
A Nap Leads to the Future?!

“What do you mean it’s year *****?! I just took a nap, how could fifty-thousand years pass!” Fifty-thousand years ago Earth was evacuated, having slept though everything Annabelle must catch up to the times, find her lost brothers, and take revenge for her planet.

RandomchaoS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Annabelle was getting tired; the old man had been walking since the morning. 'I hope we're almost there; I think my ankle is even more damaged than before.'

John looked back at the young girl walking beside him, he had been slowing down to match her speed, but when he offered to carry her, she had refused. He had shaken his head back then and just kept walking, but now he was thinking that he may need to carry her, even if she didn't want it.

"I'm going to carry you before you do anymore damage to that ankle." He said as he made his decision. "It's still a few miles away, and we won't reach there before dark at this rate." As he was talking, he scooped her up, ignoring her protests.

"I can keep walking, put me down this is embarrassing! I don't even know you!"

"Calm down, you're going to hurt yourself. No one's here to see, so why are you embarrassed? Just relax, when we get to my house, I'll have Shelly look at you, my son is around your age so you can hang out with him while Shelly and I make dinner."

He paused when he heard her stomach growl. "Sorry I don't have anything to eat right now, I didn't think I'd be out here so long which is why I have nothing for you to eat right now. But don't worry, Shelly's cooking is amazing!"

Giving up she relaxed in his arms. 'Carrying me like a damn toddler.'

After about two hours she could see a house in the distance, John had really picked up the pace after carrying her. 'I can't believe he kept that speed up for an entire two hours while carrying me…'

"We're almost there, see my house? It's cute isn't it? My wife wanted a house away from the cities and towns, so I bought a lot of land, and built our house in the very middle, so that she could enjoy some peace and quiet." He sounded excited, eyes crinkling as he thought about his wife's face when he had told her about it all those years ago.

"You really love your family huh?" She was impressed by how he had spoken about his family through the two hours or so that they were walking.

'I don't think he stopped talking about his wife and son throughout the day… It's sweet, but an information overload. He's got it bad. Especially since he seemed wary of me earlier… It's like he did a 180.'

"Hey, when we first met you acted as if I was the plague, and you were super suspicious, why did you change your opinion?"

"Well, if my kid woke up in someone's field and didn't know how they got there or where they were, I'd want that person to help him. Plus, I'm weak to kids and small animals."

"I hope I'm considered a kid and not a small animal." She was mostly teasing, though at the moment she wasn't sure just how eccentric he was.

"Well…" He paused and sneaked a look at her expression. "I'm just kidding, of course you're under the kid category. Though when I first found you, I wasn't sure…"

When she smacked his back lightly, he laughed, and continued. "Kidding, when we get to my house, I'll leave you to Shelly, tell me your parent's names so that I can get the police to help find them. Where were you staying?"

When she didn't answer right away, he stopped, setting her down in front of him he crouched so they were eye level. "Look kid, if you ran away your parents are probably worried sick. Let me know how to get in touch with them so they can come get you."

It was too much for Annabelle, she looked away from the kind man in front of her as tears started pouring down her face. It was rather unattractive; she had always been slightly envious of her mother's ability to cry without looking like a deranged ghoul.

"Crying won't get you out of this. Tell me your parent's names." He said sternly, taking her tears as an attempt to get out of going home.

"They're dead."

"Kid…" He wasn't sure if she was telling the truth. He had worked in a juvenile correction center, before he had moved out to the country with his family. After a while he had gotten used to the kids there manipulating information so that it suited their needs.

"What's your full name Annabelle? I still have to talk to the police since you're under the age of eighteen. Surely you have a guardian, and even if you don't, you're supposed to be under someone's supervision."

"I'm not sure." She deflected. 'Oh sh*t, I am so screwed… How do I get out of this? Aww hell… This is just great.'

"Look, I'll let it drop for now, but tomorrow you have to talk about this. Okay?" He was firm, but gentle. Hoping that she would open up and let him help.

"Okay." She sighed in relief.

'So, I need to come up with a story between now and morning. That will keep him from calling the authorities, and will allow me to leave without my 'guardian' present.'

"I can walk the rest of the way."

"It'll be faster if I carry you, I can piggyback you the rest of the way though. If that will make you feel better?"

"Yes please!" As she agreed he turned around so that his back was facing her, motioning for her to jump on. After getting onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck she said. "Thank you, I'd be so embarrassed if your family saw you carrying me like a child."

He chuckled but didn't say anything. His wife had already shown their son an image of them walking earlier. He couldn't wait to hear what they thought about the child he had found. Though now he just had to figure out where she came from and how to get her back where she belonged.

Sorry this is a bit late, I'll release the one for today later tonight <3

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