
A minecrafter in another world

Ok guy plays minecraft, guy gets moved to fantasy world, dude does minecraft stuff in that world. I’m not sure what the rest is yet Updates every Monday and Thursday of 1k to 1.5k words.

Snake_Orc · Video Games
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16 Chs

enchanting balls

Raj woke up a few hours later. It was around midday and the hot springs were being used as intended. The new villagers who entered yesterday were doing well, already having jobs assigned.

Raj went back down into the mines. After finding the heart crystal he wondered what other ores there could be. Raj went down the mineshaft, although it wasn't bad it was still pretty slow. "Maybe I could find some Redstone?"

Raj made it to the bottom seeing the countless chest and barrels filled with ores. 'Ok, so I need to make some hoppers and a tube system.' Raj looked through the chest, grabbing iron copper Redstone, and some gold.

Plopping down a crafting table, Raj made a hopper, chest, and item conduit. Setting up the hopper Raj set it at the entrance of the mine and then used the conduit to connect them.

At the top, he made a dozen iron chests for the ores to go in. The villagers were getting off their break so Raj needed to test it first. "Hey you, can you do something real quick" A boy no older than 16 came over. "yes chief?" Raj handed him a stick. "Just put this stick in the hopper real quick."

Raj watched as the stick was sucked into the hopper before moving through the tube into a chest. "Can you do it again but with that pinecone over there?" With a nod, the boy put the pinecone in the hopper. all though taking longer it still worked as intended. 'So items I make still have the function of regular Minecraft items'

"Thanks, that's all" The boy nodded before leaving. Next Raj worked on the elevator, making a new iron shaft and reinforcing the current ropes with iron strings. Raj also made a lever and added the Redstone.

Testing it Raj saw the wheels spin lifting it up and down much faster than before. 'eventually I can make turtle robots' These were from an old mod that added automatic robots that mine ores you request.

With this done Raj decided to go into the mines, seeing as he hadn't been there for a while. Taking out a torch Raj went down the tunnel, many holes spanned the walls and ceiling of the tunnel. Eventually, Raj came across something he had completely forgotten about.


Most Minecraft players would no this near-indestructible block in vanilla Minecraft. the uses Raj could see for the block were nearly infinite. unlike base Minecraft, he could do much more with it.

Pickaxes, swords, axes, walls, fences and so many things he could craft. but the main thing he thought of was, 'Enchanting table'. Unlike base Minecraft Raj wouldn't be limited to certain items to enchant. Maybe he could enchant a wall with indestructible or something.

Raj took out his pickaxe, even if it was only iron. 'Not regular rules so it should just take longer to break.' Raj swung at the obsidian seeing a small miniature crack appear on it. 'this will take a while

Close to 20 minutes later Raj had only mined 3 blocks, but that was all he needed. With this Raj made an obsidian pickaxe, which mined the obsidian much faster. From 7 minutes to 20 seconds.

After mining around 20 blocks Raj left the mines. At the surface, Raj saw everyone heading home for the day. 'I'm always doing something, so I'm never bored, but all they do is work, eat, sleep, and relax' Raj thought of something they could do, usually, he would play games but he's not that advanced.

'Maybe some physical activities, Sports!' Raj went out towards the back of the castle. there was still plenty of room inside, he only really had 2 of 4 quarters filled. In the back, he had the forge and he had the houses and farms. A business district and a housing district.

Wanting to continue the trend Raj built a court and a field. It wasn't that hard, he only needed to make a fence and use leftover clay to make the court. 'Soccer and Basketball.'

'How is rubber made?' After realizing he had no clue in the slightest Raj just used leather instead. Raj made 2 soccer balls and 4 basketballs and spent way too long filling them with air.

Finally, he finished them though. After adding basketball goals and 4 soccer nets Raj added the final touches. Adding lamps and a fence raj added signs to the areas.

-In the basketball court one team needs to shoot the ball in the goal while the other defends, you must constantly bounce the ball on the ground while you have it, if the ball leaves the area what ever team touched the ball last gives up the ball. first to 10 wins.-

Raj knew there was more but he didn't feel like writing all of that on there.

-In soccer, try to get the ball into the goal but with your feet, if the ball exits the field whoever touched it last gives it to the opposite team. First to 3 wins.-

With this done Raj went home. Not only did he have leather but he also have leaves to make paper with. After trying to remember the recipe Raj made an enchanting table and some bookshelves.

After that Raj set everything up. You might be wondering, what was the first thing he enchanted? A sword, A pickaxe his wand? Nope, his clothes. 'I can read the enchanting table language?'

After careful consideration, Raj enchanted his clothes with stain resistance, because like anyone sent to a new world he needs to were the same clothes until he goes to a ball with the king for some reason. With this done Raj went outside. It was around 7 o'clock and the villagers had started using the things he built.

The adults were in the bathhouse while the teenagers were in the court. Raj saw the absolutely terrible playing they were doing but didn't do anything. 'they're having fun anyway.' Instead, Raj went to the bathhouse, the hot springs were a nice stress reliever after working all day.

As Raj entered he realized a fatal mistake. 'nobody has towels' Which means people are just naked inside with no towel. 'I'll sheer sheep in a while


Yo, it's me the author. Lowkey, I got bored midway through this chapter so here you go. don't expect anything from me :p

you suck

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