
Control Horror ]

#Chapter62 Control Horror ]

I fiddled with my fingers When hyunsik started pacing the room again thinking and thinking to a point were even his cheeks were now flushed from the stress .

I didn't even know what exactly he was thinking so much about, maybe to figure out how this was even possible, or of what to say or react not to mention do.

He hasn't believed me at first until I stroke over my stomach and he glanced at it as if it was an alien. Constantly shaking his head like I told him someone close to him died.

And then he started pacing.


/"don't /"he cut me off and I looked away again, not because I was guilty or anything like it but because he needed his space. There was no way I would not want this pregnancy, no way I would regret or try to get rid of jongin junior .

Kyungsoo ?