
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Inso's Law (1)

What does it even mean as a creation?


[Well for what I know, as a creation, it simply means that you are indefinitely, intimately, and absolutely connected to the vastness of a universe or whatever somethingness in a physicality means you can see with your very eyes.]


[It also signifies that you are intentionally brought into existence, not only you but also other fellow creations, by a creator or higher power, although this is straight out bullshit, the nature of an creator and the purpose of them behind your being created, can be varied with different perspectives, beliefs or maybe, yourself.]


[The knowledge of being a creation implies that there are deeper narratives or plans that encompasses your very existence in the vastness of reality.]


[Well in my humble opinion, you are not merely a random assemblage of atoms occupying a space in this variety of matters in the space, but rather, a carefully crafted being with an inherent value, a purpose, and a potential.]


Uh-huh. Then why are you saying this to me?


[Well..I don't know. Maybe because I see that you are now doubting your existence and just believe that you are a puppet, that is being played upon by a higher life form.]




..This does not even explain why you told that to me.









[Won't you accept my request and just go finish it?]




..Why would I even do it? 


Reading and understanding its contents.


It holds no true merits.


I don't even have any possible regrets I can think of, and yet, you ask me that kind of question.


What do you think of me? 


Some starving dude, hungry for all the things I haven't experienced yet.


[Then what about this? I will let you m꙰s꙰g꙰i꙰w꙰j꙰d꙰y꙰b꙰e꙰j꙰a꙰o꙰ j꙰w꙰u꙰o꙰w꙰w꙰n꙰s꙰v꙰u꙰w꙰b꙰k꙰s꙰l꙰ j꙰w꙰h꙰h꙰b꙰q꙰i꙰s꙰. If you accept my request, that is.]




..I hate you.


[I know, and I love you too darling~]-




Stop the cap, but anyways. I accept.



























































Hey there, folks!


Welcome to my vlog! 


I'm your host, the one of the weakest being in this plane of existence where strength reigns supreme. 


That's right, while everyone around me effortlessly navigates this challenging terrain, I, who even struggle to even peek at the feeble ground before me without draining my stamina, is now completely hopeless…


Now, before you pity me, let me tell you that my situation is perfectly normal and valid. 


After all, I'm just a baby right now, a petite fetus in the making at that! 


So, it's no surprise that my abilities are limited at the moment.


You see, I've only recently woken up to this world after a few weeks of not being able to control my consciousness.


You might be wondering how that's even possible. 


Well, here's the thing - my fetal brain isn't fully developed yet.


It's mind-blowing, isn't it? 


Considering I don't even have a mind yet.


Being able to feel, experience sensations, and even think a little without a fully formed brain. 


Trust me, it amazes me too. 


But I guess that's the power of life itself, right?


During those nine weeks of suspended consciousness, my heart continued to beat, serving as the rhythm of my existence. 


And now that I've awakened, I find myself in a world where strength is the law, yet I'm the weakest of them all.


But you know what? 


That's okay! 


Because even though I may be weak in the eyes 

of this world, my existence holds its own value. 


I might not have the physical prowess or mental capabilities like others, but I have a unique perspective to offer.


Join me in this vlog as we embark on the journey of a baby navigating through a challenging world. 


So, buckle up, my friends, and let's dive into the extraordinary story of a baby with an unconquerable spirit. 


Together, we'll uncover the triumphs and struggles, the joys and sorrows, and the growth that occurs when weakness meets resilience.


Watch as I defy the odds, break boundaries, and prove that even the weakest among us can shine brightly in this world of strength.


Stay tuned for more updates, adventures, and heartfelt moments as we explore the incredible journey that lies ahead.


Remember, my dear viewers, strength comes in many forms - and sometimes, the power lies within those who are deemed the weakest.


Until next time, keep believing in the extraordinary potential that resides within you all. 


This is your baby host signing off from the world of life's intriguing paradoxes. 


Peace out!