
A monstrous system

TheGermanelder · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Human attack and evolution part 1

I wake up to hear one of my brothers screaming for every one to wake up "ughhhh eco what time is it" "it is 3:00 AM". WHAT my brother woke me up at 3:00 AM this better be good. as I walk to the entrance to our cave I see fire outside but it's moving and then is see a girl and a man the man seems injured but the girl seems fine. 'I can't just leave them I gotta help' I said to myself.

As I walk out all my brothers are I aw and then I hear "AAAAAA" it came form the girl THERE ABOUT TO KILL HER. All these thoughts role into my head my jog goes to a run…


I made it but at a cost I lost half my arm to him cutting it off I don't feel it though so let's dance.

There is one thing I learned in this world it is killing in tent it not magic it's signal waves that have pressure and the mass of that depends on how much you want to kill someone. AND IM PISSED THEY WOKE ME UP AT 3:00 FUCKING AM. I released all my killing in tent.

They all fall to there knees except for one he's able to shoot a arrow to my head but it bounced off 'THAT PISSED ME OFF MORE'. I send off more killing in tent but then. CRACK. The guys neck snapped so I started walking over there one starts screaming in fear I pick him up and put my claws to there neck.


I slit all there throats I then walk over to the one with his neck snapped. I pick him up and ate him the bones snapping in my mouth all the juicy parts it felt as good as it tasted but then I look ip to see…








I then start to have a seizure and then blank then I see me just sitting there the I see a blue haired woman next to my others body. If I had a dick it be hard right now "hello master welcome to the evolution designer" said the girl. "Eco that's you!"

"Yup" she said ewwwwww I said I'd get hard to an AI I don't want to be that kinda person "just mold this model of you to have the looks you want and when you wake up you will have them" cool so it's like clay ok let's do this.

___________________1 hours later______________

I look up to see what I've made it is a tall slender bipedal vision of me with spikes pointing to my head which start at my elbows but there short."is this what you want to look like Y/N" said eco "YES" I said.

I wake to see a prettiest girl I've ever seen I stand up where In a tent "you shouldn't be moving your body went through a lot of change " she said oh yeah I have vocal cords since I ate that human "hElLO_WhAT_NamE"I said "oh umm my name is Sarah" she said "niCe_To_MEEt" i stand up to walk out the tent as I walk out i see 6 of my brothers sitting there one see's me and say "BROTHER ZACH" they all started jumping on me but I just keep walking I make it to the queens chamber that's when they all jumped off me as I walk in I see my mother "mother how long have I been asleep" I asked "oh Zach my son how are you" she said "mother the question" "1 week" "damn that long is everything safe" "yes" "good that is very good well mother love you" "you too" I began to walk out.