
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Patron.com/AStoryForOne Discord -- https://discord.gg/JbwkdNDt7F

AStoryForOne · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 303

I usually trusted my instincts.

I can't recall a time where they've steered me wrong. And after becoming a Campione, it seemed like they'd been further enhanced.

That being said…..

The thing in front of me sent all of those instincts into overdrive. The part of my brain that handled my fight or flight response was having a seizure right now and I just stood here, motionlessly.

Whatever this thing was, it was fucking terrifying.

I might call it a similar feeling to when Ophis dropped in, but it is at a high enough level where that's hard to gauge the difference from where I was standing.

It made a single sound, and I had to use all my self-control to not immediately call out Ddraig and pull on my Authority in a panic.

"You're not involved with what's going on, are you?" After staring at each other for several moments, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't hostile. I likely would already be dead if it was.

"Fou." He squeaked out, and the adorableness really contrasted with the terror that lurked beneath all that fur.

But….now that I had a better look without the perceived threat of impending doom hovering overhead, it felt like whatever it was had been…..pushed down, condensed, no compacted maybe?

I don't know how to describe its aura, a feeling of a large presence that was locked away inside a box and intentionally set aside.

"…you wouldn't have an idea of what's happening would you? I bare no ill will towards anyone here, simply trying to investigate the source of an anomaly that popped up." Which was technically true, even if my focus was on the fact that Zelretch's sight was blocked.

It didn't answer me. Instead, it slowly started walking forward, taking little steps that led it to circle around me. I felt like I was lost at sea while being circled by a shark.

Suddenly, it sprung up, and my head slowly turned to see it standing on my shoulder.

"…..please don't eat me."

"Fou, fou." He squeaked again, raising a little paw up as it started swatting at the side of my head.

It was with about the amount of force you would assume if you merely saw the creature's stature; however, I was having a mini panic attack as something on the same, or at least equivalent level of the Infinite Dragon God was currently using my head as a tiny punching bag.

"Fou, there you are!"

I blinked, not even noticing the presence that crept up on us. Even the thing on my shoulder stopped doing what it was doing to watch the young woman hurriedly coming down the hallway.

A young woman, probably no older than twenty. Lilac hair and lavender eyes. She wore a sweatshirt and glasses, making her look rather cute.

"Fou!" It jumped off my shoulder right into her arms as she got closer.

It almost appeared affectionate at first glance.

Which was a far cry from the sheer terror that was lurking beneath.

….is this what it's like to be on the opposite end of me and Meridia?

The girl sweetly hugged the monstrosity in her arms.

And the thing in the form of a small animal seemed to enjoy it.

I'm probably the last person who had any right to say anything about the current circumstance.

"So….the creature's name is 'Fou'?" I asked

The girl perked up, I guess she briefly forgot I was right there, to focused in finding her…pet after losing him.

"Sorry, he just suddenly ran off." The girl's head quickly fell down into an apologetic bow.

And the thing looked at me, as if trying to convey a certain message.

"It's no problem." I felt my eye twitch as it seemed to approve of what I said. "He's an adorable little thing. What is he exactly?"

"Fou." Its beedy red eyes flashed for a moment.

For some reason, I have the vaguest sense that it wanted me to keep its true nature a secret.

"I….don't know actually." She smiled awkwardly. "I just found him one day and he's been sticking with me ever since!" She followed up with a very warm smile. "It's strange, he doesn't usually like other people…"

Well, it was obviously not hostile to me in the slightest at the moment. Honestly, it seemed to be mostly amused by my presence.

"Did you make sure to get him fixed?"

"Fou!?" The animal made a surprised noise as it glared at me.


"You know it's important to get pets fixed. I don't quite know what his species is, but for Cats and Dogs, it's to make sure they don't spray or cause issues due to going into heat and such. Honestly, it's the responsible thing to do as a pet owner." I said with the straightest face I could manage, staring right into the eyes of the terrifying monster.

Well, turnabout is fair play.

"Really?" She tilted he head.

"Fou, fou fou!!" The thing began to struggle in her arms.

