
25: Passed Away


~ New York, 2017


—— Bryan'a P.O.V ——


On a sunny day in New York, Wanda and I roamed the street after a very heavy lunch.

With her hands in mine, we went from shop to shop buying things we have no need for.

Wherever we go, we always catch attention from the people around, with Wanda wearing oversized white t-shirt, denim shorts which highlights her shapely legs, a pair of white Nike sneakers below her shorts, face mask and a black shade. She looks absolutely stunning with her hair tied in a messy bun.

And you know, I'm something of a looker myself with my ripped baggy jeans and same oversized T-shirt alongside a pair Adidas Yeezy. I can make few heads turn even with my face hidden with a black sports cap and face mask.

"Let's go get some Ice cream from there" Wanda said pointing at a ice cream parlour.

"Didn't you just said, you were too full when I asked to get some smoothies" I questioned her as we just came from an old restaurant which makes killer burgers, and Wanda somehow…out ate me there.

"I can always make some space for ice creams" Wanda said in matter of fact tone and nodded to herself.

"Sure you can, but sometimes I wonder where all those food goes…" I said trying to sound genuinely curious.

"What! You're calling me fat" Wanda said and elbowed me. I slid my dishonest hand from her waist down to her enticing buttocks and squeezed it lightly, getting yelp in response.

"Don't worry, all the fat is going to the right place" Wanda blushed heavily from my words and the stare she's getting from the passerby.

She pulled me towards the Ice cream parlour with her head down.

After buying two large cups of choco-chips and strawberry flavoured ice cream for Wanda and me respectively, we started roaming the street again. But soon our date was interrupted by a public commotion that was formed by the two Asgardian brothers. Seeing them I quickly changed our course, but Thor's shout halted us, or more like Wanda as I completely ignored the loud fool. Even if my face is completely unrecognisable from all the accessories, the crowd still recognised me as there are very few Bryan of my stature whom Thor knows enough to call in public.

"What?" The annoyance in my tone was enough to make even the muscle head Thor realise his mistake.

I didn't let him speak anything, and teleported us on the roof of a random building.

"What do you want Thor and more importantly why is Loki outside his prison?" I questioned him.

"Haha it's a long story my friend" Thor boisterously laughed, but stopped after seeing no one else laughing.

"Then make it short" I stated while folding my hand, but someone else replied in his stead.

"Odin's been missing, and mother's too worried for him, so she asked us to find him." Loki replied to my question and then he suddenly bowed his dead a little. "Thank you for saving my mother's life" his sincere voice surprised me, but I still accepted his apology. One can imagine how much it takes for a narcissist guy like Loki, bow to someone.

"His disappearance has caused the already chaotic Nine Realms to become even more chaotic. Our forces has stretched thin to cover all the rebellions, so mother asked me to free Loki so he can atone for his past mistakes." Thor's word caused me to scoff at him.

"Crimes, you don't call something so serious, a mistakes, and if you can't imprison him yourself, let the authorities of Earth handle it" Both brothers stiffened up with my words, but didn't retaliate as they know how helpless they will be if I decided to capture Loki. "But honesty I don't give a damn." They collectively released sigh of relief after I finished my sentence.

"You didn'~swish" An eldritch portal opening interrupted me. Looking over Thor's shoulder, I saw Stephen Strange walking outside confidently only to freeze after his eyes caught mine.

"Who are you? A wizard? Earth had wizards now?" Thor confusingly fired rapid question watching Strange walking outside the Portal.

"The preferred term is "Master of the Mystic Arts." Strange corrected Thor after regaining his composure.

Seeing him regain his composure so quickly made me curious enough to read his mind, and what I found inside nearly made me burst out in laughter.

The new Sorcerer Supreme thinks if he can handle Dormammu then he can handle me as well. Uff now I want to fight him just to knock him down a peg.

"Alright wizard, who are you? Why should I care?" Thor questioned again completely ignoring Strange's correction a second ago.

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange and I have some questions for you. Take a se-" Strange teleported the Asgardian duo with a wave of his hand while looking all mysterious and cool, but he only managed to teleport Asgardian brothers and failed miserably in teleporting me and Wanda.

Then he stood in an awkward silence, not knowing what to do.

"Were you trying to this." I said and teleported us to Thor's location.

"Ya-yes ahmm" Strange said while standing up from the ground. It's seems he somehow fell flat on his face, 'Totally Unexpected'.

"So, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother Loki is one of these beings." Strange started explaining quickly, trying to make us forget his embarrassing actions.

"He's a worthy inclusion" Thor agreed with Strange easily, completely forgetting the said brother is missing.

"Then why bring him here." Strange questioned Thor knowing fully what they came here for.

"We are looking for my father." Thor honestly answered Strange's question.

"So, If I were to tell you where Odin is, all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?" Strange Questioned Thor who's messing with an artefact.

"Promptly." Thor said as he tried to fix the glass like object he broke.

"Great. Then I'll help you." Strange said as he stopped Thor from further damaging his property.

"If you knew where he was, why didn't you call me?" Thor questioned after straining his jacket.

