
A Monster Hunter in a Highschool For Monsters (Rosario+Vampire)

I hunt monsters for the Government. That's what I was raised for, and it's what I died for. It's all I'd ever known, other than a few on and off romances I'd had with other hunters, and a few life-long friends I'd made by hunting and surviving with them. I was never religious. I felt if there was a God or a Devil, they might as well be the same person. So imagine my surprise when I wake up on a bus, in a younger version of my body but the body already had an identity. Imagine my further surprise when I found out that wherever I was going, was in fact, a school. A school full of monsters. How did I find this out? A weird pink-haired girl sucked some of my blood and called it the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. (A warning from the Author: Sappy romance will be very prevalent in this story, so get out now if you don't wanna see it. Don't expect complex romance but don't expect anything too simple. There will be a few obstacles but not anything too major.)

Mr_Cryptid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A Day At School Gets Hectic

"Tsukune!" Moka yelled as she threw herself onto me, wrapping her deceptively strong arms around my neck, "We're in the same class! I'm so happy!" she cheerfully said and I felt a shiver go down my spine as I felt the death glares from nearly every guy in our class.

Though, feeling their jealousy, I smirked and hugged Moka back, pulling her into me as I stood up, making her feet dangle off the floor.

Feeling my reciprocated hug, Moka giggled before loosening her hug and I let her down, "It's good that we're in the same class, huh?" I asked, smiling, as I looked at how excited and joyful Moka was.

As I asked this, I heard everyone in the class go up in arms at how their beautiful girl had been stolen. Hearing them say 'their' triggered a burst of unfounded jealousy which I quickly squashed. Though as I looked up and past Moka as she nodded joyfully with slightly red cheeks, I saw the guy from earlier - the 'we should eat the puny humans' guy - looking at Moka...and then licking his lips.

I narrowed my eyes and he met them, looking up at me with a cocky look. For a second, I wanted to go over and sock him in the face but I put that down to hormones and controlled myself.

I shouldn't go rushing at monsters I don't understand. I'll wait for him to come to me.

Anyway, after this Moka went and sat next to her seat, and the introductory lesson continued. It was mainly Nekonome-sensei talking about if any humans were found on academy grounds, they should be eliminated immediately. I chuckled and felt a small burst of arrogance as I mentally challenged the monsters to come after me.

But again, I stopped myself. What was happening to me? Did more change than just getting an extra heart? It feels like I'm more...prideful, for some reason. More wrathful as well, if we include how I wanted to bash a guys face in for simply looking at my cockily.

Control. Just control yourself.

I mentally repeated this mantra over and over as I sat through the lesson. Luckily, the lesson was only an introduction onto what we were doing for the first year, and then the lesson was over.

As I stood up, I felt a pair of arms slide around one of my own. Looking down I saw Moka's cute little face beaming up at me with a smile, "Wanna go and explore the school, Tsukune? It could be fun!" her big eyes gleamed with hopefulness and I just smiled and nodded.

It would be nice to walk about with a cute girl. Though it would be even nicer if I could get a lay out of the academy and make up a mental map in my mind. Finding advantageous spots for hiding and ambushes could prove useful in the future.

As she dragged me from the class, I listened to her talk about the hallways and the students, and how she wanted to enjoy her life as a highschooler. I...well, I felt sorry for her, for some reason. She seemed to have been a very lonely person before right now. Like she'd never had friends before. Just like that, she kept talking, with me replying every now and then while I just enjoyed her company.

The reason I wasn't very vocal was because I was conflicted. Very conflicted. She's a monster. A vampire. I was made to hunt monsters. Shouldn't we hate one another? Then why...why do I enjoy her company so much? The way her lips look when she smiles. The way her eyes twinkle when she's happy.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Though even with all this confusion going on in my head, I could still feel the bloodlust from literally every male student we past.

Envy. That's all they seemed to feel.

Can't blame them though - I'd be envious if a guy had such a beautiful girl hanging onto his arm while not paying attention to anyone else. But my attention was truly captured when I saw someone I didn't want to, right in front of us, his beady black eyes going over Moka like she was a piece of meat.

"Hmm, such a pretty one," he whispered to himself, though my sensitive hearing easily picked up what he said. As we got closer, he smiled charmingly and gave a little wave to Moka, "You're Moka Akashiya, right? I'm a classmate of yours. Saizou Komiya. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, not even trying to hide the lust in his eyes.

He didn't even wait for Moka to reply before he turned his gaze to me. Our eyes met and I saw his cocky arrogance as he stepped up to me and grabbed my collar, "By the way, Moka-chan, why is a beautiful lady like you hanging round such a gloomy guy like this? He even has bags under his eyes!" he chortled and I just smirked in reply as I finally realized it was time to take out a pest like this guy.

