
Chapter 19

“That was a giant butt plug they found in her luggage! Not a bomb. Although it sure did vibrate, didn’t it? What’s a girl need a—never mind, I don’t want to know.”

The first one said, “If she was with you, she’d need one, or no, that’s a dildo.”

“Ooh,” said Danny, “Feel the burn!”

“That’s the syphilis!” Ryan shot back.

Jack and Missy were in stitches. The roommate was giggling and the girlfriend was completely confused.

“You mean a Michigan mudjam,” Ryan giggled. Jack raised one eyebrow at him and let it go.

The second man pulled out his cell phone. “I’m calling this in. The FBI might know what to do. The boss has gone too far this time. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in jail, unlike you, Barry, marrying for the third time. You’re used to it!”