
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 102

Because the sultan is a weak male naga he has a very sensitive ego that can not withstand even the smallest of slights to his person that being the case forces me to excelerate my plans forcing me to cut corners here and there but as they say no plan survives first contact so instead of growing my power base I must instead solidify it because although I averted a premature civil war and foiled Morden's plans I now put myself on the radar of two powerful people the sultan has become wary of me but that was easily overshadowed by his ridiculous obsession with Shalu while Morden on the other hand has become much more cautious and pragmatic.

Somehow the day of my wedding arrived without further incident despite the sultan's best efforts to make an enemy anyone even showing a remote interest in Shalu isolating himself from the rest of the sultanate it took considerable effort to cover up his mistakes as he even murdered one of his favorite sons for trying to flirt with Shalu and every day his mind seems to fracture more each day she denies him especially when she spends more time with Faysal who has not touched since the incident although he did create a hate shrine to him in his private chambers that whenever sees it he instantly looses his mind and kills them with exception to me because....

Sultan:"I want to kill you for seeing my secret but I can't because if you are gone she will leave but I can't let you go unless... do you hate Faysal too?"

Me:"He is nothing to me and if you are worried that I am in love with Shalu your mistaken"

Sultan:"Then your the only one I can trust Faysal has been taunting me by going to see the beautiful lamia Shalu acting like he loves her and would do anything for her but really he has bewitched her and is manipulating her against me because he knows how we feel about each other he pretends that he will do anything for her but only I have been killing all those who would deceive her even my own son Mazhar even now I mourn his loss if only he didn't betray me *sob* Mazhar why did you force me to do it?" that was how I found out about him murdering his son as clearly lost his mind

Me:"That is because like the rest of them wanted to take what was rightfully yours my sultan they want to keep you two apart how could Shalu ever love a weak worm like Faysal over you if it wasn't because of deceit"

Sultan:"What about you?"

Me:"Isn't it obvious I'm the only one that you can trust I want your daughters and the sultanate I don't want to aquire Shalu (she is already mine) you already know what I want but what do you want to watch Shalu with another?"

Sultan:"NEVER! I would give up everything for her if you want the sultanate, my daughters or anything else it is yours just help me get Shalu to smile at me and I will destroy anything and anyone that stands in your way!"

Me:"Good then I will grant your wish on my wedding day your first task is to kill all your sons yourself"