"Collars aren't the best things to hold, you know?" I said as I brought a hand up and grabbed his hand which was loosely holding my collar. Specifically, what I grabbed was his thumb and I flexed my arm and yanked the thumb backwards and with an audible snap ringing out the guy's eyes widened as his thumb was pointing the wrong way and he could no longer hold my collar properly.

Just as he was about to shout at me or scream out in pain or maybe even both, he realized I'd moved to his side. But it was a bit too late to react at that point.

I'd already grabbed his hair and just about kicked his legs out from under him as I used his hair as a hold and slammed his face right into the ground.

I was surprised to see the ground cracking under the force of my attack and I guessed that something about my physiology had massively changed. I could crack concrete before, sure, but not with such a casual attack. Either I'm stronger or this world is made up of weaker materials. And going off of the surge of strength I felt coursing through me right now...I'd say it was the former.

If that's the case...I wonder why I'm stronger?

Shaking away these thoughts, I stood up before planting a foot into Saizou's ribs and sent him into the wall of the hallway. Saizou curled inward, gasping for air as he glared up at me, but I didn't care and turned to Moka before grabbing her hand and walking away. I had to come up with some reason for my overreaction.

I'd lost my cool a little. The thought of what he wanted to do to Moka...well, it agitated me for some reason. It was unreasonable but it was happening, so I'd have to accept it for now. My apparent chemistry with Moka and the odd connection I feel to her, that is.

I pulled her for a while before she stopped me from pulling her. Looking back, I saw a worried look on her face. For a second I felt...scared. Scared that she'd be fearful of me because of my outburst.

But just as I was about to explain myself, she spoke up in a timid voice, "Are...are you okay, Tsukune? He came out of no where, I even got a little scared..." she got out, her eyes boring up at me, scanning over my slightly ruffled uniform before landing on my face and checking it for something. I was a bit taken aback to say the least.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I guess," I got out, confused at her lack of reaction to my violence, "Are you, uh, okay, Moka? You're not scared of what I did or anything?" I asked, genuine curiosity on my face.

"Huh?" she got out, her worried expression becoming confused, "What do you mean, Tsukune? Why would I be scared of you?" she asked, her confusion only getting more apparent.

"I..." I tried to speak but nothing came out. I was a little stunned, honestly. Most women would be scared of a man who beat someone down just because they grabbed their collar. It was an overreaction through and through. Pushing him away would've been a normal thing to do, sure. But dislocate his thumb, slam his head into the ground and kick his ribs? Not so much.

Which is why I thought she'd be fearful of me or think I was a violent person.

Then I realized something: She's not a normal girl. She's a monster. Who knows what she thinks is normal. In her eyes, I could've gone easy on Saizou just now.

"It doesn't matter," I smiled as I moved past the subject, hoping to not make her realize what I'd just done was a bit much.

Smiling back, her confusion practically evaporated, "I was gonna say, Tsukune. How could I be scared of you? We're on bloodsucking terms after all~" she said, looking away from me with her hands on her cheeks and blushing like some kind of bashful maiden.

"Eh?" I got out before she turned to me with a sagely look on her face.

"You know, you should be proud, Tsukune," she started, "Your blood is A+ Grade in both taste and nutritional value! It's the best I've ever drank!" she said like it was the best compliment in her arsenal.

But all it did for me was make my lip twitch as I retorted on instinct, "Oi, Moka, why do I feel like you're reviewing me like I'm food?" I got out, feeling slightly annoyed yet endeared to the pink-haired girl when she was so passionate and enthusiastic. Even if the thing she was being enthusiastic about was my own blood.

"No! I d-didn't mean it like that, Tsukune!" she shyly got out, averting her eyes, "I mean, that was, well, you know...my first time..." she whispered out before bringing her hands to her cheeks again, as if to feel the heat of the blush she had going on.

"What?" I asked without thinking, confused and feeling as if I'd missed some very important context. But then it made sense.

She meant it was her first time drinking blood from someone.

This was proven to be correct as she answered my blurted out question, "You're...you're the first person I've ever fed from, Tsukune," she said as she looked up at me with a joy that seemed both weird and oddly fitting in her emerald eyes, "That moment...I'll never forget it!" she said with a pure and happy smile on her face and I felt, by proxy, happy as well. It was infectious.

But just as I got out, "Moka..." she pushed me away and back into a wall. I felt the concrete crack behind me without hurting me myself and I actually chuckled as Moka spoke up.

"Oh gosh...I'm so embarrassed!" she said before turning away and walking to the nearby exit door. Before she opened the door, she turned to look at me with a slightly mischievous look in her eyes, "Forget about all that stuff, Tsukune - let's go explore the Academy!"

"Yeah..." I answer as I walked toward her, leaving the partially ruined wall behind.

Looking at Moka trotting off, I realized something that hit me like a freight train. I was beginning to like a Vampire. I was beginning to like spending time with her.

What the hell happened to me?