
A Monster Hunter in a Highschool For Monsters (Rosario+Vampire)

I hunt monsters for the Government. That's what I was raised for, and it's what I died for. It's all I'd ever known, other than a few on and off romances I'd had with other hunters, and a few life-long friends I'd made by hunting and surviving with them. I was never religious. I felt if there was a God or a Devil, they might as well be the same person. So imagine my surprise when I wake up on a bus, in a younger version of my body but the body already had an identity. Imagine my further surprise when I found out that wherever I was going, was in fact, a school. A school full of monsters. How did I find this out? A weird pink-haired girl sucked some of my blood and called it the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. (A warning from the Author: Sappy romance will be very prevalent in this story, so get out now if you don't wanna see it. Don't expect complex romance but don't expect anything too simple. There will be a few obstacles but not anything too major.)

Mr_Cryptid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

'Another' Moka, A Reassurance, and A Succubus

Just as I was about to reply to her, I was suddenly blasted backward by some kind of aura or energy that sent goosebumps across my skin and sent my instincts into overdrive.

Without being able to control it, Adrenal Mode activated on it's own, even as the side-effects began to grate me, physically, it kept going and I felt the veins around my eyes bulge. But I couldn't care less for my aching body as I watched Moka who was at the center of what seemed like a maelstrom of energy.

First to change was her hair.

From the bubblegum pink hair it usually was, it became silver starting from the top and travelling all the way down to the tips.

Then her fingers flexed inward into a fist before suddenly extending outward but this time her fingers were tipped in sharp and long nails that looked sharper than a knife and like they could cut through stone like it were butter.

Her mouth opened to show her fangs extending beyond their already longer-than-average length.

But what changed about Moka the most...was the air around her. It was cold, reminding me of myself when I went serious in a fight. But added to that coldness was an aloof arrogance that I lacked even if I could get a slight arrogance it was nothing like what was in front of me:

It was like looking at the sin of pride itself.

Moka's features became sharper, with an expression of mocking arrogance that fit her aura coming over her face as she turned to look her me, her green eyes becoming blood red and her pupils contracted into slits. As her eyes looked at me I narrowed my own as she licked her lips while looking me over.

It was like she was looking at food. Which, in a vague sense, I guess she is.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Moka asked as she completed the transformation and with a shake of her hair, she began to walk toward me, "And after what you said to the other Moka about liking her despite her being a vampire. Tut tut," she mockingly reprimanded me but I ignored her.

Wresting control away from my instincts, I settled into a more relaxed posture as I looked over this Moka's aura.

Instead of being a sheen of pink that covered a core of silver, now it was exactly the opposite - the outer layer was silver and the core was pink. Like they'd switched places. Which is obviously the case.

"No, I'm not scared. Just trying to figure out which Moka is which," I said as I took a step and met Moka in front of me. The now silver-haired beauty raised an eyebrow and I realized this Moka was completely different to the other Moka other than the hair style and basic face structure.

Her features were sharper, he attitude much colder, and even her boobs and ass seemed to have expanded outward a bit.

I guess you could say she's beautiful in this form as well.

"Which Moka is which?" she asked, obviously a bit confused with what I mean.

Sighing, I answered, "Nevermind," I answered as I put out the hand which was holding the rosary. Moka looked at me for a few seconds with narrowed eyes before snatching away the rosary with an unexpected grace.

Just as she was about to put the rosary back on, she looked up at me with those cold, arrogant red eyes of hers and I saw a softness in them as she spoke, "Look after the sentimental me, will you? She may not seem like it but she treasures your friendship immensely. If you hurt her, I'll kick your ass," she sharply said before clipping the rosary back on and falling forward as the changes reverted her back into the cute pink-haired girl I'd gotten so attached to against all conventional odds.

Catching Moka who had passed out, I sighed before looking over her face.

It was much softer and cuter looking in this form. I preferred it but thinking back to that cold silver-haired beauty...I wouldn't mind getting to know that Moka. She seems interesting.

