
20: Interview Part-1


—— 3rd P.O.V ——


Tonight most of the streets around the world is empty, as the locals of these streets are in their home watching the one hour special of Jimmy Fallon's show. The show's going to air on the national news channel of all countries instead of it's original channel: NBC. The week before this day, the organisers of the show had announced that they will ask questions that had most like on their social media, and this lead lead to instant crash of the said social platform. The amount of accounts made, to the number of comments sent, to all the likes dropped was just insane. Even now the app kept crashing, and lagging continuously.

Many organisations and individuals like the Avengers, Hydra, Shield, Wakanda, Eternals, Sorcerers, and many other are now watching the interview with an undying curiosity.


~ 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York ~


The whole studio was packed with audience, Jimmy fallon was currently talking to the crowd with a nervous smile. He was quite surprised when the authorities called him and asked to take an interview of someone important.

Jimmy easily accepted their request 'or order' when he heard who he's interviewing. But as the time approaches for the interview, he can't help but feel slightly nervous.

Jimmy earplugs buzzed indicating that Bryan already arrived. He ended his conversation with the crowd and returned to his seat, he then started introducing Bryan to the crowd.

"Ahhmm, today we have a guest whom I need not introduce anyone to, but very few knows his name, he fought alongside the Avengers in the New York invasion, he stopped the battle of Harlem, and recently saved the whole world. He is so strong that he bench presses cities for the morning workout. Ladies and gentlemen please give a big round of applause for Mr. Bryan Fury!!!" Jimmy introduced Bryan and pointed his hand towards the elevator, which opens and reveals Bryan in his three piece black suit.

Bryan walks up to the sofa and shook Jimmy's hand and sat down.

"First of all, I would like say, it's an honour Sir" Jimmy said as he started the show, but he was too stiff and nervous.

"Relax, and you call me Bryan" Seeing the nervous man, Bryan smiled and asked Jimmy to not call him Sir.

"Really? I can call you that" Jimmy asked Bryan, as his shoulders relaxed a little.

"Hmm" Bryan nodded with his smile widening.

"Then can I also get your number?" Jimmy questions with his goofy smile.

"Ohh, why do you need my number?" Bryan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course to call you if I had a bar fight" Jimmy said in a matter-of-factly tone while looking towards the crowd.

For a minute both of them were silent with Bryan eyes trying to lock on to Jimmy's evading eyes

"Pfft" they both suddenly laughed, causing the audience to laugh as-well. The tense atmosphere completely gone with Jimmy's silly actions and Bryan's laugh.

Since it's first time Bryan made an appearance outside the world ending threats, people didn't know what to expect from him. And with the tense Atmosphere gone, Jimmy can finally ask questions and not make the whole interview unbearably awkward.

"So, is it true that you are really are a century old" Jimmy already got some information about Bryan from the person who asked him to do this interview.

"Ninety six actually but yeah I'm an old man, but hey at least I'm not as old as Thor" Bryan replied with a shrug.

"True, but you're still an old man, hehe, your word not mine" Jimmy laughed and commented to Bryan's word. Jimmy's casual release of information stunned the Audiences sitting both inside the studio and around the world.

Not letting the people digest the small shock Jimmy continues the interview as the time he has is quite short.

"I know you came from an orphanage and fought in the World War II, but what about before all those things. Are you like Thor: A God, or you're like Captain America: A super soldier." Jimmy didn't waste much time and threw the big guns at Bryan.

"Actually you're right about me being like Thor: A extraterrestrial, but unfortunately I'm not a God like him" Bryan answered Jimmy's question as he lean slightly on right side of the sofa.

"Then what is the reason behind your powers, Many," Jimmy then points his hand towards the crowd and continued. "Including me are dying to know your origin and reason behind your Godly powers." Finally finishing his sentence, Jimmy lean forward to hear Bryan's answer in anticipation.

"Hmm, about my origin huh, well tell me first, do you want a longer version of it or a shorter version?." Bryan questioned Jimmy.

"How long is the longer one" Jimmy questioned back, while placing both his hands on the table and leaning down his head on them.

"Long enough to end the one hour interview" Bryan's words made the goofy host's face change many emotions, and after some time Jimmy finally answered to Bryan with reluctant face.

"Although I want to hear the longer version, but unfortunately we can't, as the time we have is too short." Jimmy seriously said, but than his cheeky smile returned and he continued "But you can always give me your number and we can discuss it over a phone call" Jimmy's last word caused the audience to burst out in laughter, and Bryan also laughed along with them.

"Sure, I'll give it to you after the interview"

"Really?" Jimmy questions, his eyes literally sparkling.

"Yeah, as long as you don't call me to Bar fights" Bryan joked, his words got few laughs from the audience.

