
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Inso's Law (Series end)

Hey fam, I have finally escaped the never-ending taxi ride from before, and boy, am I glad to be free from that shoulder-straining experience!


Let me just take a moment to rest my poor shoulders and my slightly on fire ass booty. 


Creeck* crack*


Ahh~ that feels better.


Now, let's talk about content strategies. 


After giving it some thought, I have decided to stick with being a vlogger instead of diving into the world of livestreaming. 


It turns out I don't have the necessary know-how for that just yet. 


But no worries, because I've got plenty of exciting vlogs coming your way!


I want to make sure this vlog remains stable, just like all the previous ones. 


So, expect my usual high energy, fun-filled content that you know and love. 


I'll be sharing all sorts of adventures, thoughts, and downright entertaining moments with you all.


But here's the thing - I also want to make sure I'm delivering what you want to see. 


So, if you have any suggestions or ideas for future vlogs, drop them in the comments below. 


Your input is valuable to me, and I want to give you the best vlogging experience possible.


Alright, fam, that's it for today. 


Stay tuned for more exciting vlogs coming your way. 


Remember to hit that voting button and turn on notifications so you never miss a moment. 


Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you all in the next one. 


Peace out!

















































































HAH~! HAH~! 


Hah~! …haaaah~!




Hey vlog fam, it's your laughing-so-crazy favorite vlogger! 


You might be wondering, why?




I can't help but laugh uncontrollably, at the hilarious situation with my fictional cousin.


It's just too funny to see her reaction to me, becoming a new resident in their household. 


Let's take a trip down memory lane first. 


So, after acing the entrance exam, I am officially guaranteed a spot at the Ji Jon Middle School. 


It's such a relief and a reason to celebrate!


My fictional cousin, Dan-I, who is still the Dan-I of this world, is not that amazing, unlike Ham Dan-I from the parallel world. 


But that doesn't stop us from becoming close in no time.


However, just a few minutes ago, my new cousin Ham Dan-I from the parallel world started causing a fuss. 


I couldn't help but burst into laughter when I saw her reaction to the girl's school uniform lying on her mattress. 




And then, she caught sight of me. 


Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of me, half-top naked, with just a towel wrapped around my waist. 


Yep, your beloved seventh-grade vlogger happens to be quite the hunk. 


She couldn't help but let her gaze wander, blushing deeply.


But hey, she's my cousin, so I just laughed it off. 


It's all in good fun! 


After our little meetup, I made my way to the room my auntie kindly provided for me.


And I change into my school uniform, and oh boy, I'm super Dashing.


Won't you agree with me vlog fams?


I then make some weird poses in the mirror, but unfortunately, I need to conceal my appearance to avoid attention, since the purpose of me coming here is to just teach my cousin about academics and not catch some attention.


So, fam, buckle up for more stable and fun vlogs to come. 


Stay tuned as I continue to navigate the hilarious ups and downs of being the newest member of this family. 


You never know what kind of entertaining situations await us next!


That's all for now, vlog fam! 


Thanks for joining me on this wild ride. 


Don't forget to hit that vote button and follow for more outrageous adventures. 


See you in the next vlog! 















































































Hey fam, it seems like your favorite vlogger will be isekai'd once again...


Looking at the massive innovation beside me, never slowing down a bit,


I am now bound to face death once again.


I then wonder if that being is even the reason for this truck's sudden appearance.


As I face death, memories of my new mother, father, little sister, and her rush into my mind.


The happiness they have given me and the experiences we shared give profound meaning to my new life.


If only they could hear this, I am certain they would be genuinely saddened.


Well, what can I do? 


It will only take a few nanoseconds before this truck ruthlessly runs over me...


Contemplating won't even help, as it is merely a series of thoughts.


But since I am about to die again, perhaps I should ponder something that crosses my mind.


There are an array of fascinating topics circling the minds of philosophers.


Then what should I choose?


Oh right, what about the intriguing value of zero?


From what I know, zero is a number that signifies absence or nothingness.


When we apply the four fundamentals of mathematics to zero, it remains unchanged, holding no value beyond its inherent void.


It's rather perplexing, considering we all believe and understand that zero is a vital part of numerical sequencing, representing the quantity and quality of all existing things.


Yet, this digit does not truly exist.


How astounding it seems.


In other numerical systems, zero plays a fundamental role in creating various mathematical problems that we relentlessly strive to solve.


It's almost as if zero is like God.


Religious communities firmly believe that God creates something out of nothing.


So then, I wonder if zero is indeed God.


I would love to hear your thoughts on this…


But time is truly unstoppable, and this occurring situation I am in, is impossible to avoid.















































































Oh, I see you're here. 


It appears that my creation has caught your attention.


Well whatever, do what you want…