

A metaphor. For me and for you.

I do desperately want to write. But the writing is hard, it's blocked by fear. Fear of failure, fear of dislike.

I do so much better writing.

And beauty only gets you so far. I look in the mirror and I see a thin body, with little markings that people like to call freckles. My skin is fair. I have blue eyes, and dark brown hair. I see a beautiful woman. I see my mom through my face, and I see my dads eyes. Big round beautiful blue eyes.

But I also see flaws. I see all of the things that could be fixed. I see all of the scars that are not visible. I see the pain in my past, I see the broken pieces that have been taped back together.

So please don't pat my head and say 'at least you're pretty'. Don't use my beauty against me. Because then I look in the mirror and think it's a curse to be beautiful.

Just because you feel inferior and want to make yourself feel bigger. It's only putting me down. It's only showing that everything wrong with the world still exists. Literally nobody understands the value of respect anymore. Respect for another persons sanity. Understand, that the words you use come out as blades.

I love to write, because I can feel the words, I can see the effect. I use my words carefully, for you and for me.