"Don't worry I'm not that cruel" Jimmy joked back, and after that Bryan finally started narrating his backstory.

"Let's see, where should I begin hmm, well first of all, I'm not a human" Seeing that his first revelation didn't cause any surprises, he continued. "My species are called Kryptonian, and the planet where we originate is called Krypton" Bryan's eyes scanned the crowd once more, seeing them digesting his words without any problem he continued again. "I'm the sole survivor of my people. Krypton, my planet exploded causing my people to be killed along with it, but before the explosion, my parents sent me to planet Earth in a small space pod." Bryan paused and waited them to process the information.

"Why only you? If they had a technology advance enough to send a baby to Earth, why didn't they all leave the planet as well" Jimmy confusingly asked Bryan.

"It actually has a quite scary reason behind it" Bryan's words made the Audience around globe

Lean ahead in curiosity.

"And what is that?" Jimmy worded the question that's going through the mind of every viewer.

"All Kryptonian has potential to develop the same abilities as I did under the yellow sun, and since having billions of people like me roaming the universe are quite risky for some people. A very strong individual from those people saw the potential problems and didn't want that, so he brainwashed my people to not leave the planet, even though we knew the effect yellow sun had on us." Bryan paused, letting his word sink in, and then continued on.

"Even when my father warned them about the eventual end of the of Krypton, they didn't believed him, and called him a madman" Bryan stopped again, and waited for the people to come out of their shocked state.

"Are there really being like him in this Universe?" Jimmy subconsciously asked as he's still surprised from the previous information.

"In this Universe no, but other Universes, then I have to say yes." Bryan's answered caused the crowd stop thinking about the previous information and focus on him again.

"What do you mean not in this Universe, didn't you just said that, someone like that was the reason behind your race's extinction." Jimmy confusingly questioned again.

"And when did I ever say I was from this Universe." Bryan questioned back.

"You are not? You mean your space pod can travel to different Universe." Jimmy asked, sounding even more confused.

"Yes I am not, and no, it cannot." Bryan answered Jimmy's both questions respectively.

"Then, how did you get in to our Universe?" Jimmy confusingly questioned, but then suddenly exclaimed. "WAIT A MINUTE, the Multiverse is real?" Jimmy asked while staring at Bryan like Sakura would stare naked Sasuke.

Removing the 'Useless' thought from his head, Bryan answered Jimmy.

"Yes the Multiverse theory is real, but you only realise that now, I have been talking about the Multiverse for few minutes already" Bryan said and shaked his head.

"Hey don't judge me, I was really shocked, okay? And It took some time to process" Jimmy paused and saw that the audience are too tense and decided to change subject to lighten the mood. "But anyway, if there are infinite number of Universes out there, is it possible that one of them has a 'Me' who's stronger than you" Jimmy asked a with a small smile.

"It's possible" Bryan's answer caused Jimmy's small smile to turn a cheeky one.

"Then it's also possible for a 'Me' to be hotter than you in one of the Universes." Jimmy's question made Bryan smirk as he remembered about a Stephen Hawking's interview.

"Yeah, and there's also a Universe where you're funny" Bryan's joke froze Jimmy's smile and caused the crowd to release thunderous laughter.

"Not cool man, being funny pays my bill. You can't attack it" Jimmy said and they both stared each other again before busting in laughter.

Seeing the tense evaporating completely, Jimmy continued the interview.

"And, how did you enter our Universe, again?" Jimmy said and smoothly returned to the main subject without affecting the audience.

"The planet's explosion caused a spacetime rift to open, and that spacetime rift sucked my pod in, teleporting me to this Universe." Bryan said.

"How did you know so much about those things weren't you just a baby." Jimmy confusingly questioned again, and just as Bryan was going to answer, Jimmy spoke again, or more like shouted. "DON'T TELL ME, even as a Baby you were Super" Jimmy's last word made Bryan's lips twitch with how close his stupid guess was.

"No, I was not a Super Baby." Bryan first answer Jimmy's last question, and then started to explain the reason why he knew all this. "My father uploaded all the information into my Space Pod, and the space pod itself has a Camera that recored everything from the planet's explosion to my landing on Earth." Bryan's explanation caused slight disappointment from the Audience, it's seems they were already imagining him as a Super Baby.

"okay, now let's do something fun" Jimmy said with his Goofy smile.

"Ohh, and what's that?" Bryan questioned as he doesn't have any idea what they prepared for this show, the whole one hour live special is unscripted.

"Hmm, first you are going to answer the most googled question about you, then l will ask you some question from the Social Media, and finally we are going to play a random game" Jimmy explained the whole plan for the show

"Sounds good to me" Bryan simply said and watched as the crew prepare for the game while Jimmy brought out an envelope filled with cards that has questions written on it.


{AN: Sorry for not uploading yesterday}
