
third badge

frokie I know you are at a type disadvantage but can you u fight said Joseph frokie nods ok frokie use water pulse go magnaton use electro ball

both moves c Collide and smoke is a risen frokie use cut and aerial ace said Joseph Surge surprised by the sudden attack says magneton use thunderbolt

But froaky was faster and landed cut and aerial ace which actually knocked back magneton this is Frankie's 1st actual gym battle and hardest fight but there will be more to come but frokie is actually really excited Frokie keep on using aerial Ace and cut until you knock magneton out said Joseph Magneton let's show this rookie his place by using thunderbolt to knockout that frokie of his said Surge Magnetown not wanting to disappoint search uses its most powerful thunderbolt to attack frokie the attack lands frokie gets up and is barely able to stand but starts to glow Joseph knowing this glow is surprised once again and is like how I just got this thing but is still excited that frokie is going to become a frogadier the glow stops and outside the glow steps out a frogadier good job fro i frogadier y You evolve the already I'm so proud now use water pulse frog video uses water pulse and it knocks out magneton surge returns magnetown and sends out riachu riachu use thunder said Surge Right she uses thunder which absolutely DE straw is frog a dear Joseph returns frog a dear good job provider you did well said Joseph now go nidoking the ground shakes as it makes its entrance riachu use dig said Surge Joseph smiles Surge with his experience he instantly realises that he made a mistake and says riachu come back up it's too late said Joseph nidoking Use earthquake nidoking uses earthquake and the entire gym starts to shake riachu receives the most amount of damage and is instantly knocked out but it's shaken up to the surface Joseph calls back nidoking and heads up to surge to Receive his badge Joseph Right you're not bad kid i can tell that you will go places in the future but here you've earned it i lieutenant Surge presents to you the vermilion city's thunder badge you and your pokemon battled hard for it said Surge Joseph takes it thank surge for the gym battle and leaves at the pokemon centre Joseph heals his pokemon