
when she was born

she was a girl so her parents don't want her. They already had 6 daughters and she is the 7th girl child born with a reddish body with a cute face. she is very attractive but their parents want a boy.

In the same hospital Rama Rao came to see his relatives. he has no children and he is deliberately looking adopt one child. He is tall and weighted person. he is a very nice person he has a very helping nature. His wife is ramantu who is very cunning her looks defines how cunning she is. she is very short like 4'7" and thin body. her eyes becomes green when she don't like anyone and she makes them suffer by her action or by words. she don't like anyone is happy she makes them to quarrel with their families. if she likes anyone she give them everything.

In the hospital Rama Rao sees this child and he equires about their family situation. he likes that child and bring back to his home.