
A minecrafter in another world

Ok guy plays minecraft, guy gets moved to fantasy world, dude does minecraft stuff in that world. I’m not sure what the rest is yet Updates every Monday and Thursday of 1k to 1.5k words.

Snake_Orc · Video Games
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16 Chs


"That's not a bad Idea actually" making a new village, -remembers cyclops attack- "yeah never mind." The Idea of building my own house and stuff is cool but I don't think I would be able to defend myself from any monsters that attack it.

I looked a small stack of papers beneath the news board. It was basically a newspaper. I grabbed one while walking through the city. I read through it seeing a few things.

There were stories on "heroes" killing monsters and such. Many things about nobles and kings/queens. Aside from the occasional monster attack mentioned there was nothing really interesting.

Something I thought about while wandering was building a shelter. After the cyclops attack it just makes sense to y'know, make a bunker or something. I have the abilities of a Minecraft player so I should be a semi decent builder.

"I also need a job as well." Not only for food but because of the tax on the town every week I can't just be a slouch at my house. "Alright it's decided" I'll keep working in this town to make money and make a base underground. Right now I'm pretty safe. I looked over towards the destroyed building beside me. "Never mind" I walked over towards a shop. Now that I have found 3 silver coins I can afford to eat some actual food.

I went over to a stall selling apples and bought 3 for 2 copper. After that I went back to my house, with my new found knowledge the first thing I would do is make a secure shelter underground, I grabbed my crafting table and bed bringing them down to the cellar.

Although not the most practical thing to do, it's way safer than being upstairs. If more cyclops or who knows what invaded I would be way safer. After moving my things towards the right further most corner I got to work.

I took my wooden pickaxe and went to swing at the stone floor. Right before I did I stopped. "This is stupid" I had to be extremely dumb to do this. I was going to break the foundation of my house.

"I could've been crushed or something" I sat on my bed contemplating. 'I could make a new house somewhere in the forest, but if monsters attack I'm screwed.' So strength is what I need right now. The obvious way would be to craft some better armor.

"To get armor I need materials, and to get those I need a job or pay someone to get the materials for me." "I'M A GENIUS" what is something that I have that no one else does. 'Aside from my good looks' the ability to instantly craft whatever I want. I only need to see the recipe once to be able to use it. I went outside Towards the board, grabbing an empty sheet of paper and a pencil beside the board I wrote down a task,

-black smith for hire-

-bring materials for item you want crafted, 5 copper per material-

-go to 3rd house on the left side of town for item you want made-

I set it up on the board and went back home. First grabbing a bite to eat.

Only a few minutes later did someone knock on the door. I opened it to see a little girl. "Hello?" I said. "Is this the crafters house?"

"Yeah" I said to her. She pulled out a broken doll. "Can you fix this, I brought the stuff for it" she took out some wood and 5 copper coins. "Yeah I can do that." I grabbed the materials and went towards the cellar. I came out just a few seconds later with a new doll. "Thank you mister?" "it's Raj"

"Thank you mister Raj" she said before bounding off happily. The reason Raj had managed to fix it so quickly was because he didn't. After going downstairs Raj set the doll in the crafting table.

After gaining the recipe to create it Raj had used the wood she brought and made a new doll just like that. Was it scamming? Well kinda since he didn't "fix it" but it doesn't matter anyway. With a new found way to make money Raj was able to sit around at his house for the rest of the day.

Only getting a few orders to fix a broken toy or make a few hammers and nails. Even though there was a monster attack people didn't really seem to care. Raj sat in his cellar "monster attacks must be really common around here" within a few hours all the houses broken down have already been fixed or are being fixed. Even after a few minutes I got a tax collector at my door.

Raj stood up looking at his crafting recipes. With more people bringing materials and items in he can get plenty of recipes and get paid while doing it. "Let's see here" in my crafting recipe's nothing really stands out.

Aside from the hammer and nails I can't really use anything for my new house. I looked out my window noticing it's about time for bed. To be safe I put everything I had in my inventory.

I laid down in my bed falling asleep. Above ground you could hear plenty of monsters growling, waking up restless. In the far distance you could hear a dragon roar. Unbeknownst to all this, Raj slept peacefully. Unfortunately he would be awakened, not so nicely.

Far in the distance a group of monsters roamed. This particular monster's being Ork's. A species that worships the god Dakka. Their only purpose is to fight. They never cared who it was, be it a child, a king or one of their own.

This group hasn't fought anything in days. By now they should've resorted to fighting among themselves but they had a goal.

Their leader, a huge ork nearly 4 meters tall. Crimson red with 1 horn atop its head, raised its hand, stopping the group from moving on. It sniffed the air before smiling. Giving a deep low growl. It started running at speeds not humanly possible, good thing it's a monster. Within minutes they were upon the village.


Raj woke up startled.

Immediately looking towards his left, he saw the cellar window. Fire caked the entire village. Not that he knew. Raj put on his wooden helmet and grabbed the wooden sword on his left. Backing away towards the furthest corner of his cellar he stared intently at the window.

Raj could hear his house being smashed above him. He crouched down, waiting for the nightmare to end. A club broke through the ceiling of his cellular. Raj backed away just barely avoiding the falling rubble. The club was picked up before getting smashed back down again.

