
A man can't be PRETTY and HANDSOME at the same time!!

In a world of clandestine operations and hidden agendas, Damien finds himself trapped between survival and deception. His background as the son of a powerful mafia leader, carrying the notorious surname "Montefalco," forces him into a desperate charade. To protect his own life, Damien must masquerade as a girl, concealing his true identity from his father's enemies who relentlessly hunt him down. The Montefalco name holds immense power, making Damien a target for countless forces seeking to dismantle the renowned mafia empire. As he navigates the dangerous dance of friendship and rivalry, Damien discovers a shocking truth: he possesses a latent power, a force that could potentially shape the course of this battle between warring factions. Unbeknownst to Damien, a secret gathering of cloaked figures plans his destiny. Their leader, an enigmatic figure emanating authority and power, reveals that Damien's resistance and the uncontrollable nature of his emerging abilities are crucial to their grand design. Manipulating his journey, they seek to harness his powers for their own insidious cause. With skepticism lingering, the red-haired girl questions the risks involved. What if Damien's powers spiral out of control? The leader's dark amusement surfaces, assuring her that this resistance is precisely what they desire. Damien's struggles will act as a catalyst for their final objective. They have taken precautions, ensuring he remains within their grasp. As plans unfold and destinies intertwine, Damien becomes a pawn in a dangerous game of manipulation and power. The shadows conceal the identities of those involved, their loyalties bound by shared objectives. In the midst of their covert machinations, Damien's fate hangs in the balance, his true potential on the brink of revelation. The world Damien thought he knew is about to crumble, and he finds himself at the epicenter of a battle with consequences far beyond his imagination. As the secrets unravel, the clash between Damien and those who seek to control him becomes inevitable. His journey will test his strength and force him to make choices that will shape his own path in the face of overwhelming forces. In this thrilling tale of survival, friendship, and rivalry, Damien's secret identity hangs in the balance. Will he manage to outwit his enemies and emerge victorious? Or will his secret be exposed, spreading like a virus, endangering not only his life but also the fate of the entire world? Dive into this gripping narrative to uncover the answers, where the stakes are high, and the battle for power reaches its peak.

anjerika · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Unexpected Connections

Damien found himself forming unexpected connections with people he hadn't intended to befriend. One such individual was Carl Johanson, the annoying but bearable basketball player. Despite Carl's airheadedness, he provided decent company and often brought a lightheartedness to their interactions.

Then there was Justine, a lowkey gamer with an emo demeanor. Damien discovered that beneath her quiet exterior, Justine was kind-hearted and made for great company. Their shared interest in gaming provided a common ground, and they quickly bonded over their favorite titles.

Lastly, there was Beatrice, the famous idol of the group. Her popularity was unrivaled, and she had a magnetic presence that drew people towards her. Although Damien was initially hesitant about getting close to someone so well-known, Beatrice surprised him with her down-to-earth nature and genuine kindness. She treated Damien like any other friend, unaware of his true identity.

Among the group, Angelica remained Damien's closest confidante. She acted as his translator, ensuring that his secret remained safe. Damien's inability to speak openly for fear of exposure made Angelica an invaluable ally. Her loyalty and understanding provided him with a sense of comfort in this challenging charade.

One day, during a short break from classes, Damien found himself in a predicament. He needed to use the bathroom but was unsure which one to enter. Going into the male bathroom would expose him to potential torment and the risk of being caught. On the other hand, entering the female bathroom might lower the chances of detection. Damien weighed his options and decided to enter the female restroom.

Once inside, he quickly entered a stall and began his business. To his dismay, he heard someone else entering the restroom. Panic washed over him as he held his breath, straining to identify the voice. To his surprise, it was Angelica.

"Hello? Is there a guy here?" Angelica called out, her voice sounding familiar.

Damien froze, listening to the sound of footsteps drawing closer. The door closed, and he cautiously exited the stall. When he caught sight of Angelica standing by the entrance with a raised eyebrow, he knew he had been caught.

"Are you with a guy?" Angelica inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

Damien swiftly checked each stall, ensuring no one else was eavesdropping or lurking in the bathroom. He then mustered the best nonchalant expression he could manage and replied, "No."

Angelica's eyes widened, her face displaying a mixture of shock and disbelief. "Holy shit," she exclaimed. "Your voice... it's so different. I can't believe it."

Not knowing how else to respond, Damien resorted to a veiled threat. "If you tell anyone about this, we will have consequences. I have my ways of getting you killed," he warned, hoping to maintain his secret.

Angelica zipped her mouth shut with her fingers, mimicking the act of locking it. "Alright," she replied, accepting the implied threat.

As they walked out of the restroom together, Angelica's mind was in turmoil. "Shit, what do I do? I'm scared and excited right now," she thought, clinging tightly to Damien's arm.

Damien's mind was also filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, anxiety mounting as he considered what might happen to his carefully crafted high school life. However, he refused to let fear consume him. He was determined to make the most of this unique experience, embracing both the uncertainties and the excitement that came with it.

"Hey there, sweetcakes! What should we do today?" Carl chimed in, wrapping his arms around both Angelica and Damien's shoulders.


get your hands off us, you prick," Angelica snapped, her face contorted with disgust.

Carl chuckled, unfazed by Angelica's reaction. "Chill, man. What's got your panties in a twist? Damien here is nice, isn't she?" he remarked, winking at Damien.

Angelica rolled her eyes at Carl's comment. "What a dickface. Just looking at him makes me wanna puke," she muttered under her breath. Turning to Damien, she suggested, "So, let's watch Carl's basketball finals next week, okay?"

Damien nodded enthusiastically, a smile spreading across his face. It would be his first time witnessing a basketball game in person, and he was eager to soak in the atmosphere and cheer for his newfound friends. He resolved to make the most of his high school experience, cherishing every moment and savoring the connections he had formed.

As Damien walked alongside Angelica, his heart swelled with a mixture of anticipation and gratitude. Despite the challenges and dangers that lurked in the shadows, he knew he wasn't alone. With Angelica and the rest of his unlikely companions by his side, he was determined to navigate this not-so-perfectly-normal high school life he had forged for himself.