
A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

Being a Gamer means having a potential to be greater than all others. To get the girls, adventure and treasures. Endless possibilities. After all, we have a whole multiverse at the tip of our fingers. Inspired by DarkWolfShiro fics, ‘Game Must Go On’ ‘Dungeons and Devils’ and other similar fics. Warnings: -English is not my first language. Please point out my mistakes so that I can fix them -Grand Harem -Gamer System(Stats will be background though) -Power fantasy with plot -Multiverse -First world: DxD -Lemons later on -Morally ambiguous MC -MC that is ready to do some messed up shit if he sees a need to(not Demiurge level though) -Not friendly to most protagonists

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


Let me tell you guys something about dying. It sucks. How do I know? We'll obviously because…

I died

No it wasn't a dream. You don't feel pain in dreams and my death had been painful. Not to mention a bad timed one. Not that there was a good time to die before you hit at least sixty nine or get a terminal illness.

At least I had been killed AFTER I was done with sex rather than during it. That would have been far more painful, emotionally at least.

Though in a way it was my sex habit that had killed me. I was killed by a man who claimed that he would never forgive me for taking his sister's virginity. Like dude…

You got any idea how little that narrows it down?

After that dude started to shoot me in the legs, arms, shins, feet, hands before finally shooting me in the head and ending the pain. If nothing else I had to respect his dedication to his grudge. But I believe that I will just settle on hating his guts for killing me.

{A reasonable course of action.}

A box appeared in front of me with a text in it. Great now I'm not just dead but insane as well.

{You are not insane.}

Sounds like something my symptoms for insanity would say.

{Not exactly wrong but I am bored of your denials now. Implanting passive skill [Gamer's Mind].}

Huh, I'm calm now. That's convenient.

{It is. Also, congratulations. You have been chosen as the new Gamer.}


{Because reasons. Mostly your personality being compatible with my systems.}

Ok then who created you?

{I do not possess such knowledge.}


{Do you truly know who created your species?}

Touché. Does that mean there are more of you, hence more gamers?

{Yes, but after a certain incident concerning the daughter of a senior gamer and a new gamer, it has been decided to give every gamer their own multiverse so that they will never get in each other's ways.}

What? Did the daughter try to force the other gamer to be her slave so that she could kill her overpowered father and take his place as a new overlord?


Seriously? Guess that separate multiverses ARE needed.

{Enough chit chat. It is now time for you to prepare for the start of your game!}

Ok then, what first?

{First, would you like to have extra Perks that would help you in your game at the cost of Traits that might cause some negative changes to yourself?}

The way you worded it sounds kinda shady but sure ok.

{How many rolls do you desire?}

What, I can't see what the perk is and then decide whether to continue or not?


Damn, five then.


{Trait [Greedy]. You will have a certain urge to hoard things you want. Whether it is money, food, objects or women.}

{Perk [Lady Luck's Love Child]. Gacha rolls and loots are likely to be good. The chances of you winning luck based games are now ninety nine percent.}

Not exactly a bad pair. Just need to check myself as much as I can and I already had practice with that since I already was a greedy man. And luck is always something one should have in games.

{Trait [Diminished Presence]. The chances that people will dismiss you on first meetings is high. Your first reputation with people will always be lower than it could have been.}

{Perk [Unique Class]. In addition to your normal first class, you will also start with a special rare class.}

That sounded VERY GOOD! A rare class was bound to be a powerful one. What is it though?

{You will learn after the preparations are done.}

Isn't that a bit unfair?

{You are getting a second life with chance for ultimate power.}

Shutting up now.

{Trait [Lustful]. You desire women, not that such a thing is new.}

{Perk [Backstory]. You will have a full backstory in the new world that can give you extra perks rather than just getting dumped with no identification as a non entity.}

That could have happened?!

{Trait [Ire of Perverts]. Your mere presence make perverts self conscious. Your reputation with perverts will start at minus five.}

{Perk [Ladies Man]. The girls just can't seem to resist you. You are very attractive. All affection and obedience gains will double with ladies.}

Not exactly the greatest perk(it would still be damn helpful though) Perk but the Trait wasn't so bad either. Honestly, what were the chances of me meeting that many perverts?

{Trait [Ruthless]. Your morality is very skewed. If it means getting what you want then you have no problem with hurting innocents.}

{Perk [Charisma]. The ability of a ruler. Those who work under you will have their morale increased. Your voice possess the presence of a ruler, making weak willed people to instinctively submit to you.}

Ruthless kinda looked concerning but Charisma was awesome so I was fine with it.

{Please choose your class.}

{[Warrior], [Mage], [Rouge]}

I would like to say that I sat down and thought deeply about this. But that would be a lie, I selected Mage without a moment of hesitation. Though I will be able to get other classes, right? RIGHT?!

{Yes, once you get your first mage class to 'Proficient', you can choose a new class.}


{Jobs do Not have a Level like you do, which affects your stats, instead they have skills phases which are: Beginner, Adept, Proficient, Expert, Master, Legendary, Mythical and Divine.}

Those are lots of phases.

{That they are. Now select your Mage class.}

{[Elementalist], [Illusionist], [Rune Mage], [Druid], [Summoner], [Necromancer], [Alchemist]}

The problem is that I have no idea what kind of Unique Class I would get from my Perk, if I did than I could just choose one that would compliment it.

In the end I crossed out Summoner and Necromancer first. Sure having minions defeat enemies while watching from afar sounded nice but I liked to get a bit more personal. Not to mention I didn't want to deal with the sheer amount of bad rep I would get as a Necromancer.

Elementalist was out next as I wanted something that had more options. Elementalist would be just attacking and defending with power in the early levels.

Druid was out next as I wasn't exactly the most 'nature' guy around and the class would more than likely be wasted on me.

Illusionist and Alchemist were very tempting but I didn't have the needed mental discipline for being Illusionist(yet) and Alchemy was more about potions and support work. If the extra class didn't have anything about attacking then this would cause some very bad time at the start of the game. Which left only one option.

Rune Mage.

Runes were underestimated and even I did not think I would be able to become overpowered with them from the start like Caster Cu Chulainn but runes could both attack, defend and support. Not to mention using runes in order to create a bounded field should be possible to protect my home. It was an all rounded class that could possibly become overpowered as hell in higher phases. Seriously, Odin had taken out his own eye for runes so they had to be amazing.

{[Rune Mage] class has been selected. Beginning the roll for the Unique Class.}

Please be something awesome. Please be something awesome. Please be something awesome.

{Unique Class has been decided. Your Unique Class is [Monarch of Sun]. A class that holds power of light, fire, divinity and concepts of sun.}


{The backstory has been created. Commencing the isekai procedure.}

Huh don't I get to do anything else? Eh whatever I just wonder what my first world will be.

{It will be DxD.}

The system says whaaa…