"Believe me, he would thank you if he could." I could feel the corners of my lips begin to rise up.

"Oh." The young girl looked really thoughtful. "I'll ask Roman later." She smiled happily. "He's more knowledgeable about stuff like this. Though...Fou-kun doesn't really like him….so it might be hard."

"I'd be more than happy to help put him to sleep, to make sure he can get a thorough check up. Don't want him to be hyperactive if his dangly bits are going to get snipped~"

"Oh no, it's alright. If Fou needs a check up or anything like that, I'm sure he'd behave."

"Fou!" With that, he jumped out of her arms and bolted down the hallway, turning several corners before disappearing.


Pay back is a bitch.

"What's gotten into him today?" The girl let out a sigh before turning back to me.

"Who knows?" I shrugged.

Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the implication of getting the snip.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen you around Chaldea before, are you new?" She turned to me and asked.

"Yup, just got here today, the name is –" I had to catch myself, almost used my real name. "—Takao Shimoda. Probably the future leader of B-Team."

"Amazing!" She said with an awe in her tone. "It's nice to meet you, Senpai! I'm Mash Kyrielight."

She seemed like a sweet girl. I kind of wanted to pat her on the head, but I held myself back.

"Well, Mash, you seem to know this place pretty well. I'm a bit….lost. Do you think you could point me in the direction of the Cafeteria?"

"I can show you." She perked up with a big smile. "It took me awhile to figure out where everything is too, so I can show you the tricks I learned." She seemed eager to be of help.

"Wouldn't say no to the help, this place is a maze and I think this won't be the last time I get lost." I thanked her for the assistance.


Olga Marie Animusphere POV

"Has anyone seen Shimoda!?" I raised my voice, gathering the attention of all the B-Team members who were conversing in the Cafeteria.

Where did he run off to!?

I explicitly told him thirty minutes.

Of course none of these people answered me. It made me wonder if this B-Team idea was even feasible. With the blank looks they'd given me all day, I wondered if they have the processing ability to even comprehend the most basic of Magecraft.

It's like night and day compared to the A-Team. They're all proficient in their crafts, had the theoretical knowledge, and knew how to operate efficiently.

Maybe if we had a few more years to prepare them, they would be a feasible substitution in an emergency. However, everyone suddenly decided it would be a good idea to have more in reserve. No warning, just an idea and they throw all the work on me!

As if they could do anything if the A-Team failed.

We would be just throwing bodies at the situation, and I failed to see how that would solve any problem if the experienced team failed in the same instance.

Ugh, so stupid.

If the investors weren't backing this idea so vigorously, I would have never even considered this foolish waste of time. No doubt some vultures planned this, to use as an opportunity to discredit me somehow.

They're mundane people, they don't have the slightest clue about what we do or how we do it.

Not only do I need to get them up to speed on what really goes on behind the curtains, but we also have to train them up to be some-what competent in a fight. Shoving decades worth of teachings into a few months, in addition to forcing the practical applications into their bodies when they're not learning everything else they need to.

What a ridiculous plan, and whoever thought it up needs to be flogged.

Even with the advance facilities we have available, this was going to be a trial in of itself. Hopefull Caster can provide some help here, I don't trust many of our staff to handle this kind of daunting task. And I can't pull away A-Team members to help out that often when their own training was even more crucial.

No, in comparison, B-Team was just a side project. I won't even consider them a probable alternative, I'll continue to do the logical thing and focus my attention on A-Team.

Unfortunately, I actually had to go along with this nonsense, since the investors were being so forceful with it. The idiots can't seem to see beyond any resources they'll gain.

Should I be thankful that there's actually someone half-way competent that appeared for this idiocy?

Maybe I would be if he actually showed up!

"Sorry I'm late, Director. This place is a maze, got a little lost."

Speak of the Devil.

"Finally." I scoffed at his return. "You will be forgiven this once, do not make a habit of it."

Hmm, perhaps we should put directions around since we're going to be experiencing an influx of new personnel soon. This was only the first batch of B-Team and other service members that have come so far. I don't want to have to put up with some nobody wandering somewhere they shouldn't.

