.

"Artoria Dear, do you all have enough, or do you need some from us?" I looked towards her as she was ordering around her own people.

"Agravain, what are our stores of Dust like?" She asked.

"Reporting to your Majesty, our stores of Dust are nearly full still. We used minimal in our campaign thus far." The Knight spoke quickly.

"Good, follow Yasaka's directive as well. Make sure we have sufficient to use. Assume the terrain will be hostile upon arrival." She nodded to her underling.

"Arrows, Lady Yasaka?"

I pondered that for a brief moment. "I want every archer to hold at least two full quivers of iron arrows! Remember, people, we must secure a proper foothold in their territory! Supplies will be limited; carry as much as you can without weighing yourself down."

It was pointless to give a specific number across the board as strengths vary. But we can only carry so much in combination with needing as much as possible.

But my people were working properly. I didn't need to micromanage them; they knew what they needed to do, and that's also why I had competent generals leading below me as well.

I turned my attention to one of the rather strange outliers among everyone gathered.

The human who had come along that was not one of our own.

"I believe your name was Unnulf, yes?" I approached him.

He stood a bit straighter as he realized I was talking to him. I hadn't had a chance because we had been busy, and Jinn had been taking care of him.

"Yes, Ma'am." He said politely, with a very thick accent, and surprisingly, he was speaking fluently in a way I could understand.

I wasn't like Wilhelm or the Devils, where I understood every language.

"What are your plans? Your people should be nearby; it would hardly be remiss if we dropped you off." I asked.

"I said I would follow along. Lady Jinn…." He stopped, swallowing slightly. "I will follow Lady Jinn."

Ah, he seems to have accepted her as a proper goddess, hasn't he?

He had been keeping a close eye on her, almost protectively.

Jinn explained it briefly that as a Goddess of Asgard, she was able to notice his faith towards their pantheon. Combined with her being a goddess of the homestead, she could also feel certain things about them.

He still seemed in a daze. Though I suppose finding definitive proof of your Gods' existence would do that to someone.

I had some sympathy for the humans here, but I had my own priorities towards my people.

After we settled things, I didn't mind lending them a helping hand at no cost. Though I knew it was going to be a bit of a headache trying to settle time-displaced humans back into the human world.

Most likely, I was going to have to reach out to various other Pantheons.

Well, I didn't need to worry about him; Jinn would keep taking care of him regardless.

Shaking my head, I headed off to the Old Man. "Any thoughts?"

"About anything in particular?" He asked in response.

"You're the one who has experience beyond this point. I just want to know if there are any last-minute things we need to be wary of."

"We cut a clear path to the next… lighthouse, so to speak. But if you want information on what's on the other side, we're in the dark too. We didn't follow the brat inside; the thought of getting in front of a rampaging Ddraig was not on my bucket list."

"It's been too easy up to this point." I said cautiously.

"Agreed. Ignoring a few outliers…yeah, they haven't really fought us yet. Didn't want to say anything in public before; morale is good and whatnot." He nodded along.

"Bring everything you got." I informed him. "This is probably the most important phase of our invasion. If this fails, our offensive will crumble. If it works, we can probably end this 'war' in the next few days."

Funny that a war was measured in days and weeks rather than months and years. But on our side of the fence compared to the mundane, things simply moved faster when individual power was such a battlefield-warping variable.

"Soma." I breathed out as I walked away.

"I'm here, Lady Yasaka." My most faithful follower appeared before me from the mists.

"Are the 'reporters' following us?" I hadn't been keeping up with them much.

"They expressed the desire." He nodded.

"Tell them that we can't guarantee their safety beyond this point. You are probably going to be needed elsewhere."

"Does that mean you wish for them to not join us?"

I shrugged. "I'm not a babysitter. If they still want to come even after being told the dangers, that's on them. Let them do what they want otherwise." I waved my hand flippantly.

"I will relay your words." He disappeared again.

Good, everything was falling into place. We should be able to move out soon because the remainder of our forces were still back on our side and waiting.




The trip had been... uneventful.

I was thankful, but I suppose I expected more. The Old Man wasn't lying when he said that a path had basically been cleared.

"It's gotten cold." I let out a breath and could see the wisp of air.

"It's unnatural." Jinn hummed next to me. "Lots of magical energy in this area. I mean a lot. There used to be something here."

"This is where the copies came out." Nurarihyon informed us. "The brat said the glaciers that used to be here were made of magic."

"Oh wow." Jinn's eyes widened, and before I could utter a word, she jumped over the edge into the water.

Well... she was a goddess; I couldn't exactly tell her she wasn't allowed to do that.

It only took a moment before she came back out and floated back up onto the ship, dripping wet and shivering. "Yup, I just checked under the water, and there are still some remnants there. Crystallized Magical Energy—somewhat similar to our Dust, but more artificial. Thankfully, I couldn't find any noticeable remnants of whatever it was that it was used for. Most likely, it's gone."