"I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain here." Strange paused speaking for a bit then started again. "And you don't have a phone."

"No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email." Thor said, and I'm already having trouble with holding back my laugh.

"Yeah, do you have a computer?" Strange asked, sounding quite surprised at Thor's knowledge.

"No. What for?" Thor asked, quite confused at the stupid question.

"Hahaha" I couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed at Thor's response. Wanda also giggled along with me.

This is the reason why so many adored Thor in my previous life, but they ruined his character in Love and Thunder. Not happening in this timeline as I will fix and store Mjolnir in my future weapons collection.

"What? Why are you laughing my friend, did I say something funny?" Thor questioned me.

"Nothing, it's just an inside joke between me and Wanda. Don't mind us." Thor didn't question us more and focus his attention back to Strange who has finally decided to stop avoiding me.

"What?" I questioned Strange, seeing him staring me.

"I know you were a friend of hers." Strange spoke with some hesitation, and before he can say anything else, I cut him off.

"If you're worried that I'll hate you because of her death then don't. It wasn't your fault, and I already knew about her death and was prepared." No, I was not.

"She died, believing you were ready to handle the responsibility of being Sorcerer Supreme, and I hope you won't let her down." No, you're not.

"And I also believe you are mature enough to know what responsibilities comes with that title." No, you don't.

"And now that I think, you also don't have any business with me and Wanda, so we are leaving." I didn't wait for anyone to say anything and teleported away after getting a nod from Wanda.


—— Third person's P.O.V ——


After Bryan teleported away, Stephen wasn't in mood to mess around anymore, so he opened a portal leading to Odin's location, and sent both Asgardian Gods in without wasting any time.

On other side Thor and Loki met Odin who wasn't as weak as his counterpart in the original timeline, but looked just as old.

Odin looked back at them and told them about his conquest and how ruthless he was in his younger days.

He started talking about his biggest regreg.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away." He told them about their sister: Hella, who he locked inside the hell, and will be free of her prison after his death.

Odin told them that his lifespan had already been over, and that he's only been living through his sheer will.

" She draws her strength from Asgard...and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless." He informed them about her powers and weaknesses.

"Tell your mother that I loved her dearly and I'm really sorry for leaving her behind, I thought I had few more years to make it up to her, but my lifespan reduced so quickly in these few years that I couldn't afford it anymore." And finally he asked them to apologise to Frigga for him.

He talked for hours with them talking about all the things he did in his younger days, he told them how much loved them…

Odin informed about the dangers of Universe, and beyond.

As the minutes ticked away, Odin's breathing became fainter and fainter.

"…I hope…you won't forget…our deal…" Odin's last word confused the Asgardian brothers, but it wasn't meant for them.




"You didn't have to remind me" Bryan muttered, making Wanda look up in confusion.

"What?" Wanda questioned Bryan.

"Nothing, just a promise I made to an old acquaintance." Bryan said while rubbing her red-ish brown hair.

"Hmmm" Wanda hummed in pleasure and didn't question further.


~ Norway~


Odin dissipated Into stardust, indicating the death of one of the strongest being in this Universe.

A moment as the brothers separately mourn for Odin. The sky above darkens and the wind picks up after the gloomy mood of the Thunder God.

And suddenly "~CRACK!" Behind them a black portal splits open.

Thor SLAMS DOWN his umbrella, transforming into his Asgardian armor (with Mjolnir). Loki changes into his armor as well.

A piercing scream cuts the air as a figure is hurtled out of the portal, crashing out of this dimensional rift is HELA.

Hela takes a second to consider her surroundings. Then, "So he's gone" Hela asked no one in particular. "Shame, I would liked to have seen that." Hela said to the boys.

Thor and Loki tried to talk Hela, but she dismissed them and asked them to kneel.

"Kneel" Hela ordered the duo.

"Beg you pardon" Loki asked her in confusion, making Hela summon a black sword and repeat her orders again.

Thor denied the order and threw Mjolnir at her, he expected her to dodge his attack, but instead she caught the hammer much to his surprised. And it did not take much longer for his surprise to turn into a nightmare. Hela destroyed the mighty hammer with just her bare hands, showcasing her mighty strength.

Loki immediately realised how out matched they are against her, and quickly summoned the Bi-frost to escape.

Thor and Loki zoom upwards, held inside the celestial beam warping them towards Asgard. Loki and Thor look down to see... Hela is in the Bi-Frost, behind them and catching up. Loki reacts quickly and throws two daggers at her. They find their mark, stalling her for a second. But she plows right through Loki, knocking him out of the Bi-frost. Gone in an instant.

"Loki!" Thor shouted after seeing his brother thrown out.

Hela projects a jet black grappling hook and grabs hold of Thor. Drawing him to her, preparing to finish him off. Thor pulls up his legs, and KICKS Hela with both feet. This effectively dislodges him from her grasp but also...knocks him outside of the Bi-Frost. Now both he and Loki are gone. If they aren't dead, then God knows where they went.


{AN: Sorry for the delay. Enjoy 😊}


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