
Chapter 8 Tang Huai Intentionally Disgusted Them

Translator: 549690339

Tang Huai looked at their smug faces and felt a strong urge to hit them, her fingers clutching the vegetable tray curling slightly.

Eventually, she forcefully suppressed the anger inside her, knowing that Peng Jiayao and Yang Hongxing were very peculiar people.

They'd finished the pig's trotters, and even if she made a scene here, they wouldn't spit them out. Instead, it would give them an opportunity to point fingers and curse at her.

Tang Huai walked in, took back her pot, poured the remaining pig's trotters from the vegetable tray into it, and placed the tray back on the table.

Seeing there wasn't a piece of meat left on the plate, Peng Jiayao wanted to curse someone out. Just then, Tang Huai shook her head, sighed, and muttered to herself in seeming regret, "The pharmacist said that stewing pig's trotters in the urine of a woman who's just given birth can produce a lot of milk. I was thinking this pot of pig's trotters was made with mom's urine, and eating it would surely produce milk, then there would be no need to mix formula for my sister tonight. Alas, I hadn't expected..."

By the time she finished saying this, Tang Huai had already walked out of Peng Jiayao's room, and no one saw the sly smile on her lips, but they all heard her words.

These pig's trotters were cooked with Liu Xiaoyu's urine?!

"You wretched girl, bluargh..." Peng Jiayao suddenly burst with anger, pointing and cursing at Tang Huai, but before he could finish, he felt a surge of nausea and vomited.

Seeing Peng Jiayao vomiting, Yang Hongxing and Tang Ying followed suit and threw up as well.

Tang Peijun and Tang Youming furrowed their brows, the constant sound of retching in their ears, and suddenly feeling oppressed in their chests, vomited as well.

What they had eaten was pig's trotters stewed in Liu Xiaoyu's urine!

They looked down on Liu Xiaoyu, yet they ate her urine, which was disgusting!

Standing outside Peng Jiayao's room, Tang Huai heard the continuous sounds of retching inside and couldn't help but smile coldly.

She wanted to disgust them, make them vomit what they had eaten.

If she argued with Peng Jiayao, claiming the pig's trotters were cooked in Liu Xiaoyu's urine, Peng Jiayao would definitely think she was deliberately trying to disgust them.

So she used a tone of regret in her mutterings to herself, to make them believe the pig's trotters really were cooked in Liu Xiaoyu's urine.

Indeed, they were truly disgusted, each of them vomiting.

When Tang Huai returned home, Tang Li had already woken up.

She happily circled around Tang Huai, "Big sis, can we eat the pig's trotters now? I'm so hungry."

Tang Huai patted Tang Li's head, "Tang Li can only have one piece."

"Why? Don't we have a big pot of it?"

"It was all eaten by grandma and Aunt Tang from the third uncle's family."

Upon hearing this, Tang Li felt like crying; her pig's trotters were gone...

Tang Huai comforted Tang Li, "Be brave, Tang Li. No matter what happens, stay calm. Someday when we have money, I'll buy some for you to eat."

Tang Li nodded, "Mhm..."

But she still felt very disheartened...

Tang Huai went inside.

Liu Xiaoyu, who was inside cradling her daughter and nursing, had already heard what she and Tang Li had just talked about.

Hearing this, she also felt heartbroken. A whole pot of pig's trotters had been eaten by Yang Hongxing's family.

"Is there enough milk?" Tang Huai approached and asked softly.

Liu Xiaoyu frowned, "Not enough."

Looking at Tang Huai, she said with a worried face, "They've bullied us again."

"Let them be smug for now, mom. Our good days are definitely coming!" Tang Huai affirmed, looking into Liu Xiaoyu's eyes.

In her past life, she had survived such hardships, and now that she was reliving her life, she felt like someone with foresight, confident she wouldn't take the wrong path.

