
Chapter 7 The Whole Family Sneaks a Bite

Translator: 549690339

Yang Hongxing was really angry. She loved Tang Ying even more than she loved her only precious son, Tang Zhixuan.

Tang Ying was beautiful, tall, and well-developed, one of the most beautiful girls in the village.

To make her even more beautiful, Yang Hongxing, no matter how tired or hard it was, never let her work in the fields.

Would she still be beautiful if she got tanned and her hands became rough?

In the eyes of the villagers, Tang Ying was a well-behaved, sensible, refined, and polite girl who, although she didn't work in the fields, kept the house inside and out very clean, and she also had good grades in school.

What made her more likeable was that she really was beautiful, with an oval face, almond eyes, and even her eyelashes were curled. Her skin wasn't as dark as the other girls' but was very white and tender.

Yang Hongxing had always kept an eye on the village chief's three sons. She liked Jing Xuan very much and constantly thought that once Tang Ying graduated from high school, she would marry her off to Jing Xuan.

Jing Xuan was very handsome, with a cold personality, and he never flirted around.

Yang Hongxing also thought that even if Jing Xuan didn't like Tang Ying, it didn't matter because there was Jing Hua, who was also a coach like Jing Xuan. If Jing Hua didn't fancy her, there was also Jing Peng, who was in high school.

Any one of the village chief's three remarkable sons would allow her to be prestigious in the village.

Now, the foolish Tang Ying had actually confessed to stealing money in front of Jing Xuan, which caused Yang Hongxing's liver and lungs to ache with anger.

What if Jing Xuan went home and told his mother and grandmother about Tang Ying stealing money? How could they deal with that?

The Jing Family's old lady was the most formidable and very picky, yet her husband was outstanding, and her sons and grandsons were very filial to her.

Upon hearing that the Jing Family didn't like girls who were not clean-handed, Tang Ying panicked. She looked at Yang Hongxing through tearful eyes, "Mama, what should we do? I really like Brother Jing Peng, and if he finds out I stole money, he definitely won't like me."

Yang Hongxing glared fiercely at Tang Ying, "If you steal money again, I'll chop off your hands!"

After scolding her, Yang Hongxing digested Tang Ying's words. The girl liked Jing Peng?

Tang Ying cried, "I won't dare anymore, Mama. It was just a moment of madness that made me steal your money. My desk-mate took me out to eat for my birthday and even gave me a skirt, and today is her birthday, I... I was just returning the favor..."

"What return favor!" Yang Hongxing would never let anyone take advantage of her. She scolded Tang Ying fiercely, "If your classmate gives you something, just take it. You returning a gift, are you stupid?"

Tang Ying's tears fell in big drops, and Yang Hongxing felt a bit of heartache.

"Fifty yuan, you might as well cut off my flesh and give it to your classmate!"

The classmate wanted your flesh for what?

Yang Hongxing took a deep breath, painfully saying, "The money is already spent, from now on you must insist in front of the villagers that you have not stolen my money. If they ask where you got the money to treat your classmate, just say you found it."

Tang Ying looked at Yang Hongxing with tearful eyes, "But will Brother Jing Xuan and Jing Min believe it?"

"As long as you insist that you didn't steal the money, they'll believe it. Do you really want to be seen by them as a thief?" Yang Hongxing's fury surged again, and she pointed at Tang Ying's nose and scolded, "If you hadn't been so stupid to admit to stealing money, the one being laughed at right now would be Tang Huai!"

Upon hearing that, Tang Ying sobbed, "It's all Tang Huai's fault..."

Yang Hongxing also felt that Tang Ying's humiliation in front of Jing Xuan was Tang Huai's fault.

If it weren't for that wretch setting a trap, would her Tang Ying have jumped into it?

Yang Hongxing's eyes seethed with anger, "One of these days, I'm going to severely punish that little wretch who is born without the care of a father!"


Peng Jiayao sneaked into Liu Xiaoyu's kitchen.

Liu Xiaoyu was resting in the room, holding her little girl and lying on the bed.

Tang Li was sitting at the door, asleep against the doorframe.