"Lady Jinn!" Unnulf ran up; the furred coat he had been wearing was pulled off and draped over here.

"You're so sweet~" Jinn cooed.

The snow was falling, and it was making things rather hard to see. Well, the lighthouse was still visible; that large beam of light reached very high and seemed to pierce through the growing snowstorm.

I held a hand out and let it fill with my Fox Fire.

Even I was starting to feel the cold a little bit.

"A thought: how many ships can take the 'path' at one time?" I raised a concern that hadn't been considered until this point.

"Hmm, that's a good question." Jinn pondered. "Should probably not do more than five just to double-check. I don't' really have a good grasp on how this thing works without spending a few days analyzing it."

I nodded, and going towards the end, I saw Artoria, Scáthach, and Raikou all on their own ships along with one more with one of my generals.

I threw my Fox Fire up into the air, making it explode to get their attention. I then gestured for the four of them to follow along and made everyone else know that we're going five at a time.

They all got in position as we approached.

There was no need for hesitation or any real confirmation. We got swept up in the strange method of travel; the tugging and pulling was a far cry from our normal teleportation methods.

I simply closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as an even colder wind smacked me in the face.

I felt frost begin to form on my skin, indicating we had arrived.

It was dark, cold, and a strange, chilling feeling hung around us, far beyond what a malevolent cold would give.

Years of experience let me know that there was danger around.

The most annoying thing was that the ships were deposited on solid ground, hitting it hard and indenting the earth enough that they didn't fall over.

Looking around, there wasn't much I could see; the snowstorm had picked up exponentially, and vision had deteriorated to maybe twenty feet again.

"Set up a perimeter!" I yelled, being the first to jump off onto solid ground.

Rather quickly, the others followed.

A fraction of the bit under 6,000 we had remaining after keeping a good amount back on the island.

There were strange sounds coming from further ahead, barely audible over the whipping of the intense winds.

It was deathly cold, making my perception even less precise.

Everyone fanned out in a small circle, slowly pushing outwards to make room.

"I want fires up! Get some heat going and start building it up. I want our magicians to start—

I jerked my head back as an arrow flew past my face, barely noticeable.

A single beat passed as someone called out in my stead.


Hundreds of things jumped out of the dark.

At first glance, they looked like hounds, only more unnatural.

"Knights, to the front!" Artoria called out, running forward, cleaving one of the hounds in half with her invisible sword.

A few of my people fell to the sudden attack; I couldn't pay much attention to it, grabbing a hound out of the air and ripping it apart with my claws.

More and more of those monsters poured out. While not individually strong, they were vicious and would climb over the corpses of their own to try and rip at one of ours.

I clawed back at them, their bodies piling up around me as Arthur seemed to join at my side, his blade a welcome reprieve as the numbers were getting annoying.

I gave him a curt nod in thanks; he silently acknowledged it and kept going.

Though I had a realization.

An arrow had nearly hit me.

"Shields up!" I let out a roar as something tickled my spine.

Only a fraction of my warriors made it in time as they pulled out their wands without being hounded by the thousands of creatures that poured out of the darkness.

Then came the rain of arrows.

It only took a couple of breaths before our magicians had their spells fully cast and a proper shield loomed protectively overhead, but that couple of moments was enough that dozens, if not more, of our people died.

The next arrival of reinforcements came; another five ships landed nearby, and they were able to see us fighting, so they were a bit more prepared.

Raikou's purple lightning arced in front of me, and I heard a more human scream as she stepped further into the darkness perpetuated by the unending snowstorm around us.

"Artoria, hold the line here!" I looked at her, then at Jinn. "Jinn, prepare the fire dust bombs! Raikou, come back!"

It happened quickly as they appeared, the same ones who had attacked out territory in the first place.

The same armor, the same malevolence to them.

I could barely see around me, but the eruption of fire and the heat of flames, along with the shaking of the ground, were enough indication to know that my orders were followed.

That and the snowstorm was pulled back ever so slightly, letting us see a bit more vividly in every direction, but it wouldn't last long.

"We'll take up the vanguard!" Mordred's voice reached my ears. "Follow me!"

She was the first to shoot forward, and hundreds of Knights followed with her.

The clashing of steel was immediate.

"Regroup our lines and press forward!" I hollered as hundreds of my brethren stood at my side, fixing our formations.

A red light flew over my head, impaling someone I could barely see through the chest. I recognized the spear as Scáthach followed it, ripping it free from a Fae covered in bone armor and riding a horse.

She gave a little smirk before diving further in.

That's where she did best, in the midst of slaughter rather than following orders.

The old man and I took the front as we charged forward, our own Youkai right behind us.