Liu Xiaoyu thought Tang Huai was just trying to comfort her and sighed, "Your dad is gone, and I should be the one holding up this family. But now, the burden has fallen on you. I really feel useless... If only you were a boy. It would have been so much better. You wouldn't be bullied like this; your grandma wouldn't oppress our family this way."

"Mom, being a boy doesn't necessarily mean being able to bear the weight of the family. Don't overthink it. Anyway, our days will get better and better."

"They went too far, eating all our pig's trotters."

"They're not having a good time now," Tang Huai said coldly.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xiaoyu looked at Tang Huai nervously, "Did you hurt someone?"

Tang Huai tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Mom, am I that violent? I was just disgusted by how happy they looked eating."


"I just said that the pig feet were cooked in your urine, and after hearing that, they all threw up."

"Tang Huai, you…" Liu Xiaoyu didn't know what to say to Tang Huai, but she felt he did the right thing.

Tang Huai smiled at Liu Xiaoyu, "I mentioned that cooking peanuts and pig feet in the urine of a woman who has just given birth increases milk supply. Mom, one day I'll buy pig feet and cook them with your urine."

"Would you dare to eat that?"

With a mischievous smile, Tang Huai winked at Liu Xiaoyu, "It tastes uniquely delicious, I guarantee you'll want more after trying it."

Liu Xiaoyu immediately understood Tang Huai's meaning, "Alright, as long as it increases milk supply, anything is fine to cook with."

Tang Huai gave the remaining pig feet to Liu Xiaoyu to eat, and she stir-fried a dish of sweet potato leaves, eating two bowls of plain porridge with Tang Li.

Tang Li couldn't eat pig trotters and was feeling downcast.

Tang Huai said with a smile, "Sister will make you pumpkin cakes this afternoon."

There were two big pumpkins at home, not of a good variety, the taste wasn't great, which is why Peng Jiayao didn't take them.

Tang Li's eyes lit up at Tang Huai, "Pumpkin cakes? Sister, what are pumpkin cakes?"

Tang Huai laughed, "A cake made from pumpkin."

"Can you make it? Is it delicious?"

"I can make it, and it's very delicious," Tang Huai laughed.

In her past life, in an effort to become a worthy wife for Jing Peng, she learned how to make tea, cakes, and cook after getting married.

Unfortunately, before Jing Peng could eat a meal she made, he killed her.

Thinking of this, her hand holding the chopsticks curled slightly, and her heart tightened. In this life, she would never fall for a man from the Jing Family!

After the meal, Tang Huai started making pumpkin cakes.

The method for making pumpkin cakes was straightforward. Tang Huai had often made them in her previous life and now did so with practiced ease.

Tang Li was very happy, bustling about but unable to help with anything.

Once the pumpkin cakes were made and fried, they smelled delicious.

Tang Li, who had a sweet tooth, ate the first piece as soon as it was ready.

"Sister, it's so tasty!" Tang Li laughed, her smile so wide her eyes disappeared.

Seeing Tang Li's happy smile, Tang Huai was moved and silently vowed to ensure a good life for her mom and sister in the future!

After frying them, Tang Huai brought two pieces to Liu Xiaoyu.

Seeing the well-made and tasty pumpkin cakes, Liu Xiaoyu asked in surprise, "Tang Huai, who taught you this?"

Tang Huai replied with a smile, "The shop clerk taught me when I bought flour. Mom, try it."

"I'm still in confinement, can I eat it?"

"Yes, you can."

Liu Xiaoyu took a bite, it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with the sweet fragrance of pumpkin, very delicious.

Liu Xiaoyu's eyes sparkled, "I didn't expect the pumpkins fed to pigs could be turned into such delicious cakes."

Tang Huai watched Liu Xiaoyu with a smile, "There's more, Mom. Have a couple more pieces."

Liu Xiaoyu became cunning, "If we can't finish it, we'll hide it away so your third aunt doesn't steal it. Tang Li is hungry."

"Mhm." Tang Huai nodded, "Another day I'll buy a lock and lock up the kitchen."