

"Don't stop, Ruth. Run, run!" Thea yelled again while moving her hands. Before Edwin turned her around and got a chance to see her face, Ruth pulled her hand up and jabbed his nose. Edwin wailed in pain as he felt his nose go numb with pain. Instinctively he freed Ruth to cover his nose with both hands. He bent over a little as his eyes watered because of pain. "You!" He hissed in anger as he leapt again for Ruth. But she managed to run before he could catch her again. Her head turned around in shock when Edwin's hand tore her dress when he tried to grab her. It also surprised Edwin as he had not intended for this to happen. He looked up from the piece of cloth in his hand to see gorgeous hazel eyes. He stood rooted to his spot as his mind went blank. Ruth managed to get out of the property and ran with Thea without looking back. The guard came panting, but Edwin didn't notice him as his eyes were still trained on the gap in the wall, through which Ruth escaped. He slowly looked at the brown fabric in his hand, and the image of those alluring hazel eyes flashed in his mind. He clutched the fabric tightly in his hand, and the word left his lips in a whisper. "Ruth!" ******************* They say that there are only two types of people in the world - good and bad. Good people get happiness in their life while bad ones have to pay for their wrongdoings. Easy right? But what if you have to side with either BAD or BAD? Whom will you support? Join this journey full of secrets, past mistakes, love, hate, revenge and GREED...GREED of Power and Lust. Welcome to A MAZE OF GREED! ******************** The cover of the book belongs to its rightful owner and I do not own it. I am only using it for my book cover. If the owner wants to take it down please contact me and I will do it immediately. Instagram account:- author_rutujap Discord:- https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42

rutujaP · Fantasy
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1058 Chs


The darkness had settled with a half-moon that hid behind the dark clouds. People were taking a walk in and around the garden after a busy day.

"How many times I have told you to be careful?! Look what you did!" A woman who was not far away from where the ladies sat scolded her little girl. The little girl ran fast carelessly and fell on the ground that made her dress dirty.

Ruth had stopped overexerting her brain and sat silently, observing her surroundings. She felt somewhat relieved after telling Thea about the happenings of the day. They both got lost in the worlds of thoughts, as both women wanted to find a way out of the situation.

"I have an idea!"

Thea's excited voice shifted Ruth's attention from the mother and daughter to her friend.

She turned her head to her left to look at Thea's beaming face. "What idea?" Ruth asked.

"Sometimes I just feel that I don't get enough credit for my smartness. People take me granted because of my bubbly nature but if I put my brain into something then I can be pretty smart too!" Thea bosted while thrusting her chin up in the air.

"Well, let me make that decision. First tell me what you are thinking about." Ruth said with unsure.

Thea gave a toothy grin and said in excitement. "Trust me Ruth. This is one great idea. It will solve your problem permanantly. Just believe me that nothing will go wrong!"

Hesitance appeared on Ruth's face. "Umm... Thea. I don't want to sound rude but last time you told me to believe you and nothing will go wrong, we both ended up running from 'the great manor' like thieves."

Thea cringed at the memory. "How many times you are going to make me feel guilty for that?" She feigned anger.

Ruth blinked. "Ok...ok. Sorry! But it's the truth!" She shrugged.

Thea rolled her eyes at her friend's lack of faith in her. "But this is different. I promise this idea will work just fine!"

"But first tell me what this great idea of yours is." Ruth was not sure if she would like Thea's idea but she didn't want to shut her friend.

Thea's face brightened as Ruth got ready to hear her idea. "Look. I told you that I am getting married soon. And I have already told my fiance that I don't want to work after marriage. I want to spend my time in doing what I like and taking care of my house and family. And he has agreed to it."

Ruth didn't know where this was going but she didn't interrupt Thea and listened carefully.

"I am going to tell Mr Cooper that I want to quit my job at his tailor shop. Of course, he will need a replacement for me. And who can be a better replacement than you?" Thea wiggled her brows suggestively.

Ruth's eyes widened as she thought that her friend was joking. But the shine in Thea's eyes told otherwise.

"What are you saying Thea? I can't-"

Thea knew that her friend would not agree to this immediately. She stopped Ruth from completing her argument. "What's the problem in that? You are a skilled worker, Ruth. You can easily learn the reigns of the job. It will solve your problem permanently. You will get more wages than now."

Even though Thea's idea sounded pleasant to Ruth's ears, her heart was having a hard time accepting it. "But what about your parents? They will not like this idea. After all there is still some time left for your wedding. You need your job till then."

Ruth knew that Thea was yet to decide her wedding date.

"I have talked to my parents, Ruth. They also told me that I can quit my job before the wedding. Look, I am working for many years. I started by helping my mother and reached where I am today with great efforts and sacrifices.

We are in the same boat so you can understand how hard it is for people like us. Now I want to give some time for myself. I want to live the remaining days with my parents and don't want to worry about anything. And my parents understand this well."

Ruth gave a thought to Thea's idea and knew that she was serious about it. And if her parents and fiancé didn't have any problem with her decision then who was Ruth to judge it?!

"But do you think that Mr Cooper will agree to appoint me for the job in your place?" Ruth asked unsurely.

Mr Cooper was hard to please. He didn't get satisfied with the work no matter how much efforts one had put into it.

"Of course, he will agree. He will have to. Where he is going to find an employee with skills of your level?! He has been working with you for quite some time now. You are familiar with his ways of working and he have never been unsatisfied with your work. So, he will definitely not hesitate before appointing you." Thea said with confidence.

Ruth felt overwhelmed with how much trust her friend had in her. "But-"

"No anymore but. This is the best way for you so far. Take your time and think about it. If you agree to this then come to the shop in the morning. I am going to quit my job anyway. I just don't want you to lose an opportunity."

Thea is such a caring friend!

Who's your best friend? Are you still close with them?

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