Picking up Moka, and her bag, I turned toward the school and started walking. We were already late, so no need to tempt fate too much, right?

. . .

"Tsukune, about earlier...Thank you," Moka said to me and I just raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what she was asking and she carried on, seeing that look, "I might not know exactly what Saizou wanted but I could tell he had some kind of ulterior motive...and what I'm really thankful for is your friendship. It means more than you know," she said, seriously, before winking and getting in close, "Mhmm~! Can I have some blood please, Tsukune?" she mischievously asked and I rolled my eyes before walking toward the canteen.

"You had some yesterday. Surely you can survive one day without it, right?" I quipped before picking up into a jog as I heard her try and jump on me.

"But Tsukune! I wanna suck your blood~!" she complained with an endearing tone that almost convinced me to let her but I just picked up my jogging speed a little, keeping her away.

I may be a super human but that doesn't mean I can feel anemic when someone drinks mouthfuls of my blood more than once a day...Though I could probably let her have a sip later on today, right? It couldn't hurt too much.

...Seriously, Moka is really thawing away at my past cold ways. Not like I've tried to stop her.

. . .

It was a new morning and right now I was waiting for Moka at the side of the pathway. Students walked around me and gave me a wide berth - I suspect that someone knows about what I did to Saizou and has spread the news.

Shrugging, I leaned backward against the wall behind me and scoured over the internet while listening to a bit of relaxing music.

Even with the music playing at a decently loud volume, I could still hear the people near me whispering about how gloomy I looked. Not that I could really refute them.

I wasn't ugly. Far from it, actually, as I was genuinely quite handsome. Sharp, masculine and noble features made up a face that I was actually quite proud of. From how some of the female students looked away when I met their gazes I could see that most of the female student body agreed with me.

I was tall, obviously athletic and well-built, and broad. But there was one big problem - the goddamn bags under my eyes. Because of my, let's just call it, unique biology, I have a set of extra blood vessels around my eyes. They deliver heavily enriched blood to my eyes to make sure their in tip-top condition at all times. It also allows my visual reaction speed to be at it's prime no matter my body's condition.

There's only one problem with these extra/added blood vessels: They're black and they congregate under and above my eyes, giving me bags like I haven't slept for the last few days.

It makes me look a bit gloomy and put with my pale skin and black hair...and well, I look like I don't sleep and I haven't seen the sun since I was born.

But thinking of this, I cracked a smirk as I thought what I looked like. A vampire.

Hearing a commotion from the male students, I took my gaze away from my phone and turned it towards what had got them all excited and I smiled as I saw the familiar head of pink hair bobbing and bounding forward.

Moka. Well, I looked a hell of a lot more like a vampire than she did. That's for sure.

Pocketing my phone and taking my earphones out and putting them away as well, I walked toward Moka who saw me and her eyes sparkled before she jumped at me. Already knowing she'd do this and why she was doing it, I sidestepped her charge and grabbed her by the back of her collar, suspending her in the air.

"Tsukuneeee! Just one mouthful! No, just a little, teensy sip! Pleaseee!" Moka, seeing her attempt fail, gave me the puppy eyes and the quivering bottom lip but I remained adamant as I started down her attempts at persuasion.

"If, and that is a very big if, Moka, you're going to take some of my blood, it'll be at lunch," I said, laying down the law with a smile.

Moka looked at me as if I'd betrayed her in the worst way, "B-but I'm hungry now, Tsukune," she said, her cuteness going into overdrive.

...Stay strong, Tsukune. You must resist the urge to give in.

Smiling at her, I set her down before reaching into my bag, "I knew you'd say something like that, so I prepared this," I pulled out a small bento box, "A breakfast, made with a special ingredient. A small splash of, you know, my blood," I said feeling a slight bit of embarrassment crawl across my face, "Sorry if you find it weird, I just thought--" I went to explain myself but Moka had taken the bento off of me with shining eyes and flushed cheeks.

