
A military gacha system in A fantasy world?

Creepthewriter · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Life and death

Sounds of honking and flashing lights flashed through Zeke's vision. 

'Pushing the woman from the front of the truck was not worth it' Zeke bitterly remarked

His back laid against the warm ass pavement below him, sitting up caused massive amounts of pain to shoot through his body. 

'Lovely' he thought before glancing at his hands he moved in front of his face. Blood seemed to continuously seep through the wound that replaced the skin on the palms of his hand. 

"Well shit." Zeke coughed up to himself obviously in more bodily damage then visually apparent. 

"Oh my god, Son are you alright?" A man in his thirties ran toward him hurriedly. 

The sky blurred continuously as Zeke found comfort in humor as he jokingly responded

"I certainly don't look the part" 

"I'm so sorry son" The man remorsefully responded with tears running down his face.

"There is no use apologizing since it's already done" Zeke bitterly responded with borderline anger crossing his voice.

As if walking through a tunnel his vision began to darken as the darkness absorbed his vision.

"Apologize to my family, I shouldn't have tried playing the hero" clutching his hand he angrily squeezed his fist as his last act of defiance. 

Feeling his strength sapped from his body he gave up responding to the talking and shaking of strangers trying to wake him up from a fucked up version of a nap. Resting his vision on the girl he pushed out the way he watched as she ran away from the whole situation as if not responsible because of her own stupid mistake of walking into a raging street filled with maniacs in metal monsters. 

'I hope the worse on you bitch' Zeke's last thoughts race through his dying body. 


Chaotic scenes laid upon the packed Seattle streets. A teenagers' body laid destroyed beyond any repair amidst the street. 

A call reached Zeke's mother house.

"Hello the older woman picked up the phone" As indistinguishable chatter reached her ears tears dropped like rain. A click was heard as well as the sound of a scream. Running out the house Zeke's younger sister ran to their mother. Tears poured and wet the floor as Zeke was pronounced dead. 


 Time seemed to be nonexistent. 

Zeke had been here in this useless dark and depressing place for God or Goddess knows how long. 

'I would be surprised if the sun hasn't exploded or some shit honestly' 

Having no body Zeke couldn't even do anything interesting or fun like flips, or rock, paper, scissors, or beat his d—-

"Wandering One turn to me" Zeke heard coming from behind him.

Turning around Zeke saw the goofiest mother fucker he's seen in all his life. 'Well kinda life' Zeke pondered on his state of being at the moment.

"I wouldn't say life young one" The clown entity in front of him explained.

"There is no up or down, life or death, existence or nonexistence, we are the beyond" 

'What type of bullshit did I just hear uttered?' Zeke wondered before realizing that this thing just explained exactly what he was thinking and he knew for a fact that he did not say that shit out loud.

'Fuck' Excuse me whatever you are being you are forgive me for offending you if I did.

"Worry not Zeke for you have greater things to worry about"

"Like what?" Zeke asked in response to the ominous statement.

A cheery tone emerged from the colorful and bright colored existence in front of him.

"Zeke I hope you are ready"

"I hope I am too," Zeke responded nervously.

"Ready to spin…. The Wheel!"

As if in some lame reality TV show, bright lights illuminated Zeke and the stranger.

"My name is Oslo the imaginative and I am your host! Today we have with us our Test subj– I mean contestant Zeke!"

On cue clapping resonated from nothing and ringed in Zeke's ears.

"Excuse me Oslo, I actually didn't sign up for this —" 

The clapping stopped and an eerily silent one again consumed his surroundings. Oslo's outfit flickered from color to all black and as he turned from the camera that randomly appeared his creepy grin filled his all but featureless face and asked Zeke one of the most important questions he had ever been asked.

"ARe YoU SuRE????" OSlo's monotone and quiet voice came in waves and had an almost static like quality to it.

Panicking Zeke immediately responded 

"I was joking haha?" 

Unsure of himself Zeke held his breath and blanked out his mind in hopes for everything to stop. 

"Good answer" Oslo responded with his normal happy and cheery tone to Zeke and turned back to the camera in his colorful clothes and asked the Camera.

"Good news everyone Zeke is ready to SPIN. THE. WHEEL!"

On cue a huge wheel larger than he can see beyond filled his vision and with colorful panels and small words Zeke struggled to read any of the words.

"Our participant here will be spinning the wheel to decide the most important thing for those roaming a part of the Beyond."


"Zeke, are you ready? Come on down and press this button for us" 

'Do I have too?' He thought to himself

"Okay here I come" Zeke muttered with stress laced in his voice and he moved forward until the button filled his vision.

"How do I press it?" Zeke asked.

"You will it" Oslo responded.

Zeke forced himself to believe himself making the button go down and so it happened just as Oslo told him. 'It is not spinning?'

"It already has made its choice Zeke" The clown responded.

"What choice?" Zeke questioned

"The choice for your new life of course, you will be forced to invade a world and take out the other "Contestant that resides there. However I can't have you losing the show so soon. So the wheel provided you with an advantage or something like that. So win for me Zeke. I have nothing else to watch while I am here in this awful realm."

Zeke's existence or what was left of it was assaulted with pain and agony as the stupid fucking clown finished his words and brought Him into a whole new world of pain. 

'Fuck you bitch' Zeke uttered and as a Deja-vu hit him so did another instance of darkness.

"Good luck Zeke, you'll need it" Oslo chucked to himself and moved his massive and disgusting body which filled this world's form of purgatory. Oslo crawled through the veil of this world before he was caught by the Gods that watched over this universe. Happily chuckling because he snagged himself some lovely entertainment for the foreseeable future.. 

Hey fellows! Still continuing with my other work but I would like to shift my attention to this more light hearted story. I apprecate everyone who took the time to read Liam's Vow! Everyone have a good day and enjoy life.



Creepthewritercreators' thoughts