My claws raked against armor, and the one I lashed out at didn't immediately die. He raised his blade up, shunting off most of the force, but I followed up with a kick, his chest collapsing under the force.

Nurarihyon as well had to exchange one or two blows before he sliced off the head of the one he was fighting.

These ones were definitely stronger than the ones we had been fighting up to this point.

Above my head, explosions rang out, and into the darkness, further explosions could be seen and heard. I traced the origin back to Wilhelm's ship, the cannons firing and his familiar sitting on it with a blank look like always.

I swear, Wilhelm has the strangest familiar.

But it was most certainly welcome.

Fortunately, we prepared for this. We didn't devise strategies and spend months gathering resources to simply run headfirst into powerful enemies. Sure, some of us fought best that way, and we acknowledged that as a hundred or so of my fellow Youkai joined me and the Old Man as we clashed into their front lines.

But for the remainder, I merely had to glance back to see my general barking orders.

Shields were up as arrows continued to rain down to no avail. And we held off the front; those nasty hounds only managed to get a few through and were quickly dealt with.

The area behind us became much brighter, and fireballs began to fall downwards onto the archers that had killed many of our people.

The cries rang out as even the Fae expressed emotion at being burned to death.

It also let us see rather far, to see their true numbers.

There were a lot of them.

The parting of the storm was only momentary, so we couldn't see the true extent, but it was enough to know we were in for a long fight.

Thankfully, more and more of our people began arriving, joining up to hold a proper defense.

Though, I couldn't stand there watching like a spectator as a large hand tried to grab me.

One of those nasty trolls.

It was quickly filled with a few dozen iron arrows, letting out roars of pain and fury, and I put it out of its misery by grabbing its head with a handful of Fox Fire.

I stepped off its large body and leapt into the air, gathering my aura before slamming my foot into the ground further ahead, destroying a rather large section of the area.

It was enough that quite a few of those Wild Hunt individuals now focused solely on me.

However, I just smiled as a bolt of purple lightning seared through the chest of one who tried to swing his blade at me.

I grabbed another and tossed him to the side before ducking under another blow; the head of the owner fell to the ground as Raikou joined me next to me.

A handful more were quickly dealt with until my claws were finally blocked. It wasn't chance either, as I put strength behind my hand and the owner held firm.

"I shall be your end, beast!" The voice behind the helmet declared, his longsword pushed my claw away.

How cute.

I looked at Raikou and gave her a smile before both my Touki and my Aura burst out.


He didn't get to finish as I grabbed the side of his head and pushed him into the ground with my full strength, sending a small shockwave through the surroundings.

I continued to hold onto him as I ran at the others, kicking one hard enough that he went flying back and knocked down a good dozen or so of his fellow Fae. I then used the one in my hand to bludgeon another until both stopped moving before I finally threw him away with a large ball of Fox Fire as a finisher.

He was a little bit stronger, but still far from my match.

I momentarily admired how much stronger I had gotten after getting my Aura. Oh, it would have been just as easy beforehand, but with my Aura, well, it was like night and day.

I was deep enough that I couldn't see much of my own, but I heard Scáthach's laughter followed by many pained cries and shouts behind it.

Just as I was about to join her, I noticed something push away the snowstorm high up into the sky. It seemed like the sky broke apart as a ship I didn't recognize flew out.

I did notice who was standing at the front, however, and found myself smiling.

Well, better late than never.

Not quite the heroic entrance as we had already started pushing them back, but I wouldn't reject it.




Wilhelm POV


"You still think this is a good idea!?" Folen shouted, grabbing onto the railing of the ship for dear life.

"I may have some small regrets!" I shouted back, mostly because it was hard to hear with the wind whipping about so loudly.

The ship was currently moving at astonishing speeds through a collapsing tunnel of broken space-time.

Captain Hook was just laughing.

And Arc was throwing her hands up laughing too.

She was having the time of her life. For some reason, she was really taken with Captain Hook, and I didn't really understand why.

But I suppose that's none of my business.

The ship made it through unharmed, but we weren't really out of the proverbial woods yet.

On the port side, we saw a massive eyeball peering at us curiously.

The eyeball was bigger than the ship.

"Hi!" Arc waved unbashfully.

The massive eye blinked a few times, then seemingly ignored us before we got swept up in a strange air current and propelled further. It pulled us right through another tear in space, like a spatial current taking us through different realms.

Though we entered a new place, and I recognized it rather quickly.

We somehow made it into the Dimension Gap, the space between realms that are situated around this world.

And holy shit, that's a big fuck-off dragon.

It was far away, but it was big enough that it was still monstrous.

And powerful.

Folen stared wide-eyed.

Arc pointed at it in excitement.

Captain Hook took his hat off, waving it in the air with equal excitement.

