
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 104

After the wedding I went to confer with those dirty leeches who used to lick the ass of previous sultan.

vizier 1:"I know that this transition is is far from ideal my sultan just know we are here for you and shall help guide you as you don't have any experience" They expect to use me as a puppet guiding my decisions

Me:"That is very kind of you but completely unnecessary but I know that I am young so I will still need someone to seat the throne in times of my absence that will be Savita and before any before any of dare to undermine her in my absence know that such defiance shall be considered treason and those caught will be executed their families will be enslaved and auctioned off to brothels to pay back the sultanate for their crimes am I understood?"

all viziers:"Yes your majesty!" they responded with looks of panic and fear

It wasn't long after the meeting that Amin caught up to me clearly pissed about my decision but had the good sense to wait until we alone to voice his grievances.

Amin:"What happened to our deal you said that I would rule the sultanate!"

Me:"I made no such promise"

Amin:"You are a spirit you must adhere to your deal you made with me!"

Me:"I have the seat of the former sultan was sent to your room after the wedding as I am having a new one installed"

Amin:"What do you mean how does this complete our deal you gave me a chair!"

Me:"Exactly you asked for the throne it is yours and as my father you have no boss except for me just like I promised just like any pet only has one master so to do you"

Amin:"How can you betray me like this I am your Grand elder's friend"

Me:"Amin do you know why you were selected to be my father? It is because you are easy to manipulate your cocky and arrogant so long as someone is willing to message your ego you become blind to the details as you assume that you are the one in control but you never noticed these details as you liked to have fun and rise on the efforts of others, so did you have fun?"


Me:"Good! Well I don't have time to idle here with you don't worry I will still ensure that there will be plenty of food and water in your dishes I don't neglect my pets"

Now that I was done with domestic issues it was finally time to address my foreign diplomatic guests from the Draconic Theocracy I am sure that self-important half dragon has a lot he wishes to discuss then I need deal with the sacred families.