An experiment gone wrong, or possibly right? A Nascent Kaleidoscope opens his eyes. A reincarnated Zelretch story. Previous Fate-series knowledge recommended. A Fate/DxD/Multi Crossover. In Light of the horrendous new update, know that I do cross post on Fan Fiction dot Net. *** My patreon if you want to support me: Discord --
I said my goodbyes to Thorum and departed at dawn, the old cart driver was waiting for me, having paid him for a few days to stay here.
I had a second job to take care of, the enchantments on the Companion's weapons only took the better part of a day and I even had some supplies left. The pay was decent as well, a good chunk to add to my savings.
Perhaps I should have handled the whole thing better….well I guess everything turned out well enough. It seemed like no one harbored any grudges against me, I probably bought a bunch of good will by giving that formula to the Harbinger.
Well, let the pieces fall where they may.
Still, though, that old man had some frighteningly perceptive eyes. Felt like he could see right through me in some capacity.
The enchanting was a good experience as well.
It gave me some inspiration for a few spells, using the runes of this land, that is.
They create a spell circle around a single rune, modifying it to a certain extent to perform actions. It's like a runic sentence in practice, now what I if I could combine the two applications? Wait, I should deal with the first steps before jumping ahead.
A thought popped into my head as I formed the magic infront of my hand. Instead of the native rune I used the ones passed down by Odin.
A single rune, a Sowilo, actualized and modified with the native variants to change its intent. The spell was brought forth, floating in the air infront of me.
With a thought, a huge bolt of lightning was discharged, tearing apart a chunk of earth behind the carriage.
"What in oblivion!?" The old man shouted in surprise.
"Sorry, sorry was testing something." I hurriedly shouted.
"A little warning next time." He mumbled in annoyance, I handed him a couple bottles of mead, he seemed content with that.
It was a good spell, but the most interesting thing….the runic circle still persisted and I knew I could use several more times before the mystery faded. The stored power was impressive, maybe I could even overload it in a single burst or lower the output and keep it continuously firing over a long period?
This had a lot of potential. It was only my first attempt; I knew I could modify them better for varied use. Now, what do I call them? Tradition dictates I give them a sufficiently edgy name without coming off too ridiculous.
Meh, I'll think of one later, I've never been very good with names.
What do you think, Ddraig?
[Asking for my advice?]
I just shrugged, I didn't have any else to talk to about this stuff, you've been around awhile and probably knowing a thing or two.
[True. It looks decent, has potential but I wouldn't ever call it a trump card as it is now. I think you should focus on seeing how many of those runic circles you can create in a single moment.]
That aligns with my own thoughts. It would be good for clearing away a lot of bugs, maybe even a good pressuring spell. But against someone powerful, like say the Archmage, it wouldn't do any lasting damage.
[Who knows about in the future, it has potential. Never liked those Norse guys, but they had some pretty decent magic.]
That was high praise from him.
Well, it shouldn't be difficult to actualize several simultaneously. I could modify the existing spell to basically come into existence with the corresponding runic circle already attached, the only issue would be the singular rune that starts the process, which I'm already proficient in drawing. Hell, drawing is more of a misnomer these days, really its more of a gesture that bring it forth.
"Hey is that it?" I stood up, looking a bit over the next cliff.
"Aye, that's the statue of Meridia. And here is where you get off." He said bluntly.
I just blinked at him. "You can't go any closer…?"
"What have I told ya about Daedra, boy? Did you listen to none of my words? And here you are doing something in one of their shrines" He threw his hands up.
"Well, If I don't do it someone else will." I shrugged.
"Do what you need to." He snorted. "Just make sure not to make any damn deals."
I guess he's kind in his own way. "Alright, old man, wait for me at solitude I may be a day or so."
"Don't need to be tellin me twice. Them solitude ladies needin some company." He whistled.
I couldn't help but laugh, he was really a character.
I walked up to the statue, it was a bit bigger in person, though not as intimidating as I thought.
