


— Bryan's P.O.V —


I took Wanda's hand and led her outside the wedding hall. Waving goodbye to the married couple, Bruce and Natasha. I pulled Wanda through the empty hallway.

"Where are we going," Wanda asked as she awkwardly ran in her high heels.

I didn't reply, instead, sweep her off her feet and placed her on my shoulder.

Wanda giggled at my abrupt action, making me playfully slap her butt.

After exiting the building, I took off and headed towards the designated location where a small beautifully light platform was floating.

Landing on the platform, I put Wanda back on her feet and nodded to the singer and the band waiting there.

The ginger singer approached me and raised his hand which I shook.

"Thanks for accepting my invite Edward," I said to the famous British singer.

"Ed is fine, and don't mention it, It's an honour to play for you, Sir." Ed Sheeran humbly replied.

"You can call me Bryan too, and this By the way is Wanda Maximoff, my lovely girlfriend. I introduced Wanda, who raised her crimson dress slightly and gave a lady-like bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mam." Ed politely greeted back, and after talking with us a bit more he returned back to the stage and tuned his guitar.

"The first song is called Perfect." Ed curtly said and started hammering the strings.

"I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer," I whispered after I pulled her closer by her thin waist.

"I have every confidence you're a quick learner," Wanda said with a sly smile and led me onto the dance floor. She pressed herself lightly on me, one of her hands reaching the back of my neck, and the other holding my free hand, as Ed started singing in his amazing voice.

~I found a love, for me.

~Darling just dive right in and follow my lead.

~Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet.

~Ohh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.

The music folded around us as gently as a summer's rain.

"You didn't tell me the reason behind all this," Wanda murmured as she gracefully twirled back, her hand finding mine once more.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to do something special." I murmured back and gently twirled her again.

"Hmm" Wanda hummed in acceptance and after that, we danced for a while in silence. Turning and looping over the smooth hardwood floor.

The song continues, and Ed's melodious voice made us forget the world around us while gazing at each other's eyes.

And only when Ed's voice stopped did we come out of our musings.

Ed continued again after speaking the name of his second song.

~Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes.

~But it's the only thing that I know

~When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes

~It is the only thing that makes us feel alive.

We also continued to slowly dance to his music in silence, only every once in a while we asked each other questions.

And as this song was also coming to an end. Wanda twirled free of my hand for the third time, but this time when she spun back, she didn't find my hand, and instead she found them near her waist holding a small box.

I smiled as Wanda's both hands went to her gaping mouth.

"I have been trying to come up with something ever since I decided all this, but no matter how hard I try, I couldn't, so I decided to go with the oldest line. Wanda Maximoff, Will You Marry Me…" I said, my slight nervousness subconsciously sent my brain into speed mode, which I only realised when Wanda was taking an eternity to answer.

"Yes!!!" Wanda shouted and threw herself after I placed the ring on her finger.

She hugged me tightly as she checked her purple diamond ring.

"It's so beautiful Bryan, where did get it," Wanda asked as she caressed her ring with her other hand.

"I made it myself, it's a soul-bound item, meaning once it's bound to your soul, no one can ever wear this other than you," I explained while rubbing her back gently.

"Really?" Wanda left my embrace and questioned with twinkling eyes.

I chuckled at her childish reaction, but I also felt relieved seeing it, after the fake Wanda Shenanigan, she has become quite mature, and rarely does she show her childish side.

"Yes, and not only that it also comes in pair," I answered Wanda's question and showed her another ring.

Wanda tried to snatch the ring, but I stopped her and asked her to continue dancing which she happily complied.

Ed who was silently playing the guitar also started singing again.

~ 'Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen

~Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory~

We slowly started dancing again, and this time only stopped when the poor singer couldn't sing anymore.


~A year later~


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


It's been a few months since we got married, and although it didn't change much for me, it definitely did with Wanda. She loves being called Mrs Fury, or my wife.

Anyways, during this time other than marrying and spending time with my wife, I did many other things like working on my serum and helping train the new Avengers at Tony's request. But the most important thing I did was to create laws inside my personal Dimension, or more like my personal Universe. The dimension also evolved after my own evolution.

I also sent Emma to one of the planets that gave birth to life after I speed up the time inside it.

My Universe which I haven't named yet, is a typical isekai fantasy world, which I developed after the countless Manga inspiration I got from my previous like. Right now Emma is building the first kingdom inside it and teaching her followers the magic system I created for my Universe.

I offered Emma Immortality, and a governing position in the Universe as compensation after she proposed to become my woman.

I would have totally ignored her, but Wanda requested me not to as he had become friends with her.

Other than that, I also traveled multiverse to take care of the Beyonder once and for all, but after I found him trying hold on to his collapsing soul, I didn't kill him as he will die anyway. After all, the being who reincarnated me said that even his powers are useless against The Void, and that being is someone who's even above TOAA. So the beyonder has no chance of saving his himself, on the contrary he's only making his suffering longer by fighting inevitable. It's also good that way since fighting him means using The Void Merge skill again which I'm very reluctant to use as it will erase a tiny part of my Existence as a price.

And now after all these things are taken care of, I stood in front of the gate connecting to a different Plane of Existence.

"Here goes nothing." Taking a deep breath I entered the gate. Immediately a nauseous feeling assaulted me, and that's not all, my body started to get stretched, shrink, and pulled simultaneously making my nausea even worse.

I can guarantee that if hadn't evolved I would have definitely shredded into millions of pieces.

And after what felt like an eternity, I exited the gate. My senses automatically flared, bringing back countless pieces of information, and that was the last nail to the coffin as I finally lost consciousness, last thing I saw was a green door with the number 20 written on it.


~Unknown Location ~


—— 3rd P.O.V ——


After Bryan lost consciousness, the green door was slammed open, showing a well-organised apartment with purple walls.

A brunette beauty hurriedly walked out of the door but paused abruptly as her eyes landed on the passed-out body of Bryan.

Her face turned slightly pale, as she watched the body lying in front of her apartment wearing a weird skin-tight suit.

"Ooch!!!" A blonde woman also rushed out of the door and bumped into the brunette's back.

"What are you going, we are already late, the guys are waiting downstairs." The blonde lady said she walked past the brunette, but she also froze as Bryan's body came into her view.

"~ooh, a dead body…" the blonde lady said, but she noticed something, making her open her mouth again.

"A very hot dead body." The blonde lady commented while biting her lips.

"What! Don't tell me you don't find him hot" The blonde lady questions her friend as she felt her gaze.

"I DOO!!!" The brunette beauty shouted and crouched beside Bryan. " but that's not the point we need to take him inside." She continues after checking Bryan's breathing.


[AN: Finally Finished with this Vol. I'm putting this book on Hiatus as I'm going on a family vacation, and I also want to write a different Fan-Fic as I'm having a writer's block with this one.

If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws.]