
A Messed Up Fairytale

Syrus was reluctant to Marry the Duke's daughter after knowing about his cunning plans. But despite his resistance, he was married to Myrtle. With no other option, he left the Palace on his wedding night. A year later on his wedding anniversary, he came back with a commoner girl named Annabelle. The Palace went into chaos and the news made many furious except for Myrtle who stood by them and protected Annabelle at every turn. Syrus thought it was one of her new plans on gaining his favor until Myrtle did the unthinkable that made Syrus realize her intentions.

Bubble_GuM · Urban
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138 Chs


Syrus wasn't stopped by the guardian t the door and he walked into the room silently where he saw his father sit behind his desk with his usually stiff expression. Syrus had not visited him like that for a long time. The reason being he made Myrtle disappear without a word and he never spoke of it again. Everyone at the palace acted as if there was no one by that name or even someone like Myrtle ever existed. 

His complexion had worsened since he last saw him and now it seemed that he was no more hiding his deteriorating condition anymore. 

"Goodday, Your Majesty." Said Syrus as he slightly bowed before him. The King was instantly pulled out of his thoughts and looked at Syrus who was standing in a stiff greeting position. 

"You can drop the formalities when no one is around." HE stated to which Syrus nodded and fixed his structure.