"MORTAL" A voice boomed out. "Listen. Hear me and obey. A foul darkness has seeped into my temple. A darkness that you will destroy. But first, you must restore to me my Beacon. I shall guide you unto it. Find it and return here. And great shall be your rewards."
I stood there for a moment, letting the words wash over me, it sounds kind of...scripted, like a magically recorded message. There was also no 'presence' behind the words…..strange.
Curiously I stepped off the temple and back onto the mountain. And after a few more moments I stepped back on.
"MORTAL. Listen. Hear me and obey. A foul—"
I stepped away again, then stepped back up.
Is this magic that triggers whenever someone steps past a certain point?
That's hilarious.
"MORTAL. Listen. Hear me and ob—"
I think I heard Ddraig laughing in my soul as I kept doing it.
"WOULD YOU STOP IT." That familiar voice finally changed, something around me stirred as well, like a pair of eyes were now staring at me.
"Why are you not approaching!?" The female voice once again echoed out.
"You told me to stop."
".....Approach, mortal."
"Okay." I said happily, walking towards the statue.
"MORTAL. Listen. Hear me and –"
It wasn't me who cut it off that time, and I tried my best to hold back a laugh. Though the voice was being ominously quiet.
"If it makes you feel better, I think you have a lovely voice."
There was an awkward silence.
I couldn't really blame….her for the whole thing. I mean, why watch over the statue day in and day out, why not just make a spell that automatically tells anyone approaching of what she needs? It was the efficient thing to do. How many people came here, just to bugger off? It would be annoying to have to personally 'greet' every random person that showed up.
[I think you need to work on your flirting.]
Fuck you, my game is on point.
[On a serious note, are you not afraid of pissing off this god-like being?]
Eh, from what I read, they can't really interact with the world in any meaningful way. I can probably get out of any situation their power wills me into. As long as I don't sell my soul or something stupid like that.
Heh, a devil selling their soul.
I think I heard a sigh coming from the 'voice'. "An evil has invaded my temple. You must find my beacon so that my light may reenter Skyrim and I will make you my instrument of judgement. I can—"
"Is this your beacon?" I questioned, taking out the crystal-like thingy holding it up.
[I'm really enjoying my life right now.]
"….place the beacon on the pedestal." Her voice echoed out again.
I just shrugged and set it down, the area began to fill with light as a beam shot up into air.
Pretty, I guess.
The temple below shook, and I think I heard the sound of doors opening.
"Mortal, your work is yet done. An evil necromancer has taken hold of my artifact and profanes it with his tainted magics. He wishes to unleash an army of undead upon Skyrim. Become my sword of judgement, cast his soul into oblivion and rid my sanctum of his filth."
Well, I was promised rewards and the job did specify this necromancer. "I'll do it."
I wasn't unprepared for this, regardless of how nonchalant I was acting. I had several healing potions, a couple magicka and stamina potions along with some miscellaneous stuff.
I flicked my hand, drawing forth my cane and removed the sword from its sheath. Stepping down the stairs, I entered into the depths below.
It was a bit deep, the stairs winding down until they opened up to a room with a beam of light shooting down. It was connecting to a crystal that looked really similar to the beacon I had left up top….
Hmm, If I had to guess….it looked like I was supposed to redirect this light using the mirrors in this place…for some reason.
I walked towards the doors, they wouldn't budge, and I didn't see any keyholes.
A magical trap type lock then? Would the doors unlock when the light was correctly directed? But then, how did the necromancer get in, or did he arm the 'locks' in the first place.
Fuck it.
I reinforced my body, cast an Oak Flesh on myself and kicked the door open. To no one's surprises it practically swung off its hinges, merely being wood in make and nothing else.
Well, I seemed to attract the attention of the necromancer, because several undead walked out from the surroundings.
They looked…weak. Were they zombies? Their eyes glowed slightly, and they carried themselves better than most low-level undead I was familiar with.
Well, I always welcome targets.
I waved my hand, invoking several runes in the air and actualizing my Runic-circles.
