
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 90

Princess Margaret:"Was it really necessary for you to terrorize the empire with war think of about all of the lives you have ruined"

Me:"I know isn't it wonderful just this morning I walked over the corpses of family"

Princess Margaret:"I forgot who I was talking to, I meant do we have to cause so much much suffering to achieve our goals"

Me:"We don't have to we get to besides isn't this what you wanted to become a goddess people are far more likely to turn to faith in times of great tragedy when they are at their lowest any amount of mercy becomes a miracle in their eyes plus my people are working overtime to ensure the gods' image is ruined even zealots have a breaking point one just needs to know where to push now if you'll excuse me my talents are needed elsewhere I got places to be, people to see and lives to ruin"

I left princess Margaret sitting in her temple that refurbished and dedicated to her and her alone the priestesses of her temple wore black and silver instead of the traditional gold and white using a unique symbol representing the princess her following gained a lot of traction in the few months since it was established so much so that she gained the ability bestow holy spells to her priestesses and preform minor miracles the little ingrate was on the cusp of becoming a lesser goddess and all she could do was complain about the cost.

Not wasting any more time I decided to return to the sultanate using the Hydra family semi plane even though most of the empire is in total chaos the Hydra family estate estate is still untouched mostly because it is close to the border and heavily guarded making it a low value target for those involved in the war as it holds no strategic advantage besides me personally making not worth the effort to invest in conquering allowing the Hydra family to acquire more benefits from people who are running from the war including annexing nearby territories including the Griffin family who have unwillingly lowered themselves for protection but are still treated better than most because of Angela I didn't spend much time here though as I was only passing through so I could return to the sultanate.

The sultanate was still as beautiful as I remembered it to be even the glaring Amin was still the same I knew that he was growing impatient and he wanted to threaten me so I released a little of my domain and ended up throwing up blood before he could compose himself he was knocked down by a gorgeous lamia as she charged towards me then coiled herself around me and kissed me like a long lost lover I think she might have tried to rape me right then were it not for the others presence and I don't mean Amin but my two fiancees whom I have been neglecting over the years.