The ship was about to enter another spatial crack, but just before it did, the dragon turned and looked at us.

Jesus fucking Christ.

[That would be great, Red.] Ddraig informed me.

Yeah, I fucking got that.

Thankfully, its gaze only lingered a single breath before we left the Dimensional Gap.

I think I almost had a heart attack.

It was like being stared down by Ophis, except not an idiot.

That thing was terrifying.

I fucking welcomed the familiar malevolent cold of the Fae Realm as it hit my face.

The ship shot out of the spatial crack and was deposited right back into the Winterlands.

"Was that actually a shortcut?" Folen seemed genuinely surprised.

"Who do you think I am?" Captain Hook smiled. "There's nowhere I can't go!"

I'm starting to wonder if that isn't hyperbole.

However, I was immediately on guard because I felt something dangerous nearby. My attention was drawn to the fighting going on down below; I could make out Yasaka and everyone else fighting well against a large gathering of Fae, pushing them back.

Though there were a great deal of corpses, many of which belonged to our side.

I sighed in my heart and forced those dreadful thoughts away for now.

Well, time for my heroic entrance, I'll –

"Retreat!" A shout bellowed out, followed by war horns being blown as the Fae began to... retreat.

Alrighty then.

"I'm jumping down!" I called out before jumping overboard, receiving a nod from the captain.

I purposely landed on one of those Fae, crushing him, but the others just ignored me and started running, the snowstorm covering their retreat.


But I smiled seeing that the captain started firing his own cannons at their retreat.

"Will~!" Jinn quickly found me despite me being near the front of the action.

I was always happy to see Jinn, but it wasn't a hug that she threw at me.

I blinked as I caught my sword.

My authority, that is.

Since this is back in my hand, I suppose I had a job to do. I admit I missed having my Authority with me properly, and it didn't seem needed back at base camp if Jinn brought it with her.

My Divine Power surged, and I swung it up towards the sky, splitting the snowstorm and dispersing it away from us.

Everything became clear now; we could see on for miles.

I suppose that's why everyone suddenly stopped to stare rather than chase after the retreating Fae.

Even I came to a stop and tried to understand what I was looking at.

Giants, many of them, weirdly shaped. Almost... ape-like in appearance, but slightly more human-like. Sorta like Jotun, I suppose, with longer arms.

There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them. They didn't look to be made of flesh and blood... but like golems? They were dark, as if they were made of some kind of magic.

But what stood out amongst all of them was one towering thing near the back.

It was a thing, because its figure wasn't visible. It was in a sort of... cocoon. It pulsed with an obscene amount of magical energy, and it was impaled all over the place as if to seal it.


Whatever that was, it set off my danger warnings.

The Giants that had been stationary, unseeable until this moment, their eyes opened, a red malevolent light shined in them, and the ground began to quake with each of their movements as the Fae retreated to safety.

I wasn't the first to move; that honor belonged to Scáthach.

With an eager face, she was up in the air, spear in head, as she went to stab one of the giants through the head.

However, the unexpected happened.

I wouldn't have been surprised if the Giant blocked. If it counterattacked or if it used some strange magic to defend.

It did none of that.

It didn't make a move on her at all; her spear simply couldn't harm it as it was unable to pierce through its skin.

Clearly, she was taken by surprise as well as she landed back on the ground looking a mite confused.

As they came closer, I could hear Yasaka start barking orders.

Arrows rained down, all of which simply bounced off the strange giants.

They used their magic wands, and while slightly different, it seemed like the hundreds of fireballs lobbed against them were brushed off.

What the hell?

I would have been thoroughly analyzing them had my attention not been forced back to the cocoon because the amount of magical energy it was putting off increased probably a hundredfold in an instant.

It started with a single arm pushing through the cocoon, followed by an unintelligible roar. The arm itself was mangled, flesh was stitched together and overall it was grotesque. But the most confusing thing was that it was most certainly not an undead, as I felt an extremely potent life force from it.

Beyond that, was that a hint of Divinity?

It was muted, but it was there.

The cocoon trembled; the 'seals' or whatever were holding it down were torn away by its free hand before it reached up and tore away parts near the head.

A single eye shined through.

My own eyes widened, and I raised my sword up and braced myself because the world froze.

It was only for a split second, but I had more than enough experience fighting a godly entity that could manipulate time to recognize the same phenomena.

[An eye like that which can freeze time? I only know one thing with that kind of description.] Ddraig spoke, and I realized immediately what we were dealing with.

The Evil God Balor.

It began pulling itself free, and I knew we were in for a rough time.




Only a few more chapters of this arc left, and we're already into the next world over on p.a.t.r.e.o.n. We also have two Arachne chapters and a Cyclops snippet over here if you're interesting.

And if you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

I also have a boosty if you can't use the above under the same name.