Raj tried to dodge but the rubble trapped him in place. "No,no,no,no,no,no" raj silently whispered to himself. One more time the club came crashing onto him, this time hitting its target.

Raj's vision went dark for ten seconds before reappearing. "What?" Raj looked around. "Aah" raj flailed his arms around trying to swim. He had "respawned" in the sea. After flailing for a few seconds raj got his balance. "So if this is like minecraft, whenever I die I get respawned."

Raj swam around. If there were land monsters there were definitely sea monsters. Raj swam for what felt like an eternity before coming onto dry land. I coughed up any water i accedently swallowed. I made it onto a beach.

Raj stood up looking around. "So I'm safe for right now" Raj swiped his right hand opening his inventory, with nothing in it. "So when I die I lose everything" 'that sucks' Raj ventured for a bit. If he had "died" twice in the safety of a village it must be terrible living out here.

Raj walked for a while avoiding anything that might seem even close to dangerous. After 2 hours he finally found something. An abandoned hut a way from the beach. At this point he was in the grasslands.

Raj, not looking a gift horse in the mouth, ran inside the hut. The hut was dilapidated and in ruins. It was missing a door and had holes in the roof and the floor. It was around midday at this point so raj didn't care.

He needed it so he's gonna take it. Luckily there was a bed there. Raj laid down in the bed setting his "spawn point," after that Raj got up. Night isn't too long from now so having a complete house would be great.

Raj went outside. Walking up to a tree, Raj steadied his breathing. "Woooh, hooooo" 'you got this.' raj punched the tree. On his left hand a 10 hearts appeared. "So I do give health" realizing he didn't take any damage raj continued punching the tree till it fell over.

When it did he punched it until it became logs. When he finished an hour had passed and it was a little past noon. Raj seeing time was going by picking up the logs and taking them to his hut. Raj opened his inventory crafting his logs into wood planks then into a crafting table. "Not too bad" all the crafting happened in a few seconds.

Raj opened the crafting table seeing all his recipe's still there. Raj crafted a hammer and some wooden nails before getting to work. Unlike minecraft blocks wouldn't just float, they were perfect squares though. Raj starts on the roof. He made some wooden planks and placed them above him.

Unexpectedly it stayed there. "Huh?" raj removed the block next to the roof tile he placed and saw it fall down. "So as long as it's touching something it will float. '' Raj no longer needed the hammer and nails, but kept them just in case. Raj placed the rest of the planks down before creating a door.

With the planks remaining Raj made a chest and finished the floor. "Let's see '' Raj took a look outside, noticing that it was still a few hours till nightfall. Raj went to his crafting table and crafted an ax with his prior knowledge.

Although the wooden Raj noticed something new. Whenever he held something in his left hand it would show its "stats" per say.

-wooden ax- -durability 60/60- -quality, perfect - -does 2% more damage, gives 2% more resources when used-

"This isn't that bad now is it?" raj ran outside towards a tree before chopping it down. This time only taking around 30 minutes to chop and dismantle the tree. Not wasting any time, Raj put it in his inventory before going at another tree.

By the time he finished he had 16 logs and it was almost sunset. Raj ran back inside and made wooden planks. He was gonna be prepared this time. He made a wooden shovel and a bunch of wooden stakes.

With that done he went outside digging a 3 by 4 moat around his house. Leaving space for him to come out though. Going around he placed stakes in the moat and around the outside of it. It was sunset at this point.

"Not too shabby" raj finally feeling somewhat safe went inside of his house. Raj laid down in his bed, and for the first night since getting here. Finally fell asleep.

Raj woke up early in the morning. It was a little dark out still but wasn't hard to see. Raj went outside taking a deep breath. It rained a little yesterday and the grass was still wet outside.

Raj walked around for a little while, taking note that his moat was undisturbed and had no monsters inside of it. "Either i got lucky nothing attacked yesterday, or this warded them off. Who am I kidding, if something wanted me dead they could've done it"

Little did raj know that absolutely no one cared, not even a monster about an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere.

Raj went back inside. He had plenty of wood, but he needed food. The only thing he had was a few apples he got from dropped trees. "How to solve that?" The obvious solution would be to buy it, but he had no idea of where the closest village was. "If I have all the abilities Of a minecraft player shouldn't I be able to grow crops fast?"

Wait a minute. Raj swiped his hand down to bring up his inventory. Raj looked at his inventory seeing an orange small box with a sword in it next to his 2 by 2 crafting table. Raj clicked it. In Front of him 3 orange boxes appeared. They showed a pickaxe, a hoe and a sword. "For right now the hoe is the best choice." clicking the hoe a pathway appeared showing upgrades for farming, and chopping wood and such.

-achievement made, choose a path. Awards being distributed-

A carrot, a stone hoe and a wooden bucket appeared in front of me. "Now the other one" If this is like the mod, Rlcraft, then I should have a progression path as well. 8 boxes appeared in front of me showing, farming, defense, attack, magic, agility, building, gathering and mining. "This just got a whole lot easier for me." I looked at the progression paths, thinking of which to choose first.

(I just wanted you to know I use a randomizer for possible scenarios so if you have a scenario tell me and i'll randomly choose one.)


Snake_Orccreators' thoughts