
A Man and his Past

A young boy and his family recently came into Colorado. The boy is named Dawn, and he was 5 at the time. After arriving, he soon met his first friend, Aza. The two were inseparable, they would do everything together. In their teenage years, though, something happened. Something very horrible happened. It cost the life of Dawn’s family, and he blames his best friend for it. Dawn changed into a horrible being cause of it. In this story, it will show Dawn’s journey on how he will get his revenge, change the world, and become the man he always wanted to be.

BlackWolfAK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Should I open it?" Dawn asked himself as he traced the outline of the wax seal. "What if it's a trap? Like in those movies..father would always tell me that they're real.". "Open it." A voice told Dawn, there being no one when he looked around. The boy figured it was the voices in his head, which he only shook his head, ignoring them. "I'll open it when I want to.." Dawn grumbled to himself, before he ripped off the wax seal, a stench of the wax flowing against his nose. Dawn felt his nose immediately scrunch in disgust. "How can people like the smell of wax? It makes me think I'm getting burned into wax..".

The boy took the folded letter out of the envelope, opening unfolding it with a hum. There were only a few words saying, "meet me at John's office." There wasn't name, yet Flora knew it was a girl. Which Dawn wondered at that. A small logo shown on the corner of the letter, a mixture of gold, red, and green. It was the new vaccine that's been announced. There's been a rumor that the ranks red and greens are enemies, but no one knows why.The teenager tucked away the letter with a sigh. "It could be a scam..yet it might not be. Maybe father left something.." Dawn continued to wonder to himself, ignoring the voices that told him otherwise.


It's been a few days after reading the letter. Dawn was still skeptical about it. He was afraid. He knew he didn't have many friends. More enemies, really. So, it's more of a reason not to go. They might want revenge for something.

Dawn grumbled at the dinner table, swirling his spoon around in his cereal, it looking like a whirlpool sucking ships into it's throat, killing whoever was on it. "Are you going to go?" Asked Flora as she washed the dishes, the sound of pounding water slightly hurting his ears. He couldn't help but wonder if the faucet suddenly large, would they die cause of it? "I'm not sure. I wonder if it's a trap. A trap to kill." Dawn told Flora, his eyes flicking from her to the outside. It was pouring, the clouds being more cloudy than the funeral, the wind being hard enough to fly a few pieces of fence from other houses. The poor trees looks like they're about to rip out of the ground.

"You should. If you want, the bodyguards could come with." Flora offered, shutting off the water and taking off her apron. "Don't trust them.". "Ever since they died, you haven't trusted anyone. Why is that?". "I'll tell the creepy old man before I tell you." Dawn got up from his seat, pushing the chair into it's place. The amber of the wood slightly shining cause of the light above, it looking almost magical. Flora shook her head, her wet hair getting slightly stuck on her face. Strangely, it looked darker, even with the light behind her shining brightly. "Fine, then. But please go. If they are after the family, I'd prefer not to make this house more haunted," said Flora, pulling her dark hair into a bun. "I will..maybe," said Dawn as he walked to his room, the echoing of footsteps reminding him on how empty the house is. It was like a horror movie, only two people in the house, where people were killed. The thought alone would make any child shiver. To Dawn? It didn't bother him. Him wondering if his parents are still here, yet might not be in the best mood, still comforts him. Though sometimes they can be..dark.