She took the pot of pig's trotters back to the kitchen without anyone noticing.

After quarreling with Tang Huai, she didn't go home at all; she squatted not far away, keeping an eye on Tang Huai.

Seeing Tang Huai carrying the pig slop to feed the pigs, she laughed.

Feeling that the pig's trotters had stewed long enough, she went over and brought the pot of trotters back.

Back at home, Yang Hongxing had finished scolding Tang Ying.

Yang Hongxing came out of the house and saw Peng Jiayao carrying a pot of pig's trotters back, he was momentarily stunned, "Mom, what is this...?"

Peng Jiayao put on the air of a domineering mother-in-law, her harsh face glaring at Yang Hongxing, "What are you standing around for? Hurry up and get some bowls and chopsticks to eat, if you wait for that useless Tang Huai to come back, there'll be nothing left to eat!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Hongxing knew what was going on, the pot of meat was stolen!

Yang Hongxing quickly went to get bowls and called her own husband, her younger daughter Tang Fei, and her precious son Tang Zhixuan, along with Tang Peijun to come and eat.

The whole family, like starving ghosts, gathered around the dining table and started slurping away noisily.

Tang Huai first blanched the pig's trotters with boiling water, soaked them in cold water for a few minutes, then added slices of ginger, wine, dried orange peel, green onions, soy sauce, and other ingredients to stew.

The heat was controlled perfectly, the peanuts were thoroughly cooked, the pig's trotters were soft, the texture was quite bad, and the flavor was unlike anything Yang Hongxing and Peng Jiayao had ever tasted before.

As Peng Jiayao ate, she cursed, "I would've never thought that the wretch's pig's trotters could taste so good."

As she cursed, she didn't forget to keep serving the meat to Tang Peijun and Tang Zhixuan.

Peng Jiayao was very harsh but loved her grandson, Tang Zhixuan, deeply.

Before Tang Zhixuan was born, she suffered from a serious illness, and after seeing many doctors, she found no relief.

Then Tang Zhixuan was born, and mysteriously, her illness got better.

One day while holding Tang Zhixuan and playing at the village head's house, a fortune-teller passed by, and she asked him to read her fortune. He said that her blessings came from her grandson.

Afterwards, reflecting on it, she felt that Mr. Fortune-teller was very accurate; if it hadn't been for her grandson Tang Zhixuan bringing her good fortune, she would have died from the illness long ago.

Ever since her recovery, up until now, she has hardly suffered from colds or fevers. She attributed all these merits to Tang Zhixuan, who became the essence of her life.


When Tang Huai got home, the first thing he did was to check on the pot of pig's trotters in the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen and not seeing the pot, his complexion changed drastically!

He then turned and rushed towards Yang Hongxing's home!

As Tang Huai burst in, Peng Jiayao's family was enjoying their meal immensely.

Tang Huai grabbed the plate of remaining pig's trotters into his arms, and they all had no idea what had happened.

How had the plate of meat on the table suddenly disappeared?

"Tang Huai, have you gone mad?!" Peng Jiayao was the first to react. She glared at Tang Huai and shouted, "I haven't had my fill yet!"

Tang Huai's gaze was fiery, he stared deathly at the bones on the table, trembling with anger.

Everything had been eaten!

Only a few bones and some soup were left in the plate!

They all had greasy mouths and hands from the meal, while the grandmother and sister were still hungry.

Tang Huai's eyes reddened with anger. His gaze at Peng Jiayao was as if he wanted to devour her.

As for Yang Hongxing and the rest, seeing the pig's trotters taken away by Tang Huai and unable to eat them, they looked at Tang Huai with hatred, showing absolutely no remorse for being caught stealing.

"Grandma, I want more pig's trotters," said Tang Zhixuan, who was in growing period and had a particularly good appetite, his large amount of food intake made him fixate on the plate in Tang Huai's arms.

Peng Jiayao loved Tang Zhixuan as if he were her lifeline. Hearing that he still wanted to eat, she yelled at Tang Huai, "You wretched girl, hurry up and bring it here, Zhixuan wants to eat!"