
a mermaid's adventure

this story was inspired by the little mermaid. a girl named Moon who is beloved by her mother and father has to take up queen one day. with her father not understanding her, he gets in a fight with her. with the results ending up with Moon running away and to her favorite rock above the surface. she falls asleep on this rock and when she awoke she was on a beach with... WAIT WHAT LEGS! she meets her best friend a Pegasus named Amber and When Amber's Home went into utter chaos by "the dark force" it's up to Moon to help save Amber's home. will Moon and Amber defeat "the dark force"? will Moon find out her history? Why she was there? was she the chosen one? little note:I made this book for a project in gr 6 but I couldn't fit all my ideas in the short amount of time I was given so I ended up modifying it a year later and adding everything that I wanted to add. if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know in the comments of the chapter it is well appreciated. I made some other books too so if you want to read those ask me to publish them. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it. have fun reading!

Ocean_Depth · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Peaceful Chaos

 She was having the time of her fins while she was there. Everything was so peaceful  and everyone or should I say ever Pegasus, well they all were so welcoming and kind, and the little ones were so playful with Moon, but after a couple of days darkness fell.

"W-what?! What in the name of the sea is going on??!!" Moon yelled in all the chaos and, for the first time the Pegasus spoke. 

   " IT'S NOT SAFE HERE ANY MORE! JUMP ON MY BACK !" Pegasus hollered to Moon in all the chaos surrounding them.  It was so chaotic Moon didn't know what to do, automatically her gut took over, and she hopped onto the Pegasus back, and with that they flew away, away from the chaos, away from the danger, and away from the Pegasus home in the clouds.

  Once they landed Moon asked

"What was that?" to the Pegasus .

    " That" she paused a bit out of breath, "that was the dark force…" the Pegasus trailed off.

    "Dark force? What dark force?" Moon responded in confutation.

     "Yeah" the Pegasus said in a shy, skittish voice as if she said it, whatever it was, it would come and find her if she said it "the dark force… Halla" when Pegasus said Halla her voice dropped to a serious tone as Pegasus responded to Moon's question. "Halla wants all the power to herself. And the mermaid princess has just that power in her and the bracelet she holds." Pegasus gestured to the bracelet that Moon has on her wrist and continued her sentence . " Your father and mother said for me and my kind to protect you if you ever come on this land." the Pegasus exclaimed.

Moon was shocked, and was thinking *How in the name of the triton would my mom and my dad know that, and how I might go in land?* she thought to herself. And all she said aloud was." What's your name?" in a calm voice just above a whisper.

   " What did you say?" The Pegasus said in a configured voice raising an eyebrow.

    "What's your name?" She spoke a little bit louder but in the same calming voice. 

    " Oh my name?... well if you must ask... it is…" the Pegasus paused and sighed "Dark Amber but, you can call me Amber." she replied to Moon's question.

   " Oh, well, Amber, lets try to defeat this dark force Halla." Moon said in a confident voice like a leader that could just make anyone so determined to follow her on this journey she has to take to save this world.