
Chapter 3- Stephen Rey(3)

Stephen could feel gazes sweeping past him. The original Stephen's bellicose nature must be the reason for these gazes. Stephen thought without knowing that even Paulo's curious glances at him from time to time happened to be one of those sweeping gazes.

Stephen's aura is rather different today.

Stephen usually has an undeniable air of restlessness and a penchant for trouble. He carries himself with an edgy confidence, exuding an aura that seems to beckon chaos. With a mischievous glint in his eyes and a perpetual smirk on his face, he appears to thrive on the thrill of pushing boundaries.

But now, he seems like another person who exudes a cool and aloof aura. With a serene expression and a hint of mystery in his eyes, he seems to effortlessly command attention without seeking it.


With the help of the memories, Stephen leads Paulo and arrives at the gymnasium, where the duel will take place.

As the doors swing open, Stephen steps into the vast expanse of the gymnasium. Their footsteps echo with each stride. The sound of combat boots' soles meeting the polished wooden floor reverberates through the air, blending with the distant chatter of people. Stephen takes in the grandeur of his surroundings—the high ceilings adorned with bright lights, illuminating the entire space. The gymnasium is big enough to be a ballroom. Equipments were placed on the right side of the gym.

As they continue walking, Stephen's eyes scan the area. Trainees were sitting on the mat placed around where a duel takes place while waiting for their name to be called. People watch the duel with excitement chatting from time to time with their peers. There are 10 paired individuals that is engaging in an intense spar.

A group of people can be seen at the left side of the gym observing intently; it seems that these people are the evaluators, going over the trainees' forms and techniques while jotting them down on a record sheet. It seems the evaluation has already started a while ago because some people are panting hard with sweat continuously rolling down their faces. The occasional grunts of exertion create a symphony of determination.

While Stephen looks around, some people carefully observe him. He noticed this and could somehow felt a bloodlust from of those gazes. Stephen thought that these people must be planning to take him down with the pretext of spar accident. Stephen had somehow experienced this kind of situation. A little different but somehow similar...

They arrive at a mat where there is a space, and Stephen sits. Noticing that the space beside him were still empty, he raised his head.

"Why are you not sitting down?" His raised eyebrow looks at Paulo standing behind him.

"You never liked it when I'm beside you," Paulo remarked with a perplexed tone. Paulo is still standing because he is looking for another place that has a space to sit. Yet he never assumes that the vacant space next to Stephen is for him. He is somewhat confused by Stephen's question.

Stephen noticed that Paulo was baffled. Stephen realized his mistake and thought that the original Stephen's behavior was very difficult. Stephen racked his brain to think of what to say that would not seem strange.

"Shut up and sit down," Stephen commanded with a cold tone. Paulo flinched and hurriedly sat down. Stephen is somewhat satisfied with Paulo's reaction and thinks that his acting is not bad. Paulo, in the meantime, is more confused and wonders about Stephen's action to not yell at him.

As time passed, Paulo's name was called. Paulo stood up and proceeded to the center, where his assigned match was.

His opponent is in rank 873-level 2 after defeating the previous rank 873. Paulo is at rank 592-level 2.

There are currently 1,259 level 2 trainees and 994 level 3 trainees, for a total of 2,253 trainees. A level 2 battle is taking place today until tomorrow. Then another two days for Level 3. The fifth day would be a duel amongst both levels in the 300 ranks. The chances of moving to level 3 for the 300-ranking level 2 are here. Although they cannot replace the 300 ranks in level 3, they can be given a chance to acquire a spot within the 994 level 3; however, level 2 rankers in the 800 and up will be degraded to level 2 rank within the 10 and 200.

Paulo and his opponent took a stance. The atmosphere buzzed with focused energy as they squared off, their movements poised and controlled.

There is a referee at the side, and he signals to start the match.

As the duel commenced, the combatants circled each other, their eyes locked, searching for an opening. Paulo moved with measured steps, analyzing his opponent's stance and anticipating their next move. His opponent struck first with his right hand. Paulo blocked it with his elbow. Each strike and block was executed with precision, showcasing their training and discipline.

Their punches and kicks were swift and calculated, aiming for strategic targets rather than brute force. The sound of impacts reverberated through the air, accompanied by the rhythmic cadence of their footwork. They exchanged blows, testing each other's defenses and agility.

The combatants demonstrated a repertoire of martial arts techniques, seamlessly transitioning between offensive maneuvers and defensive tactics. They parried and countered, utilizing a combination of strikes, grapples, and throws. Their movements were fluid.

The combatants exchanged glancing blows, resulting in minor bruises and welts. They absorbed the impact with grit and determination, refusing to let pain hinder their focus. Sweat trickled down their temples, evidence of the exertion and intensity of the duel.

As the duel progressed, the combatants displayed a growing familiarity with each other's techniques and tactics. They adjusted their strategies accordingly, seeking to gain an advantage through subtle feints and unpredictable combinations.

With his brows knitted, Stephen appeared to be studying this duel intently, taking in details and making calculations.

As the duel drew to a close, both combatants showed signs of fatigue; their breathing was heavier, and their movements were slightly slower. The referee noticed this. The referee raised a signal, deciding that the duel was over. Paulo and his opponent exchanged a final flurry of strikes and deflections before stepping back.

The audience clapped their hands, and among them was Stephen, with his cool smirk. Paulo noticed this, made a blank expression. Stephen must have briefly forgotten his role for a moment and expressed his true thoughts. He clapped, his face cool, not realizing it.

Paulo and his opponent went to the side, where paramedics were stationed. They went to get treatment, and after that, Paulo went back to where Stephen was. His chubby face is bruised with a bandage plastered on it.

Stephen thought that Paulo was quite cute looking like that. As Paulo sat down, he stared at Stephen more openly. Normally, Stephen would just sneer and calls it a child's play.

The stared person makes a questioning look. Even though that was what Stephen thought, the receiving person, Paulo, felt like he had done something wrong. He hastily lowered his gaze, his head bobbing down.

Stephen didn't mind his action and continued to watch the match until his name was called.