"My...my first time receiving a bento..." she whispered to herself before she scrambled and opened the container, finding the small-ish chopsticks inside. I just stood there as she taste tested the first bite before her eyes closed and she smile with her lips sealed, "Mhm~" she let out a groan of joy before she began to eat at a breakneck speed.

...I assume that means it was nice? And it only cost me a few drops of blood. Bargain, I guess.

Before long I had my container back, along with the chopsticks and along with that, the jealous and hatred of all the boys who walked past me. So, it seemed to be shaping up to be a normal day, honestly.

"That was so yummy, Tsukune! Where did you learn to even cook like that?" Moka asked as we began to walk, her eyes looking up at me curiously.

"Just lived alone long enough to get good, I guess," I shrugged as I put away the empty container.

Moka went quiet and when I looked to her, she was just worryingly looking over at me, "Alone?" she asked, her voice slightly quivering. Seeing her worry so much over something that didn't even bother me, I just smiled and chuckled.

"Yes, alone, Moka," I said before ruffling her hair up, "Don't think too hard about it, yeah? I'm fine and I've come to terms with it," I laughed as she pouted and weakly slapping my hands away before sorting out her messed up hair.

"It must be pretty lonely knowing you're the only human at school, Tsukune," she whispered to me and I had half the mind to cover her mouth but I let her carry on as I heard her caring and determined tone, "So, I'll be there for you when you need me! Is there's anything I can do, just ask, okay?!" she said like some kind of overly enthusiastic soldier and I just nodded while chuckling to myself as I imagined Moka dressed in baggy military fatigues and a helmet much too big for her head.

"Aye aye, Moka, I'll do just that," I said before wrapping and an arm around her and bringing her close for sort of side hug. To say thanks of course.

...Also maybe because I like hugging Moka. She's cute and cuddly. Sue me.

Moka giggled and wrapped her hands around my waist, being barely able to get her petite frame around my considerably bigger one.

"Oh, and thanks for the food, Tsukune! Though it wasn't as good as getting it from the source," she said mischievously as I felt her feet leave the ground and with a roll of my eyes, I pushed down on her head and cancelled her jump.

"Lunchtime, Moka. If you keep it up, you won't get any," I smilingly reprimanded while Moka pouted away.

"...Big dummy," she sulked as we continued walking to school.

I don't know how or why I was brought to this world but...I like it. I've found more purpose and happiness in this place than an entire life back on my Earth.

. . .

Currently, it was lunchtime. Yet as soon as the break started, Moka rushed off to the toilet saying something about 'Lady Emergencies' and told me to go and eat without her. So I was doing just that.

So why...am I currently princess carrying a girl?

"I'm...I'm so glad you were passing by," the girl I was holding huffed out as she pressed her chest into my own, obviously trying to seduce me, "I've always had a weak heart...can you take me to the nurse's office? I'll make it worth your time~❤" she said in a seductively breathless voice and yet I took no notice of it.

I caught her as she swooned in front of me, and yet now she's trying to seduce me...she's either trying to play me or use me for something.

Maybe the rumors of me beating the living shit out of Saizou got around and she wants a thug to use or--

My internal thought was cut off as the girl turned my head to the side and pulled my gaze down to meet hers. I got a good look at her stunning appearance. She has shoulder-length light ocean blue hair that is tied in a ponytail with a purple maid headband that has one gold star on the left side, deep purple eyes, thick long black eyelashes and despite her short stature - probably being right at the 5 foot mark.

"Look into my eyes, Tsukune~" she said, and I was somewhat curious on how she knew my name but knowing that she was doing this with ulterior motives I guess she did her research. Looking into her purple eyes, I suddenly realized what she was, "Please be a good friend to me, okay?"

She was a succubus.

...Why the hell did this happen? And here I thought that my main trouble this lunchtime would be having Moka biting into my neck like a hungry, yet cute, animal.