
A Man Without Purpose

Every has a purpose, but what if your faith is already decided by someone unkown, follow our protagonist in his adventure into the unkown world and maybe along the way he can find his own purpose.

Teddy_desu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Whisper and Soul

I've been walking for hours now still no sign of "houses?..ciblizaition? no sounds wrong" anyway right now am Infront of a small pond, i try to get close enough to see my reflection and "oh boy" i look like a mess, there's a twig in my head " how do i even?*sigh*" i romove all of my clothes and jump into the water *splash* now i know what if there's a monster in here, no there's isn't because the water is clear and clean i can even see the buttom of it, while scrubing my self with my hands i noticed a few deer like creature i said deer but there bigger than a horse white fur and a scary looking antlers, that thing is sharp and pointy i bet that would hurt a lot, i dry myself by sitting on a dry rock for a while, i take a few gulp of water and make a fire again by repeating what i did with my marble, i just sat there and eventually fall asleep.

inside hospital i can see middle age woman crying while holding a hand of a sickly young man,

"mom..... don't ...cry" said the young man *sob *sob

"my poor baby i..i'm sorry if we didn't take care of you enough if if only we immediately bring you here we could've save you" the young man smile and close his eyes, no one know why he's smiling or what's on his mind but he took his last breath and his death took him, his mother sees his smile, hug him and let out i silent cry, the young man soul stay unmoving and alone, around him is endless darkness, until someone or something reach out to the sould and whisper "for me you shall work, travel to the north,

be careful for claws and fangs, take this gift for you

my tears and thanks, for you will save my daughter six, and hope her heart will heal and fix".