
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

The Aloof Wife

I accelerated non-stop, eager to get home as quickly as possible.

I wanted to catch them before they finished, confront them, and punish this adulterous couple on the spot!

Without having experienced the humiliation of being cuckolded, one could never comprehend the pain and despair I felt at this moment.

But my electric scooter, no matter how fast, couldn't get me there in an instant, fortunately avoiding traffic jams.

A BMW swiftly overtook me and came to a sudden stop in front of me.

I was about to go around it when a man with a wrinkled face quickly got out of the car.

He pointed at me, swearing, "Are you fucking trying to get yourself killed? You almost scratched my damn car! Can a delivery guy like you afford the damages?"

I had no mood to argue with him at the moment, so I bypassed him and continued forward.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed my electric scooter, then shoved me forcefully, looking quite threatening.

Fortunately, I held onto the scooter, preventing it from falling. However, the boning knife behind me clattered to the ground.

Seeing the knife, the man instantly backed off, swallowed nervously, and stammered, "Bro, sorry, I'll leave right away."

After saying that, he hurriedly returned to his car and drove away.

I picked up the boning knife from the ground, placed it back behind my waist, and continued my way home.

After more than half an hour, I arrived back at my residence.

Hastily parking the electric scooter, I sprinted towards the elevator.

During the elevator's ascent, countless thoughts raced through my mind.

I thought about going in, slaughtering the adulterous couple, even contemplated harming my son, and then committing suicide to end it all – a tidy end for the three of us in the sky.

But thinking about my elderly mother and my son who just started kindergarten, I hesitated.

My mother was my only child, she worked tirelessly under the scorching sun to raise me, scrimping and saving to put me through college.

I hadn't fulfilled my filial duty yet, and if something happened to her because of me, I couldn't bear it. Just like my wife was my last faith, I was my mother's last faith.


The elevator door opened.

What needed to be faced must be faced.

I'm a man, enduring such humiliation; I won't let this adulterous couple off!

At this moment, there was only one thought in my mind.

To ruthlessly strike the boning knife behind my back into that woman's body, then take out her heart to see if it's really black.

Why else would she be so heartless to me?

Anger had clouded my judgment, and I no longer cared about consequences.

Just as I reached the entrance of my home, I saw a familiar and elderly figure sitting next to the shoe cabinet, with two sacks beside her.

I immediately recognized her – it was my mother!

I shivered, rushed over, and called out loudly, "Mom!"

This cry was full of power.

"Alex, you're back?" My mother's voice sounded even older than the last time I heard her, lacking strength.

I quickly approached and helped her up from the cold floor.

I knew her back hurt, so I continued supporting her, and the boning knife behind me fell out again.

Seeing the knife, my mother asked me, "Alex, why are you carrying a knife? What are you doing?"

I hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's for cutting meat, Mom. Why are you sitting here? Why not go inside?"

"I just arrived and wanted to take a rest. I ended up falling asleep here," my mother chuckled, still speaking gently as always.

My mother didn't reveal the real reason; she was always so kind.

But I knew for sure that it was likely Emily, that despicable woman, who didn't open the door for my mother, or perhaps my son, annoyed by my mother's smell, drove her out.

Thinking about these things made me feel uneasy, and tears kept rolling in my eyes.

To prevent my mother from noticing, I turned my head to discreetly wipe away the tears. Then, supporting my mother with one hand, I picked up the two sacks from the ground with the other.

Inside were the cured meats my mother brought from the countryside, along with some homemade sausages and fresh eggs. All were laden with my mother's love.

Retrieving the keys from my pocket, I opened the door, and with a swift kick, I slammed the door open.

In the living room, no one was around, but faint cries emanated from my son's room.

The sound was soft, deliberately suppressed.

I placed the bags on the floor and guided my mother to sit on the sofa, telling her, "Mom, just sit here. Let me check inside."

My mother, not being foolish, realized that I was agitated and afraid I might do something reckless.

She grabbed my arm and advised, "Alex, don't be impulsive. Couples often quarrel, but it'll pass soon. 

In the depths of my heart, I whispered, "Mom, I can endure everything else, but infidelity is something I just can't tolerate!"

I entered my son's room and found him lying on the bed, tears streaming down his face.

Calling out, "Pang Pang," I walked towards him.

As he raised his head to look at me, I noticed a bright red handprint on his face.

With a heart full of pain, I hugged him, and he cried uncontrollably on my shoulder.

I consoled him, saying, "Pang Pang, don't cry. I'll go talk to your mom. You stay in the room, don't come out!"

With teary eyes, my son nodded. I gently put him down and walked out of his room, only to see my wife emerging from our master bedroom.

She seemed to have just finished a shower, dressed in a semi-transparent nightgown, her legs long and slender.

These legs, countless times draped over my shoulders, were now replaced by a stranger.

If it were any other day, seeing her like this would have led to us rushing to the bedroom together.

But now, I couldn't summon even a hint of excitement for her.

I shot her a cold glance, pushed her aside, and headed straight for the master bedroom.

"Why are you pushing me? What's wrong with you?" my wife complained from behind.

I paid no attention to her; my only focus was on exposing the adulterer.

In the master bedroom, the bed was meticulously made, showing no signs of an affair.

I quickly checked the wardrobe, under the bed, and even the air conditioner platform outside the window, finding nothing suspicious.

Could my wife have hidden him somewhere else?

I immediately rushed to the bathroom, then checked every corner of the living room and kitchen, but still, no sign of the adulterer.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing? Going crazy as soon as you come back. Do I owe you something?" my wife's resentful scolding reached my ears.

A woman only uses this tone and calls a man by his full name when she is utterly disdainful. If my mother wasn't still sitting on the sofa, I would have rushed at her with a knife.

My mother, kind-hearted, didn't want to witness our quarrel. She stood up and said to my wife, "Emily, last time you mentioned that the cured meat from my hometown was delicious. I brought some this time. Do you have garlic sprouts? I'll go buy them and cook for you."

"No," my wife replied in a cold tone.

My mother hesitated for a moment and quickly said, "I'll go downstairs to buy. You two stop quarreling. I'll make you a delicious meal tonight."

I wanted to stop my mother, but she had already left.

Turning to my wife with a cold expression, I questioned her, "Why didn't you open the door for my mother?"

She hesitated and said, "I didn't know she was here."

I sneered, "Emily, my mother didn't tell me that just now!"

My wife's brow furrowed instantly, and she muttered, "Why is this old lady like this? Even though Pang Pang finds her smelly, she actually complained."

Before she could finish, I rushed towards her, raised my hand, and slapped her hard across the face.

The long-suppressed anger erupted like a volcano.