Running, twisting around trees, leaping over the forest floor—everything became a blur. He pushed himself harder, trying to rid himself of the guilt and anguish over what he had done. He knew he had been too impatient to have her understand what he was and to just accept it. She was so frightened of him, but he had also felt her attraction to him.
He could sense that, because of the species difference—him with four legs and fangs, her being human—the conflict inside her was immense. The cultural and religious teachings ingrained in her prevented her from wanting to get any closer to him. Two thousand years with this curse, and he had long since released any moral misgivings on his part. She experienced one day, and it ate at her moral center to think of him like that. He so wanted her to see him as the man he used to be, not the monster he was now.
Asinus Stultissimus! Why did I have to push? After two thousand years, I thought I had developed patience.