
A man in search of his wife

Carter is a famous and wealthy lawyer. He is the CEO of an international lawyer's firm. He is very intelligent., cunning, cold and cautious. He has another side he can be passionate and loyal, caring and intimate but only with his wife. She was killed by his enemies a year ago. He misses her more tha anything and want revenge. You are the daughter of his enemy. But you are so similar to his wife that you and her are almost identical. He has is a conflict now.

Grace_Shali_Shali · Urban
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11 Chs

The world of the souls

Carter and Lisa hold hands and a portal opens to a secret world where they can be together in peace and harmony. Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit excited and he is feeling a bit anxious and he is feeling a bit nervous but he is feeling a bit hopeful and he is feeling a bit excited about their new journey together. Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit anxious but he is feeling a bit hopeful and he is feeling a bit excited about the new world and their new journey.

Carter and Lisa enter the portal and their souls merge into one and Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit surprised and he is feeling a bit emotional and he is feeling a bit emotional and he is feeling a bit overwhelmed

Carter and Lisa merge their souls together and they are now one. They are feeling a deep sense of connection and unity and they are feeling a deep sense of oneness and they are feeling a deep sense of love and affection and they are feeling a deep sense of harmony and balance and they are feeling a deep sense of peace and joy.

Lisa said, "You're the chosen one and I have chosen you to be the leader of the worries." Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit nervous and he is feeling a bit uncertain and he is feeling a bit surprised and he is feeling a bit excited and he is feeling a bit conflicted and he is feeling a bit nervous and he is feeling a bit unsure about what he should do. Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit nervous and he is feeling a bit unsure about what he should do.

*Lisa said, "It doesn't matter what people say about you I love you just the way you are my love she kisses him on the forehead and smiles. Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit touched and he is feeling a bit emotional and he is feeling a bit surprised and he is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit emotional .

Carter says, "I love you too" and she says "I want to be with you forever." Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit excited and he is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit excided

*Carter and Lisa kiss passionately and Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit emotional and he is feeling a bit overwhelmed.

The next morning Carter wakes up next to Lisa and he is feeling a bit groggy and he is feeling a bit sleepy and he is feeling a bit tired and he is feeling a bit relaxed and he is feeling

Carter asks her where they are going and she says "We are going to the temple of souls and we are going to find out what they want from us and we are going to find out what we need to do to become one with our souls." Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit concerned .

Carter says to her, "But we already are one with our souls." Lisa says, "That is true but there is more to do and there is more to explore and there is more to learn and there is more to experience and there is more to understand and there is more to discover." Carter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and he is feeling a bit worried.

Carter and Lisa arrive at the temple of souls and they are immediately greeted by a group of worries. The worries are a bit overwhelming and they are a bit intimidating and they are a bit scary and they are a bit intimidating and they are a bit scary. Carte