"Lightning" I called out, and they all discharged towards my intended targets.
All the zombies except one fell to the ground, motionless as their bodies were charred and burnt thoroughly.
The one left had a shield, blocking the attack somewhat.
Annoying I stabbed my sword into the stone and I picked up an axe off the ground and as the thing approached me, I just caught the handle of its weapon and pulled it out of its grip, tossing it to the side. It tried to bash me with its shield, but I just pushed that away and slammed the axe into its skull, watching it kneel over and stop moving.
The door around me triggered some kind of mechanism, iron bars dropped in the doorways, blocking all exists as a bunch of specters appeared in the room. I don't know what type of ghosts they were, but they were pitch black and looked rather spooky.
My circles discharged again, letting out a volley of lightning, taking several down. The spell had good power compared to continued use, but these would require a bit more oomph to disperse.
"Fireball" A simple aria was invoked as several balls of fire swirled around my hand and grew in size until they launched at a few more of these ghosts.
I suppose this would be difficult if someone came in here only swinging normal steel. But a lot of this shit could be downed with magic without much effort.
Then again, I guess the necromancer expected more Nords than anything.
I saw another of those 'beacons' I was supposed to do something again….
Whatever, I walked over to the iron bars and lifted them up. Even with reinforcement, it was a bit heavy, though they were probably pure iron so that wasn't surprising.
Well, nothing else really jumped out at me, there was another room, but I just kicked open that wooden door too then made my way further inside.
"I see, my uninvited guest finally arrived." I heard a voice call out as I entered the inner sanctum.
I looked around, it was a wide room, several dozen coffins everywhere and the supposed necromancer standing overhead at the top of the stairs.
"Yes, yes. Banter is had, I introduce myself as Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, you give your name that I care 'so much' about then you say something stupid, and I retort with something witty. Can we get on with this?"
Honestly, this was feeling like a chore more so than anything else. How could fighting undead be this boring?
He looked at me, annoyance flashed across his face as he raised his hand and arcs of magical energy exploded out towards each coffin.
Their lids opened and more zombies began to pour out.
"Lightning Cloak." I recited, my body was enveloped in shroud of lightning and even my weapon took on lightning-based properties.
A nifty little spell I read about the other day.
The first few of the zombies walked towards me, weapons raised high. I just rolled my eyes. "Earth Wall"
As the spell suggests, a wall of earth rose up from the ground, blocking a handful of them while I dealt with the rest.
I kept a Ward, ready to cast in one hand as I kept the necromancer in the corner of my eye. He wasn't doing anything, just watching me intently. I had no idea of his magical prowess, It was good to keep on guard.
If I acted more flippantly, would that lure him into making a move?
My sword swung through their desecrated remains with relative ease, both reinforced and crackling with lightning. These types of undead were nothing more that fodder, I don't see how these would be able to take over Skyrim.
I grabbed another by the head. "Ice Spear."
A large spear left my hand, carrying the zombie and impaling it to the nearby wall.
"Annoying." I said, as I stabbed the last through the heart, discharging the remains of my lighting cloak inside it, letting the thing burn to a crisp.
There were a few more on the other side of the wall, I began to draw a few runes in the air as the wall whittled away into regular earth devoid of my magical energy.
"Fires of Muspelheim." I invoked.
The fires from the realm of giants spread out, enveloping the remaining zombies and burning them to ash. Without the creation cycle bolstering it like with the ice wraiths, it was a much more manageable size for this room I was in.
That's not to say that the flame were any less intense, they raged and burned anything in their paths, even the stones on the floor were scorched black.
The only sounds left were coming from the necromancer, clapping his hands.
"Well done, you are better than that mage that came here before. I guess I'll show you my greatest creation." He snapped his fingers and one last coffin at the top of the stairs opened.
It walked out with haggard steps before adjusting itself. It was fully armored, and its eyes glowed with a perception that I didn't recognize in the previous undead.
A single axe in one hand, I think it was made from ebony.
It looked at me and I felt something shiver down my back.