….and based on what Shimoda already told me, I needed to consider their ignorance as a top priority. It would do no good if one of them did or said something that crossed a line they didn't know about.

Thankfully, I had a chance to glance at the files of the upcoming batches. There were actually a handful more of real Magi coming along. For what definition one could use 'real' to describe them.

Spellcasters and outsiders. Barely better than the freelancers that stalked about the halls of the Association to make money. I would take Shimoda – an Asian – over the most of them. At least he had propriety when it comes to this kind of work.

"Now, we can continue." I pushed away those annoying thoughts. I was already too busy dealing with actual problems, beyond this singular instance of my direct involvement, I wouldn't be keeping an overt eye on B-Team. "We will begin a secondary discussion on the basics of your new position. This will include a very brief overview of our history, our customs, and how to hold yourselves as members of Chaldea."

I knew that those vultures in the Association would use any opportunity to peck at me if I allowed them. So I would make sure this plebeian lot at least knew how to treat their betters.

I wouldn't be surprise if this was a scheme to undermine my authority since I don't possess the qualities to be a Master nor to Rayshift.

So what if I can't participate! I was the Director, I have more than enough work to deal with, my role was too important to go off gallivanting into another Era.

"Since we're on a strict time constraint, we will be handling several matters at once. You will be individually called upon by our lead Medical Chief to undergo a thorough evaluation and medical inspection. This is not negotiable, and I will hear no complaints." We needed to know what we're dealing with before opening their Magic Circuits.

Never before has anyone tried to do so on a batch of plebians in such large numbers. One of the reasons we were bring B-Team in batches, to better streamline the process for each new group.

At least the data will be some-what valuable. Something we can toss to our investors to give them something to bide their time with.

"I have a question, director." Shimoda raised his hand.

"Very well, ask." I addressed him.

So far, he had not asked anything idiotic, and he has helped thus far. A question or two was not remiss.

"What about non-human heritage, will that be an issue?"

I blinked, until I realized where he came from. Of course he would have some Phantasmal Ancestry, those Asian countries still have some demon-blooded cretins running around. "We have experience in dealing with such things, there will be no issue."

Was it a wonder that the proper sort don't go to those countries unless they have to?

"Am I interrupting?"

I turned to face the new voice, holding back the smile that would come about when he made an appearance. "Lev." I greeted evenly.

"Director how –" He stopped, his gaze turned towards Shimoda.

I furrowed my brow, why was he just staring at him?

And why was Shimoda staring right back.

Did they know each other?

Did he do something to make Lev of all people have a dislike for him? I can't remember anyone that Lev disliked!

Instantly, I felt a feeling of anger swell up.

I clapped my hands, snapping them out of it. "We're short on time, get moving back to the room you were in previously, I will join you in a moment." I left no room for arguments as even Shimoda nodded and they all filed out.

"Olga." Lev asked me as they left the Cafeteria. "Who was that young man?"

"The Red-Haired one is Takao Shimoda. Do you know him? I can kick him out if he's someone you don't like."

"No, that won't be necessary. I was just…..surprised when I saw him and I don't know why. Something about him is just painfully familiar and I can't quite put my finger on it." Lev looked to be thinking about something. "He's a member of B-Team?"

"Yes, I was going to have him take over the position of Leader for B-Team. He seems decently competent, even if he's from a backwards country. Do you want me to reconsider?"

"If he has the ability, then I have no complaints." He had a strange look about him. "However....keep an eye on him. And when you have a chance, please send me his file….I wish to look it over."

Oh, it seems that Shimoda caught the eye of Lev. He should be honored, and if he played his cards right, he may move up in the hierarchy here.

"For now, I may just take an opportunity to introduce myself to him properly."

…..I don't ever remember seeing Lev with that kind of smile on his face before.

I'm sure it's nothing.


Managed to get the chapter out today before work.

And yes, the moment he realizes he isn't in danger, he pokes the Beast. They're going to be the best of friends :V

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone