
A minecrafter in another world

Ok guy plays minecraft, guy gets moved to fantasy world, dude does minecraft stuff in that world. I’m not sure what the rest is yet Updates every Monday and Thursday of 1k to 1.5k words.

Snake_Orc · Video Games
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16 Chs

eye for an eye, and hacks

Raj looked up at his ceiling, nothing made sense, Why was he sent here, did something send him here? But he doesn't make sense, he makes castles and farms and exploits children for iron. "For right now I just need to take care of the eye of Cthulu"

Getting out of his bed he just laid down in Raj recalled his past knowledge. 'I need to make a place for us to fight at, but it'll be different because this world isn't 3d, so no platforming starts for me.'

The only thing Raj could think of was making a ballista to fire at the eyeball constantly, it couldn't be that strong. Going out Raj built upwards. He needed the platform to be high enough so it wouldn't kill any villagers. As he was building up a noise entered his ears.

"Fetch me their souls"

Turning around Raj saw a giant beedy eyeball staring right at him. Raj's eyes widened, the eyeball somehow doing the same. Scared Raj took a swing at the eyeball, it moving so fast it neatly left after images. Behind him, the eyeball stared back.

After a few moments the eye slit across opening up like a mouth. With a screech from hell the eye Bit down on Raj. Raj's skin hardened as the eye bit down. He tried to move but it was simply too fast.

Raj felt his body get partially swallowed leaving only a hand poking out of the eyeball's mouth. Raj was stuck inside of the mouth, being slowly dissolved by the acid, because of his hardened skin he was more accurately slowly rusting by the second. His hand holding the sword stuck between razor-sharp rows of teeth.

Raj screamed in pain, his pants and shirt being turned to mush while his skin slowly had flakes come off of it. Raj then felt a quick feeling of being free. The Eye had opened its mouth to screech, Raj took his chance to get free but his arm was stuck in between its teeth.

A weight fell upon Raj, looking down on his foot he saw a woman, one of the miners, dissolve in the acid. More and more started pouring in, and eventually, wood stone, dirt, and everything was dissolving inside of the eye. bye now all of his skin had mostly been dissolved.

Flakes of metal coated the inside of its mouth. 'ugk', Raj finally started losing consciousness, too much blood had been lost and luckily for him, his blood wasn't as resilient.

After an unknown amount of time, Raj woke back up again. An icy tundra surrounded him. Raj collapsed to the ground, everything he had worked for all he built all the villagers was gone. But Raj couldn't focus on that, he just lay there, slowly breathing.

Only after a fox tried to bite his arm did he get up. 'Why am I here' In terraria you had a set spawn point, same for Minecraft, and in RL craft you spawned a thousand blocks away from before, so he should only be around 3000 feet away. About a kilometer or half a mile.

Raj couldn't think long hearing his stomach growl. He didn't have anything on him, his items must've dropped when he died. 'did that happen before?' back then he was killed so spontaneously he doesn't remember if he had anything on him.

'1/3 chance every night' Raj thought. 3 Days max before it would respawn and kill him all over again. Even though he still had all his skills he didn't want to go through being dissolved again.

"Fuck, man" 'I could've used magic' Raj panicked, although who wouldn't after getting swallowed by an eye and slowly dissolved. 'Gray and Thorfinn as well' He didn't see them get swallowed but he also didn't know if they could survive outside of the castle.

'I need to plan, I don't have much time, only a day before it could respawn again, what I know is that its teeth aren't sharp enough to cut me but they are strong enough to hold me. It's fast, really fast, after image level fast.'

'Hitting it with a bow wouldn't work, same with a sword, aoe attacks are the only thing I can think of. I could try to trap it but it might be too fast, not to mention it could break through, I just know it's capable of breaking stone wood and even some ores with ease.'

While thinking through all this Raj continued forward, opening his inventory and clicking a green book he saw the 'essence' skills pop up, he just calls it magic though. Going through Raj saw a skill in particular, 'increased wandless essence control' It took several points for him to do it, but after not using them for so long he got it.

Raj used his newfound wandless essence control to set his hands on fire. 'glad I got that resistance' Slowly he had the fire spread over his body, from far away a man could be seen staring at Raj. From his perspective, he saw a humanoid figure catch on fire before walking forward without a care. Not to mention Raj was naked.

"DEMON, DEMON" from afar the man yelled a small rag-tag group of bandits surrounding the man. All this was unknown to Raj, who was just glad his balls were no longer freezing and he could feel his feet. Raj didn't know what was waiting for him but he didn't care. All he worried about was the eye that destroyed his entire fortress and even ate all of his villagers and items.

-at Raj's old fortress-

"Chief you might want to see this" A knight moved out of the way revealing a largely destroyed castle, everything destroyed or crumbled. Where the hot springs used to be was replaced by a long crated threw the middle, lave sputtering out the bottom. the forge was currently just a mound of lava and the mines were covered with stone dirt and trees.

"Mother of Kakyoin" The leader of the knights stood in awe. "Did you see anything near here, anything fly away, survivors"

"At the moment there are no confirmed survivors only parts of bodies, most likely a dragon by the looks of it, lave mounds bite marks only thing we could think of"

The chief sighed at the man. "Retreat to the capital, notify the guards of a potential dragon on the loose"

"Sir yes sir"


I forgot I had a book lol ~0~

So the reason I had the eye of Cthulu kill everything is because I didn't like how the story was progressing. originally I was going to have Raj fishing the eye of Cthulu spawn, he slices it down the middle and tries to get it to shore but a sea serpent eats it which Raj also kills.

I chose this way so 1 Raj realizes even if he will respawn there were things worse than death, (like being boiled and dissolved alive while watching your entire village die), and 2 so he has a real reason to improve instead of just building more stuff. and 3 it gives a plot point to look forward to like Killing the Eye of Cthulu, if you have any suggestions let me know. :)